the romantic and idol // Park Ji Ae


Park Ji Ae
by alicehwang1. coded by exoplanet layout gallery


username: Alicehwang1
name: Park Ji Ae
age: 17
date of birth: 28/10/1995
ethnicity: Korean
hometown: California, USA
birthplace: California, USA
height: 1,65cm
weight: 46kg
faceclaim: Ahn Sohee ( Wonder Girls )
link 1: casual
link 2: dorm
link 3: practicing
link 4: sleeping
back-up faceclaim: Yoonjo ( Hello Venus )
link 1: casual
link 2: dorm
link 3: practicing
link 4: sleeping

personality: Ji Ae is a very cheerful girl and super agitated, which can be very childish.Her jokes and pranks can amuse everyone.So Ji Ae is always up to something new, even more when it gets too quiet. And even without making jokes, people laugh with her, Ji Ae is very clumsy and it already did spend a lot of shame. She usually is falling or dropping things almost everywhere she goes. But if you think she is shy or embarrassed in front of others, you're wrong, she laughs herself and even tells jokes about herself to others, making everyone enjoy themselves enough with their stories. Even that sometimes does not want to, she is a talkative girl. When she starts talking, often have to be interrupted because she talks too fast and causing people do not understand very well what she is talking about. She also often speaks through stupid things without thinking, making the move a little embarrassed because of it, but she does not care because Ji Ae has always been the kind of girl who does not care about the opinion of others but to her. Ji Ae is a very spoiled girl who always gets everything she wants, at the time she want, and if she can not? Well, she just will do anything to get it, just that she is not the type of person who will go over the other, she uses other types of "secret weapons". An example is his aegyo, nobody can really resist her aegyo, and for this reason, it is more use to get what she wants. Some people like their friends, have become accustomed to it and can resist all that cuteness she uses, but people who not know it just fall for her angelic face. Ji

Ae is really competitive, it has to win at everything and losing is not in their vocabulary, or that she has to cheat, she will win. Another thing about Ji Ae, is that she loves to eat, and is much envied by some girls because of her beautiful body, she even eat for five people, she simply is not fattening easily so having a beautiful body to envy in many girls, well, maybe the only thing fat on her, are her cheeks are really cute.Ji Ae, is quite dreamy and often fails to pay attention to something, it is always dreaming, she believes in fairy tales, and always dreams of her prince charming. Ji Ae does not let anyone take it away from your head and make her believe it's a lie. Besides being a very hopeful, she is a girl super stubborn. As a girl who hates to lose, she will insist the person to death. She'll never admit you're wrong, even if it is. And if the person continues with her stubborn, sure Ji Ae will be very angry or even upset. When she is angry, she can punch someone or something strongly, or even throwing objects in random places without worrying if it will hurt someone or not. And when she is upset with someone, she tends to ignore the person for a long time. Even for a small thing, Ji Ae will not give cakewalk for anyone.
background: Ji Ae was born in California, USA. Her father is Korean and has a great company in Seoul. Her mother is Korean and is a teacher in one of the best schools in Seoul. Her family is considered rich and big business. Ji Ae grew up with everything they wanted, her parents never left that lacked nothing for her, making her become a little spoiled. Her childhood was very prestigious, a childhood that every child would love to have. Best clothes, the best toys, the best schools, many friends, maids, a huge house .... Such was the childhood Ji Ae, for she was truly a fairy tale.

rival's name: Bang Min Ah
age: 20
reason of rivalry: Because she is always flirting with the boys. Besides always putting everyone down. She is a girl completely spoiled, do not settle for anything absolutamenta so often will be screaming with others or offend. Even with the members of your group, it is so. She will often be around boys flirting with them, and really do not take no for an answer and will fight to the end to get something she wants.
anything else?: Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^ And sorry for my big personality.
suggestions: none ^^

coded by exoplanet layout gallery. do not remove this.


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