Hate the imitation 'me's

You know what kind of people I hate, hate the most? Yes, that's right, people who have no life of their own, those that likes copying others. Damn, I got scolded by other parents. Why? Oh, it's simple. Because their child simply likes to copy me! Copy what I wear, what I eat, what I do! Like seriously, I'm not even trying to kid anyone! Why would there be someone like that?!

When I got a Salvatore pair of shoes, she got one too. When I got my LV wallet, she got one too. When I got YSL bag, she got one too. She was actually using Mac's make up but when she saw that I bought bobbi brown, she got bobbi brown too! When I switched my camera, she got the same as mine too. BOTH. DSLR AND THE J2. SERIOUSLY, WTH! She got everything exactly the same! Except for that one LV sling I got customized with my name.. Recently, she got the Kate spade wallet I bought too. I often eat at this restaurant called, 'Din Tai Fung', (Don't judge, I really like Chinese food.) and, 'Hot Tomato'. She always eats there too. Okay, I can handle issues with people imitating everything I buy and eat, but I can't tolerate it when her parents complain to my mother about me.

No , I wasn't the one who told their daughter to eat there, and buy the stuff I bought. I know not everyone can afford the life I am living, so obviously I wouldn't press anyone to buy anything! GOD! It's not my fault that their daughter buy those things! For one, I don't even have her contact number in my phone!

Now, I have no idea why she would spend money this way when her parents are slogging their butts off working so hard. If you don't have money you earned yourself, if your parents can't afford to give you any more than the amount of pocket money you currently have, please don't think of luxury. It's that simple. I hate having people think that I'm a spoiled brat and that I am influencing people to be like me. 

Lastly, let me clarify this. There is nothing wrong with people like my age buying branded goods IF we can afford it. I mean, if your parents are rich like hell and they don't mind, you can buy whatever you like. No one has the right to judge. So what if they call you a brat? The item is with you, not them. If we earned the money ourselves and spend it on something we like, there is nothing for you to judge on. Are you going to say that we are wasting money? Sure. But if we're going to use it for a long run and, it's our own earned money, not yours, not my parents, you have no right to care! Jeez! For the last time, I am not influencing anyone to buy branded goods, I am simply sharing the joy of getting my things with people. And I don't need someone to teach my mother how to raise me up. I can very well take care of myself and my mom would surely know how to raise me up. 

You have no idea what that girl's father told my mother. "Please teach your daughter well. She's a spoiled and she's teaching my daughter to become one too. Don't spoil your daughter with all the branded goods, now my daughter is spending our money on those too. What kind of mother are you to teach your daughter this way? The next time I hear my daughter mentioning your daughter's name again, I'm going right up to your house."

Wtf. I would call the police on him if he ever steps into my gates. It's called trespassing on private property, sir. I think it's best to teach your daughter first! And girl, I'm so deleting you everywhere. STOP MENTIONING MY NAME! I DO NOT KNOW YOU PERSONALLY. I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, BFF OR FRIEND, SCREW OFF! And don't buy any branded goods UNTIL you earn your own money! Such a shame to have such youngsters in Singapore now. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE YOUNGER GENERATION?!?!?!



I want some Bak Kwa. I need to cool off my heat!


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It's annoying I must say. Why must those people existed. I know some people idolize, but those acts totally went beyond her boundaries. It's irritating to know someone is copying you from head to toe, totally can relate it. I hope that girl someday come to her sense. Poor that girl, living by the name of others.
Jimins_Wifey #2
unnie you better just call the damn cops on their messed up family -_- i have a 'tail' copying me too its really annoying i know how you feel
DomokunForever #3
OMG! :O WTH IS GOING ON?! it's actually his daughter's fault. eww, how can he say that to your mother? you don't even know her aaaandd the parents said that you are a spoil ?! O.o what the hell is wrong with him?! he should teach her daughter first.. eww ~
Wait, so you're saying you don't even know this person at all and she knows your address?
You don't know the girl, but the girl claimed that she is your friend and she knows your address. Is she your stalker?
Can totally relate but no, I'm not into luxury things.
But oh, she should realize that living like that without thinking of her parent's hard work just to earn money is totally...not good.
The parents are at fault here. Idiots. They are suppose to NOT give her money if they think it's bad. Ughf. They should think about it. They are complaining that their daughter is spending their hard earned money but who is giving it to her? Them. People can be sooo irritating sometimes.
On one hand, yeah you didn't tell that girl to copy you.
On the other hand, doesn't that mean someone is looking to you as their role model?
And your lifestyle...not sure if I could deal with it. Not saying it's a bad thing, but just know a lot of people in this world will never know how to live your life and as a result they say it's "bad" so they don't get tempted. Kinda like drugs. Except that's definitely bad.
That's a Creepy Stalker there cx
yumiisashawol #11
Omg that girl is a freaking psycho, and seriously have no life what so ever!! This might sound dumb but is she one of ur friends or like someone u might know? Cuz i feel like she's like stalking you everywhere you go otherwise how would she know that u went to that chinese resturant or even the things u bought?! And secondly her father is retarded he should be the one teach his daughter not to spend money, and when he blamed u for his daughter's actions it means he's in a denial of what's going on and his pride hurt him if he admit his daughter's mistake
i didnt know such people existed omgg is she crazy or something her parents should educate her better i mean its not your mum's fault that their daughter is a copy cat and is wasting the money her parents worked hard to provide.i wonder how does her brain work?or does she even have one?my parents work hard to give me the best thing in life and i dont usually buy branded stuff and people shouldnt copy others they should have their own personalities thats what i have to say.Dionne unnie i feel bad for her but if her parents come back i think you should give them a piece of your mind
I can somehow relate with you on this O:
Don't worry lovelie~ I'm here too la~
Calm down~ :p and leave the actual Brat alone