♕ Symeria Familia ♕ Nam Hyun Joo ♕ The Sun

(Nam Hyun Joo)


Username: whitechocolover

Your Name: Mimiey

Activeness: 9


She Is...

Character Name: Nam Hyun Joo


Hyunnie - The girls in the family

Joo - Her friends

Birthday: February 14, 1992

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: O

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Birthplace: Hamhung, North Korea

Hometown: Gwangjoo, South Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese and English (semi-fluent), Mandarin (basic)



Personality: Hyun Joo is a bright and optimistic girl. She loves to smile and she always wakes up with a smile. She believes if she smiles, the world will smile with her. She is a very optimistic girl who sees every failure as an opportunity and always see a bright future ahead of every thing bad that happened in her life. She is also a very kind girl and always be a good listener and problem solver to everyone. She loves to cheer everyone and make them smile because seeing everyone's smiles are what makes her happy. She also tries her best to be a wonderwall to everyone and always be the first to sense anything wrong with the members. She would be their shoulder to cry on and try her best to make sure they will be cheerful again.

Hyun Joo is also known as a determined and hardworking girl. She is majoring in making weapon and she works really hard to make sure everything she makes are perfect. She also burnt her midnight oil to finish everything she needs to do for the day. She lso hates dirty places and will clean every spot availabe. She will usually be the one to clean everyone room and even help them to wash their clothes.

Despite her bright and cheerful personality, Hyun Joo is a ctually a very fragile girl. Although she always smile in front of everyone, she is actually a crybaby. She always hide in her own room or went to place where she will be alone and cry her heart out. Although she is a crybaby, she always believe that crying doesn't show that she is weak, but she is strong enough to show her emotion. She just doesn't show it in front of the members because she afraid that if she breaks down, the whole member won't have the strong pillars to lean on. 

She is also quite nervous when it comes to working in the field. Although she always manage to show off a calm and cold faces when fighting, she's actually felt really terrified when she has to kill because of what happened in her past. After a fight, she will always end up breaking down. Because of that, she usually do the inside things like designing and making weapons.

She is also quite hot-tempered and posessive. She dislike having what is hers to be snatched away by anyone especially her food and her friends. She always being jealous if her friend start to be close with someone else and refused to talk to them. She can also be blunt and straightforward in giving comments when she is angry and her truthful comment s really hurtful and full with hatred when she is angry!

Background: Hyun Joo was born in an ordinary family in Hamhung, North Korea. However, her parents divorced and she was separated from her twin brother as she followed thier mother while he followed their father. They moved out from Hamhung and moved to Gwangjoo, South Korea. There, her mother get married again with her stepfather who is actually a mafia. She was then forced to be a mafia but she refused it at first. However as he threathen her that he will kill her mother, she had no choice but to joined him. She was then trained to be a sharpshooter and her first job was to join him to kill her own father and brother. There, she knew that her father was also in a mafia group who was actually the biggest enemy of her stepfather's mafia group. 

She was trying really hard not to kill her own father but she accidentally killed him as he was trying to save his friend. She broke down on the spot and her father's group was mad and tried to kill her. Her twin brother then come forward to protect her but was killed before she was pulled out from the fighting field. And, what make the matter worst, it was on her and her brother 17th birthday anniversary. She become a living corpse for two years before her stepfather decided to sent her for a training to forget everything and start a new life. 

Others: She has a tattoo on her right shoulder.


Face Matters

 Faceclaim: Nam Ji Hyun

Gallery/Links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Back-up  Faceclaim: Park Hyomin

Gallery/Links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


The Ties

Family Members:

► Father | Nam Byeol Gu | 47 | Owner of his own jewelry shop (unknown mafia)

► Mother | Kim Jin Hee | 45 | Florist / Gardener

► Twin Brother | Nam Hyun Joong | 21 | Student - IT major

► Stepfather | Choi Dong Jin | 48 | Secret Agent (mafia boss)

► Stepsister | Choi Jin Ri | 7 | Student - Home-schooled


► Han Seung Yeon | 25 | Martial Arts trainer

► Kim Dong Jun | 21 | Member of her stepfather mafia group.


► Park Soo Young (Lizzy) | 21 | Worker at her mother flower shop.

► Choi Minho | 21 | Member of her stepfather mafia group.

► Kim Ryeowook | 26 | Her sister's teacher.

► Park Sun Young | 20 | Her sister's teacher.



Knowing More


► Coffee ; Caffeine is an addiction for her. She need at least two cups of coffee everyday.

► Mirror ; She brings her mirror everywhere because she usually motivates and encourage herself using the mirror

► Umbrella ; Umbrella is like a weapon in emergency for her. Umbrella is one of her life savers.

► Lavender ; She loves lavender scent.

► Purple ; Her favorite color and everything she has must be in purple.

► Shoes ; She is a shoe collector and she has a cupboard full of shoes.

► Flowers ; She just loves flower and tulips, lavender and lilies are her favorite flowers.

► Chocolate ; Chocolate is like a stress reliever for her.

► Books ; She finish at least two books in a week.

► Pancakes ; She only know how to cook pancakes.


► Carbonated drinks ; She just hates the taste

► Cats ; She is allergic to cats fur.

► Darkness ; She feeel alone and scared.

► Quiet place ; She will suddenly remember her family and start to cry which she really dislikes.

► Needles ; She hates injection.

► Rats ; She's just scared of the cutest little thing.

► Roses ; Roses are her twin brother's favorites and seeing them will remind her of him.

► Bread ; She's allergic to flour.

► Alarm clock ; It bothers her sleep in the morning.

► Earrings ; She hates wearing them because she's afraid of her ears to be pierced.


► Starts and end her day with a smile.

► Bites her pen or pencil when thinking.

