~♔~CYCLONE~♔~ Michael Jung/Jung Jae Min [1] (COMPLETE)

Application Form ♥

~ Contact Information ~

AFF Username : BritBooWuvSHINee

AFF Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/32070

E-Mail : [email protected]

~ Character Information ~

Birth Name : Michael Jung

Korean Name : Jung Jae Min

Age : 15

Birthdate : April 1, 1996

Hometown : San Franciso, California

Ethnicity : Korean~American

Languages Spoken : Fluent:; Korean, English

                            Conversational:; Thai

                            Basics (Self Taught):; French

Height : 153 cm

Weight : 53 kg

Blood Type : B

~ About Your Character ~

Personality : To summarize Michael's personality in one word, it would be 'Bright'. You will always see him with this good aura around him, always trying to make sure everyone around him is in a good mood. Most of the time he is very curious about the world around him, almost imitating a child seeing something that they've never seen before! This curiousity does get the better of him though, easily putting himself out their as easily manipulated, almost naive. He's actually compared to a kitten alot, being playfully curious about everything surrounding them, but also cuddly when they want to be.

Everyone has a breaking point, yet Michael has yet to realize that point. He is usually never violent or hurtful, so he's very easy to step on. He will, however, get defensive if you even THINK about touching any one of his sisters. Michael loves them to death and would do anything to make sure that they're safe.

Likes : 1) CATS 8D!!!

          2) Parties

          3) Sweets 

          4) Skinny Jeans

          5) Video Games

          6) Playgrounds

          7) Coloring Books

Dislikes : 1) Dogs (By dogs, that only means when they get older and lose their cuteness)

             2) Huge spiders

             3) People hitting him

             4) Things that smell bad (Foods, people, animals, etc)

             5) Annoyingly loud key rings

             6) Broken headphones

             7) Abusive pet owners

             8) Gossip

Hobbies : 1) Listening to music, mainly because it always puts him in a good mood. His favorite type of music is mostly Pop and Techno. 

              2) Jogging, it makes his body feel refreshed when he jogs in the morning

              3) Volunteering at the local animal shelter in his free time. He loves helping the animals find new homes.

              4) Texting, he's a teenager! Of course texting would be one of his hobbies!

              5) Hanging out with his sisters. The three of them are really close, and they always need their family time together.

Habits : 1) Whenever he's tired, he curls himself up into a ball

            2) Chews on random items when he's bored (Pen Caps, Spoons, Pillows, etc)

            3) Blinks alot when he's really confused about something

            4) He randomely sings whenever something is on his mind

            5) Poking at his hyung/noona's back if he wants something

            6) Eating randomely in the night for no reason.

Trivia : 1) His family gave him the nickname 'Kitty'

          2) He usually changes outfits about 3 times before finally deciding on what he wants to wear.

          3) He's allergic to roses.

          4) Had a HUGE crush on Sunny when he was 11, but grew out of it after Jessica told Sunny about it.

          5) Ever since he was 9, he's kept a purple golfball with im at all times for good luck.

          6) He needs glasses, and the pair he's seen wearing are fake.

          7) He knows the coreography to almost all of F(x) and SNSD's singles (You could say he's almost a 'fan boy' of some sorts)

Talents : 1) Michael can play the Violin, Cello, and Piano

             2) He can run really fast (He runs every morning before he goes to practice)

             3) Can fluently speak 2 languages (Korean, English), can conversationally speak Thai, knows a few of the basics in French, and he would like to eventually learn Spanish next.

Appearance : 1) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luu1xc243m1r0qc8ao1_500.jpg

                           2) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luo3gpIS4t1r2uefco1_500.jpg

                           3) http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luml5bOLwi1qfu6dwo1_500.jpg

                           4) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luj5r5gU3N1qlf4yao1_250.jpg

                           5) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lugfomvRi01r3k31bo1_500.png

Ulzzang / Model Used : Song Chan Ho

Style : 1) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luu1p6kiOF1r0qc8ao1_400.jpg

          2) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lult7kvfZY1qa5dcno1_500.jpg

          3) http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luhaonD20B1r0oqypo1_500.jpg

          4) http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu9brfes7q1r2uefco1_500.jpg

          5) http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu48rp3FTf1r5enbso1_r1_500.png

          6) http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsxvdl9NCs1r0oqypo1_500.jpg

          7) http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lskheaGctc1qfe1odo1_500.png

          8) http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsk8bajK0s1r2uefco1_500.jpg

