♕ New Generation ♕ | Jung Soo Ra | Soora | The Mature Maknae

The New Generation




[Jung Soora]





♛ Get to know ME.

                                        » Name:  Jung Soo Ra
                                        » Nickname(s):  Baby Goguma (because her mother loves goguma)
                                                               Soo (her parents call her) 

                                       » Age: 16
                                       » D.O.B: 25 December 2014
                                       » Birthtown: Busan, South Korea
                                       » Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

                                       » Ethnicity: Full-Korean
                                       » Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (advanced), English (asic)

                                       » Idol Name + Gallery Pictures: Bae Jae Hui (Gallery)


This is what I Am.

» Personality:  Soora is a eaygoing and bright girl who loves to jokes around and talkative. She is a really chatterbox which her parents feel really weird as being tlkative is ot in their traits at all. She can talk about anything and everthing and if she doesn't have someone to talk with, she'll turn to talk to something else and she even talk to herself. She will always be the one to iniate the coversation with everyone and makes the other people comfortable and feel like they've known each other for years although it was the first time they met. She is an optimistic girl who sees every failure as an opportunity to succeed in the future. She is also a kind girl, who treats other people on how she want to be treated. She is really polite as what her parents thought her and she also respected everyone because she believes that is the only way to earn respect from everyone. She never refused to help anyone and she is always be the one to care about her friends and she loves to help them with their house works.

Soora is also a very hardworking and courageous girl. She is willing to take every opportunity and risk and challenge everything in her life confidently. She leads her life confidently without looking back to the past and strive hard for the future. She is a really hardworking and determined girl who works hard to make sure she will succeed in her life as well as making her family proud of her. She is also the one who is really strict with her principal. She hates waiting for people and she has her own rules which sometimes her parents, her brother and even her friends need to follow them. The people around her have already understand and being accustomed with her earful nagging.

On first impression, she can be seen as an overconfident girl who believes she can do anything. She is really blunt and straightforward when making comments because she thinks that people need to be truthful so they can improve themselves. 

She is also possessive and ignorant, she didn't really care about her surrounding except for the people she cares of. She might be smiling on the outside, but she is actually ranting about her thought inside her mind. She is really possessive of the things she loves and nobody can ever touch her most important thing, i.e a guitar which is her 10th birthday present. She is a devil who loves pranking her members with doing things they dislikes and repeating the same comments that they didn't like to hear over and over again until they become annoyed. Because that's how she jokes around and enjoys being around them. 

» Background: Soora was born on the Christmas day in Busan where her parents and brother were getting ready to celebrate their Christmas with her father's parents. The family then moved to Japan for ten years before coming back to Korea and her mother decided to retired. Growing up in a music backgroud family, she was send to learn numerous instruments but like people always says, talent can be inherited. So, she is known as the genius pianist as she can play the mozart piece when she is 5 years old. She also mastered how to play guitar and electric guitar since she is 8 years old. She is known as a music prodigy since she's small as her father is a well-known composer.

However, she is not as smart as her brother. She really needs to work hard to make sure she succeed especially in studies. Although her mom is known as one of the top students in her study years, she is considered a slow-learner who dislikes studying. The only things she can learn well is making usic and learning Japanese and other languages, so her parents decided to enroll her in the Seoul Performing Arts School where she can develop her talent.

She was then scouted by the MT Entertainment who saw her talent and a bright future ahead of her as soon as she starts her middle school. She starts being one of the trainees after she passed a few steps of auditions. She debuted as a child actress in a few stories before debuted as idols in the new generation.


I love/hate this.

 » Likes:
Flowers; especially tulips

Chocolate ; She will never forget to buy a packet of chocolate everytime she goes to the mart. Chocolate is her stress reliever.
Lavender ; She loves the scent.
Teddies ; Accompany her to sleep
Shoes ; She has a cupboard full of her favorite shoes collection.
Cats ; She has a Chinese-Siamese cat named Sagwa.
Bicycle ; She loves to move around by bicycle because it's easy to park and it's some kind of exercise.
Goguma ; Her favorite food ever since she's small

» Dislike:  
Seatbelts ; Her mother always nagged about the importance of seatbelts making her feel that it shouldn't be created because it restricted her movement.
Hamburger ; Her mother told her that eating hamburger would actually reduce the amount of years she'll live in the future.
Carbonated drinks ; She just hate the taste.
Smokes ; Smokes is unhealthy for everyone.
Zombies ; They are just ugky creatures that shouldn't be invented in the first place.
Rats ; She is just afraid of that cute little reatures.
Piercing ; She dislike making a hole on her body that her parents take good care of since she's small.

 » Hobbies: 
Reading ; Writing reviews is amust although she usually skipped it without her mother's knowing.
Drawing ; Drawing portarits of people is one of her talents
Watching cartoon ; Her stress reliever, but oh well, she's still a child. So what is wrong with watching cartoon? Kekeke ^^
Composing songs ; A way of telling the world about her real feelings.
Baking ; She loves cupcakes.
» Habbits: 
Twirls her hair when thinking.
Slap on something when laughing.
Pouting when focusing.
Grinding her teeth while sleeping.
Playing with her fingers when nervous.
Pull her own hair when angry.
Singing loudly while doing house chores.