► Twirls her hair when talking.

► Slap someone shoulder when laughing.

► Pull her own hair when furious.

► Tap her foot when waiting.

► Smirk when she's satisfied.

► Pouted when when focusing.

► Let out a small shriek when surprised.


► Reading ; Books is her best friend.

► Drawing ; Drawing is her life.

► Listening to music ; Music is her entertainment.

► Watching cartoon ; Cartoon is her stress reliever.

► Window shopping ; Walking is her exercise.

► Eating ; Because she dislikes cooking.

► Gardening ; Because that what she do since child.


► She is ambidextrous, but she use more of her left hand.

► She doesn't know how to cook and dislikes cooking.

► She is a sharpshooter but she stopped being one after what happens to her father and twin brother.

► She is known as the master of sword after she stopped being a sharpshooter.

► She is mastering in making various weapons.

► She is also a master in making disguise and disguising as someone else as she was trained before she joing the symeria family.

► She loves drawing portraits of people and hang them on their room.

► She hates celebrating her own birthday because of what happen in her past, but she always be the first person to wish everyone happy birthday when the clock strikes 12 o'clock.

► She has a pendant from her mother, with a picture of their family (Her late father, her mother, her twin brother and her).

► She never wear the same shoes twice.

► The things she always brings in her bag are her wallet, hand phone, a book, her i-Pod, an umbrella and a special-made pen which is actually a weapon consist of a needle with a sleeping drug.

► She never know how to ride a bicycle.

► She never drive after her best friend criticized her skill because she drives too slow.

► She has her own flower garden.



Arrow Shot 

Love Interest: Park Hyung Sik

Age: 22

Personality: He is a great leader from a mafia group in North Korea but they moved to South Korea. He is known for having good relationship with the armed forces and never get caught doing any illegal business. He is a real man who hates seeing other people being threathen badly and choose justice over everything. It may be cliche, but that is the real him. Their mafia group specialise in importing and exporting various legal weapon and legal drugs for the armed force as well as for the medical department in both South Korea and North Korea. He can be hot-tempered and great leader at times, but he will turn into a good and caring person when he's around people he's close to. He has good relationship with everyone and is very respected as he can be a great leader and heir of a mafia group at such a young age.

How did you meet?: They met each other when Hyung Sik saw a weapon made by Hyun Joo. He then ask to meet her and asked her if she would like to work with him but she kindly rejected him saying that she only make weapon for her family. 

How do you interact: Hyung Sik is really sweet and caring around her and he can be over protective on Hyun Joo. He will always be there for her and he is also one of the person who saw her tears and be the shoulder for her to cry apart from her mother. He would suddenly surprised her and they sometimes hang out with each other while disguising as couples and went on date as normal couple.

Relationship: They act like a couple but haven't really announced themselves as officially dating each other.

Back-up Love Interest: Im Siwan


I don't Like Her

Name: Im Yoona

Age: 30 May 1990

Personality: Yoona is a really determined girl who hates losing. She is willig to do anything to make sure she will be the one who come out victorious. She is an attention seeker and always want the spotlight to be hers. She loves being the centre of attraction and everyone has to envy her for her beauty and smart personality. She works real hard to earn respect and attention from everyone and she will do anything and everything to make sure she will be in the centre of the mafia world.

How you interact: Everytime they saw each other, Yoona will start to argue and being the nice Hyun Joo she will et everthing be for the first year. But after years passed, she become furious of how Yoona treat her and she started to talk back. She can be quite blunt and always annoyed Yoona with her blunt and straightforward comments. They will always end up arguing loudly until their friends come and bring them away from each other or else, they might kill each other with their secret weapon.

Why are you rivals: Yoona is the daughter of Hyun Joo's stepfather's co-leader and she is one of the official heiress of the group and she actually has to compete with Jin Ri and Hyun Joo as she was named as oe of the official heiress of her stepfather mafia group. Yoona also is crushing on Hyung Sik and Hyung Sik being close to Hyun Joo is something she despised because she wants Hyung Sik for herself while Hyun Joo was trying her best to protect what is hers.

Back-up Rival: Kwon Yuri



I am Part of this Family


Nickname: Joey

Position: The Sun

Back-up Position: The Rain

How Do you get in : She was sent to trained as she ws named as one of the official heiress of her stepfather's mafia group. She then meet the leader of symeria familia as she asked her to join the family. She hesitated at first, but after a long thought, she think that it might be best for her to be in a new surrounding and start a new life, away from her stepfather.

Weapon of Choice : Poison needles, sword and snipper.



Ideal Best Friend: The Cloud and The Thunder

How you interact: 

The Cloud ~ She always reminded her for her mother with her mottherly personality and she is one of the people who always wipe her tears and blow away her fears and insecuritie with a hug

The thunder ~ They are the opposite of each other and as people says, opposite attracts. They care for each other in silence an they are always supportive of each other.


Letters to you~

Comments/Suggestions: The story is perfect and I just love the story plot. I'm sorry for any mistakes as I fill in the form as English is not my first language. I enjoy filling in the form and I wish you luck with the story. ^^ Do tell me if anything is worng and I will gladly fix it for you. :D

Scene Request: 

► Her mother died and that was the first time she breaks down in front of the family.

► She was forced to leave the group and join her stepfather's group.

► This is just my suggestion but I would like Hyun Joo found out the truth from Yoona that Hyung Sik is avctually her twin brother. Yoona make some background research to separate both of them and she succeed as they are actually twins and that's why they were attached to each other the first time they saw each other. Hyung Sik on the other hand know all along that Hyun Joo is her twin sister but he decided to hide the truth because she wants to protect her form her stepfather. But it's up to you to insert this in the story.

Password: Symeria


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