Just sometimes...

If you lost one of your senses, which would you pick to lose?



For me sometimes I wish I was mute. What about you?


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Me too, I'd like to be mute.
Mute... At least we can still communicate with other people through other means without saying anything... :)
I wish that I was mute as well. I'm already partially deaf and will most likely lose the rest of my hearing soon, and I value my other senses wayyy too much. T_T Sometimes it's easier to just sit back and be completely silent, and to listen. :]
I would choose to loose my hearing so that I don't have to listen to people and whine. *mumbled and grumbles* *crosses my arms childishly*
CallMehhBubz #5
I Wish I was mute too...
Same with me.
Same...im so lazy to talk i prefer text...
I would pick to loose taste
Same with me.