I saw Kim ing Heechul

So yes the title says everything. I SAW KIM HEECHUL. He's so damn handsome in real life I'm serious guys. He's so handsome you'll probably cry. Anyways I was with my gang AKA SFS YES YOU HEARD IT RIGHT Y FREE AND SINGLE. Anyways so we went to Heechul's hotel and decided to just you know wait for him. And so he came out of his room to go to his filming location for COSMOPOLITAN magazine. And I saw him and he waved and stuff so I was so damn happy. Then there was this van that was driving towards my friends and I. And it was kind of suspicious. So my friend Sheryl pointed at the van and she was like EH I THINK IT'S HEECHUL! then my and my friend Florence were like staring like this O.O into the car following it with out eyes xD we just stood there blurly looking at the van go by and according to my friend Sheryl, she said Heechul looked at us xD oh gosh embarrassing much. So then we tried to look for him all over Sentosa and I actually found his filming location that no one found hahaha cause I'm super smart. Then me and my friends were singing and dancing SJ songs at the location trying to attract Heechul's attention then we saw a van and we were like NAHHHH CAN'T BE and we continued dancing and singing in front of the van. But when we were about to leave we saw GunHee's insta video and we knew that van was his. So apparently Kim Heechul saw me and my friends dancing. Lol but after the van saw us it left! So... Kim Heechul recognizes us from before and decides to run away. Well it was like hide and seek with Heechul but it was really fun HAHAHAH especially the thought of heechul watching us dance xD I'm glad he's actually having fun and enjoying himself here cause the last time he came we gave him quite a bad impression so I hope he leaves with a change of heart towards us :)


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Lol,you sound like sasaeng fan. But congrat anyway!
Lucky you for seeing Heechul! But please remember he's very sensitive to sasaengs and he doesn't like people following him around much because it makes him uncomfortable. (: