antis are sooo retarded

so i always hated antis and bashing but latly there has been a LOT of bashing on some of the best groups in kpop! most of the time i just over look it but i read a blog burning91rose posted and i just got so damn pissed. i personaly think that all the groups are good and work hard to give their fans the music that the love and want. these antis just loooove bringing a person down. so what if u dont like a certain band or whatever, posting crap up publicly about them is just plan dirty like rolling in the mud with pigs, dirty. all that hating brings the artist down and hurt them. antis need to think about what they say before saying it. i mean for goodness sakes they are huan too. the antis should feel some guilt after the post all that crap...right? oh who am i kiding antis just do all that for fun the want ppl to "KNOW" them. but really they should do something productive to be known. at least the band they don't like went out and did somthing with their lives and actually become famous. antis just sit on there and do nothing!!!!

             i was looking at some things on youtube and came upon a whole bunch of anti vids that really pissed me off. check this out!

there are others but if u want u can find them on youtube. IIII hate antis they HAVE NO FREAKIN LIFE AND JUST GLUE THERE ASSES TO THEIR CHAIR AND BASH OTHER PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really who agrees with me i think everybody does... other then the anties


                                                                                                      with lots of luvs,

                                                                                                             kpopgirl4eva! <3


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i totally agree when i saw they were using shinee i was pissed i was like umm do u know shinee they cant even hurt a fly the worst they can do is kill you with there cuteness!!!! and about the photoshop they shouldnt post whats not true look up the facts duh those idiots! but yea im a shawol tooo!
wow they have so much time that they can dedicate to making a whole movie of hate. :I
and did they really HAVE to use SHINee? I mean, seroiusly. It hurts us Shawols too that they use SHINee for such a horrible act >;l they need to stop bashing people and @the last video; Theres some lovely photoshopping.. englarging eyes and whatnot.