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About All of the Confusion of Today on Random Errors on the Site

by Nichiren   
Posted on Sep 9, 2013 06:22:50 | Report Content

Short story: It's all my fault.

Long story: So the site has been going down a few times over the past few months. Nothing major but just a few minutes here and a few minutes there. It turned out that a lot of the pages were loading too slowly which means that for example, one page can take a while for someone to load so everyone else's page views get backed up waiting for that person's page to finish loading. It's a simplified explanation of course but you get the idea.

Anyway, so something needed to be done because it was only going to get worse over time. There were many changes made over the past few days to make your pages load faster but some bugs were introduced like the stories being out of order or your story comments not showing up properly.

I think I have them mostly fixed for now. I'm still working on the page load problem (only halfway done) but I think everything should be back the way before. If you're still finding any out of order issues or something weird, just let me know.

I also feel bad. Some of you wrote these really impassioned arguments about why I should change things back and whatnot that tried to convince with pleadings and logic but it's all just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry!







Thank you dream_keeper88! I appreciate.

Let's wait everybody for AFF.



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