Because it's Friday and I can...

So, I had this idea, that I was gonna post an update or three this weekend. Turns out, I have a load of homework to do because my teacher didn't realize that our paper deadlines were a week earlier than she thought. So, I have to read and take extensively detailed commentary notes on a book that is well over 300 pages in the next week, on top of all my other homework and scholarship stuff. Yeah, sadly, there will not be an update this weekend. Unless I somehow manage to miraculously finish all the homework I have and then some more. :/ I'm also thinking of starting a new story outside of the fanfic world (and possibly trying to get it published), unless the optimism is trumped by writer's block and school. So yeah, if it seems like I've dropped off the face of the planet, it's most likely for that reason. Unless I do fall off the face of the planet, then you just won't hear back from me. ^^


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Haha I know how you feel <br />
Teachers just don't understand that MAYBE we don't want homework on weekends >.> Bullies