Went shopping in Orchard, town and Somerset from morning till now. Exhausted...

The reason? Walk around and get some fresh air with my babes :D Went to check the Nikon 1 interchangable lens series.. And I got the pink J2. Meh, I don't need that professional camera, so I got something affordable and reasonable, I'm using my own money so I gotta be a stingy person, haha! Then I saw a wallet I liked, so I bought it(: I bet cha my mom would shake her head when she sees the things I bought today, haha!

Okay, I'm so loving this two, you know why? Those who already guessed, SPOT ON! IT'S PINK OMFG! DHASKLDHSALDHASKDHAUIFBJKAHFIUAS! IT'S PREEEETTTTTYYYYYY /blinks eyes repeatly.

P.S. Yes, I changed my table! I would be spray painting it pink.. hopefully:/ 

AND NO! I'm a very tidy person, I swear! It's just.. I was.. ahem, kind of in a hurry to.. see the pretty camera and.. I kinda.. just.. haha.. took everything out and dump it on the table:/


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VIP_Bee #1
So freaking cute!!!^^
lollipop-forever #2
youre rich omg kate spade wallet
OHMYGODDDDD I LOVE YOUR CAMERAAAA HOW MUCH IS IT ? Where did you buy it gemmie-ah ????? Hahahahha I get that feeling too keke