Exotic Contest | Entries R1&R2;


Exotic Graphic Contest

I joined another contest XD lol

and I passed the first round with this graphic,


and just now I submitted my entry for the second round.



It's kind of a big difference between my first entry and  this one lol XD

Internet War was too y-I couldnt restrain myself XD

So what do you guys think?

And wish me good luck XD


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This is... So beautiful... Do you have a graphic shop? And are you taking requests? ^^
The first one is so so so beautiful *-*
OMGGG! They are amazing!
...I can like, draw stick people in art. ._.
ciellepuff #4
Lmfao I think ima spam this. Comment comment..
ugh somethings wrong with me.
I think..im drunk just from seeing korean guys LOL
..idk if thats possible.
seems like it. This feeling is weird indeed.
anyweh keep working hard bby^^ ( but not too HARD. Lmaooo)
Goodluck on the contest! Let me know if you win ~ :>♡
ciellepuff #5
Oh yeah. Anddd youre so gonna win; 3 cuzz i said so (and wifey is the best~)
ciellepuff #6
Damn. Like I love all you make but I got goosebumps from these two >~< seriously amazing. First one has a veru intricate and finely detailed look bit the second is quite smexy ♡♡♡ ㅋㅋㅋ
my wifey makes some badass posters ^^
can i ever come to you for graphic needs?
the second one is seriously amazing~
good luck on the contest!! ^^
You're so freaking talented! I've always loved your graphics. Good luck on the contest!