  » Trivia:
She appears as a model along with her parents on a few advertisement.
She is ambidextrous, but she uses her left hand more. 
She debuted as a child actress in both her parents drama.
She is called a genius pianist for her great talent in playing piano.
She hates loud places and only go to the theme park once when she is 4 years old, she never go there after that.
She has a personal maid who take care of her since she's baby and she usually come to see Soora almost everyday and help her with preparing food.
She loves her phone and only change her phone twice.
She choose headphone over earphone because it's hurts her ears.
She has her own choice of shoes and she usually brings her own shoes anywhere.
She never wear the same shoes twice.


♛ I'm thankful to THEM.



 » Father | Jung Yonghwa | 41 | Idol - CNBlue | 10 | Calm, caring and supportive
» Mother | Seo Joohyun | 39 | Idol - SNSD | 9 | Strict, serious and wise.
» Siblings - Younger Brother | Jung Youg Jin | 13 | Student | 9 | Mischievous, witty and energetic


 » Jeong Minjung | 16 | Student - Model | 9 | Shy, quiet and optimistic | They went to the same school since middle school. | They are like twins and share most of their secret with each other.


» Kang Ji Hye | 17 | Student | 7 | Sociable and loud | Same high school | They hang out with each other when there is free times.
» Lee Gyu Jin | 17 | Student | 7 | Witty and blunt | Same high school | They hang out with each other when there is free times.
» Choi Gyuri | 18 | Student | 6 | Kind and gentle | Their parents are best friends | They hang out with each other and usually went to each other's houses.


♛ Hey Baby, I think I wanna Marry YOU !!





 » Name: Jeong Minhyuk
» Age: 17
 » Occupation:  Actor and soloist
» Status: Friend
» Personality: Minhyuk is a caring and helpful guy. He loves to help other people and he treats people as how he wanted to be treated. He is known as one of the rising star because of his talents but he is really down to-earth and he enjoys talking with everyone. He cares for everyone around him and he is known as a polite guy who know how to respect people although he is a young and talented rising star. However, he is also quite hot tempered and protective. He sometimes end up a small bickering with a verbal fight but he rarely involve in any argument. He is also protective to her younger sister and follows her everywhere making her sister annoyed.
» How you met each other: It was the first day to enter the middle school and she saw a girl (Minjung) was yelling at a guy (Minhyuk). She then asked them what is wrong and she quickly become friend with Minjung and her over-protective brother.

» How you act around each other: Minhyuk usually follow Soora and Minjung around like a bodyguard when they went out in the town. Soora will usually end up chatting with Minhyuk as Minjung is such a quiet girl who always choose to listen to her brother and best friend conversation. Minhyuk is also a really caring and sweet guy towards Soora. He usually be the one who send her to her doorstep everytime they went out with each other before going back with her sister. When Soora comes to their house, Minhyuk will also send her home although their house is only two doors apart. On the other hand, as Soora loves baking, Minhyuk will always be the one to taste it after her maid as Minjung doesn't like sweet things.

» Who started to like who first: Minhyuk. Everyone can sense that Minhyuk like her, but Soora doesn't want to admit it although she realizes it too.





 » Name:  Lee Young Jin
» Age: 17
 » Occupation: Actor
» Status: Friends
» Personality: Same as above
» How you met each other: Same as above

» How you act around each other: Same as above.

» Who started to like who first: Same as above.



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[The Mature Maknae]


» Stage name: Soora
» Persona: The Mature Maknae
» Position: Lead Vocalist
» Personal Fanclub name: Soojung (Krystal) 
» Best friend in New Generation: The Dancing Queen

» Trainee Years: 3 years
» How did you get into MT: She was scouted in a his father's music performance.
» Trainee life: Her trainee life is hard but fun. As one of the SNSD'd daughter, people have high expectation upon her and she has a high benchmark that she need to pass. For that, she needs to work real hard to show the world that she can be an idol because of her hard work, not just because of her parents was the leaders of Hallyu wave. 


♛ It's Interview time BABY.


 » How is being the daughter of one of the SNSD's members? Well, I feel proud of course as the whole world know who am I as the first daughter of SNSD maknae.

 » What do your parents said about your dream of being an idol like them? They supported my dream as I have been trained in the entertainment world since small.

 » Do you think you are like your mom when she is younger, or you are very different? We have the same likes and dislikes, but our personality are very far apart. Maybe I follow most of my father's personalities.

 » There's anything you want to say to your mom? Eomma, I will make sure to follow your step and be a daughter that you can be proud of. 

» There's an extra responsability in your shoulders because of the fact that you are daughter of a worldwilde known woman? Yes. I should be responsible to take care of my family's name because people are not just know me as myself, but also as my parent's daughter. 

»  What was the most difficult thing during your trainee years? At first, when the people keep saying I get in because of my parents and how hard it was to meet the expectation as the daughter the great idols.

» Do you think your group will also be as famous as Girls Generation? I am not really sure but all of us are working really hard to make sure we can show the world that we are proud to be the SNSD's daughter. 



♛ I Never Say Goodbye, HELLO. 

 » Duets: With her younger brother - Nagging (previously sung by IU and Seulong)
 » Show suggestions: Own variety Show such as MTV and New Generations with our mother.
 » Scene suggestions:
Acting with Minhyuk.
Arguing between the members.
Singing their mother.

 » Songs suggestions: 
Bad Girl - SNSD
Gossip Girl - Rainbow

» Anything else? 
I am a YongSeo couple shipper. :D Anyway, please tell me if anything is wrong with my app and I'll gladly fix it for you.




Good Luck!


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