Sorry :(

I'm going to be a real a real pain in the bum here and say that I won't be able to update my stories until October 5. I mean I probably would do some updates during the time but it wont be as good. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!

So this is going to be my busy schedual in the next month:

10th September- MAths Exam

                               -friend's brithday dinner

11th September- SOSE exam

16th September-  Biology exam
                             - english speech

17th september- Go shopping last minute before Italy

18th September- pack for Italy

19th September- Leave for Italy holiday

5th October- Come back from Italy


As you can see I'm very very busy, I'll be preparing for exams, doing exams and when I'm finished exams I'll be preparing for my Italy trip. So I'm soooo sorry :( I feel bad but please bare with me, please don't leave me, I promise I will be back with better updates! I promise! 

thankyou xoxooxoxoox


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Good Luck for your exams and have fun on your trip :)
goodluck for exams.. and enjoy ur trip!!