          9) http://www.tumblr.com/photo/1280/10182482698/1/tumblr_lrhka2e3Xk1r2uefc

         10) http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrcl64OXV61qbfy5zo1_500.jpg

~ Family Information ~

Family Background / History :  After 2 years since Krystal Jung's birth, Emma and Jaxon Jung realized that they were giving birth to their first boy! The news sent the Jung family into a flurry of happiness, a new addition would soon be brought into the world! Finally, on April 1st 1996, Michael Jung was born in San Franciso, California. During a family trip to Korea, not only Krystal Jung was spotted by SM, but Michael was also offered a deal as well. The Jung parents turned down both offers, allowing Jessica to start her career that would soon evolve into her becoming into a Kpop Idol.

Realizing that their older sister had talent, the young ones of the Jung clan immediately got to work at trying to find out what exactly were their talents. Thankfully for them, Emma's voice carried down to all of her children, so she began giving Krystal and Michael singing lessons a few times a week. It seemed to eventually pay off for Krystal, as she got into SM and recieved her spot in their newest group, F(x). Michael would usually tag along with either of his sisters whenever they would go on music programs, waiting backstage and usually interacting with idol groups.

Michael finally joined SM with his older sisters, becoming a trainee while also starting his career by making guest appearences in Music Videos, K-Dramas, and managing to land a few modeling gigs.


Family Members : Father:; Jaxon Jung - 45 - Politician

                         Mother:; Emma Jung - 42 -Former opera singer

                         Sisters:; Jessica and Krystal Jung - 22 and 17 - Part of SM groups SNSD and F(x) respectively.

~ Stage Information ~

Stage Name : Michael

Persona : Aegyo Prince

Position : 1) Main Vocals

              2) Lead Vocals

              3) Sub Rapper

Length of Trainee Years : 3 Years

Trainee Experience : 1) Groove9 (Model)

                              2) Boys over Flowers (K-Drama Extra)

                              3) S.E.O.U.L Song (SNSD + Super Junior song, Extra)

                              4) Juliette [Japanese Version] (SHINee, Background Dancer)

                              5) Reebok (Model)

                              6) Maypole (Model)

                              7) Hot Summer (F(x), Background Dancer)

                              8) Calvin Klein Jeans (Model)

                              9) High Kick 3 (K-drama Extra)

Trainee Story : Seeing Jessica and Krystal move on with their careers, Michael wanted to also get into the business as well. Asking their mother for help, he immediately began to work his off at perfecting his vocal skills. Every now and then Jessica and Krystal would give him a few 'proffessional' vocal lessons. Finally, an audition opened up and Michael was swiftly accepted as a trainee into SM. Unfortunately for SM, they never brought up the fact about Michael's dancing skills. During the first training session, he ended up failing epicly and he knocked over 2 other trainees that were in his way.

                     After a short while, he finally ended up getting the hang of it, and surprisingly was doing pretty ok. Being one of the Jung triplets, he did get a few perks that other trainees wish they could have. He actually managed to get the role of an extra in the S.E.O.U.L song music video, happily getting a place as an extra because of Jessica. From their, he recieved a few small modeling jobs and K-Drama roles as an extra. His most recent appearences would be as a background dancer in the Japanese version of Juliette, and his appearence as a background dancer for Hot Summer. He landed the spot with help from Krystal!

~ Relationship Information ~

Love Interest : 1) ChoColat - Tia

                     2) 5Dolls - Eunkyo

                     3) A-pink - Hayoung

Who Do You Want to End Up With : ChoColat - Tia

2nd Choice : 5Dolls - Eunkyo

Have You Met and How?: Tia-:; During SNSD's comeback stage for 'The Boys' on Music Bank, Michael went over to cheer on his older sister. While backstage, he bumped into Tia, who was performing that night with ChoColat. The two started talking and they slowly became closer and closer over that one night. They eventually ended up sharing numbers and they talk to each other every single day!

                                   Eunkyo-:; N/A

                                   Hayoung-:; N/A

Relationship Status : Single

Best Friends : 1) Jessica (SNSD)

                    2) Krystal (F(x))

                    3) Key (SHINee)

Friends : 1) Minah (Girls' Day)

             2) Jonghyun (SHINee)

             3) Zinger (SECRET)

             4) Ricky (Teen Top)

             5) Jia (Miss A)

Rivals : 1) Minwoo (Boyfriend)

anything else: hope I do get picked, and if not i'll still read the story, WRITERS FIGHTING 8D



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