Help Meh Write Fluff

So, I'm not sure how many people know, but I tend to have trouble writing fluff. I've been told before that my 'fluff' is more mature and realistic, but when I read it through, it just doesn't seem right. I don't know, maybe it's because I've never really done any 'fluffy' stuff in real life, and I find it really awkward to write it but either way, I need help. How do you write fluff?


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AptonKey #1
Fluff is not meant to show the harsh reality of a situation. Mean thoughts go away and you write from a children's POV. One way to get into the cute mood is to watch your bias act cute. It always works.
So it may become difficult if you aren't a Drabble crack writer or a fluff writer but I have tips.
• Talk/RP as a child.
•look at cute animal pictures
•don't think of a storyline. (This always makes reality creep up)
•pick cute characters (if they aren't cute enough make them kids)
•make sure you have an editer. (I will help)
•write a fluff Drabble as a reply.
OMG you...Can read fluff and then it will be easier I think XD
But I like how you write o_o I think your fluff is cute XD
LOL I can't help you here.
i just do it