You artist's

Hey there peep's , Keke , Im dookungiee and I wanted to share some stuffs ....


And so Yeah , Yesterday I was like Youtubing and I came across of L's Bravo ViewTiful Eng Sub Making Video - part 1.Well , The way L(Myungsoo) Looks at things really inspires me , I feel like I want to become like him ..Keke ... What about elements ? Do you feel the same way...


Honestly Im not much of an Element as I Am mostly of Yeolliepop , but who cares I love them all keke...


Back to the point , I was watching it and I was amazed by how he looks at things while we at times (Might be / Not all of you but some such as I ) look at things for granted.Frankly speaking , Not much people pay attention to the surrounding these days :( That included me because I am always busy with(Reading , Studying , Etc )

Sometimes at school , I only notice my surroundings when I feel sad (only) Other than That I will always fool around oe be in my own world.A famgirls world ...You get me keke....

I wanted to say that I want to take photo's too , Like L did , The photo essay which was published warmed me as I look the beauty of his work...I want to do something like that also , I want to inspire people also but sadly I 'm not able to fulfill so ,


That's why Im sharing this :) How many of you think like me ? keke




- Dookungie , A child who's writing this blog <---- Keke , see what I did here ?


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