[ Yoon Jaehan ] SM new coed group "Lights"


Place a picture of your faceclaim above (ONLY ULZZANG)




Username: -xgwcw 

How active are you: 8

What should I call you: syaz.


Who are you, or should I say "me"

Character's full name: yoon jaehan.

Nicknames: yoon shikshin - he really likes eating, so he's famous for running to the food places the fastest. 
kid's prince - he's good with kids, and likes to play with them, and because of that he became the source of happiness for the kids from the orphanage he volunteered in.

Stage name: j-han.

Characters age: 18

Date of birth: 28/12/1995

Birth Place: seoul, south korea.

Ethinicity: korean.

Languages: fluent korean, conversational english.

Height: 180cm

Weight: 55kg

Any tattoos or peircings?: he doesn't like tattoos, and only pierced his right earlobe.


Tell me more

Personality: he looks cold, but he really isn't. he is more of a person that is shy and doesn't really make friends well. when people take the first move, he'll warm up to the person easily, and from there you'll find that he is actually a sweet guy who really cares for the people that are close to him that will make sacrifices for them. 
even though he is very young, he is very mature, a guy who is calm, and thinks of other ways in difficult situations, he also is a very hard working person who doesn't give up until he succeeds, even if during the process, he gets hurt. 
around girls, he is still shy, but also shows his mature side, and is a gentleman that cares for their thoughts first, some might find this flirty, but he doesn't argue when called flirty, so it is quite pointless.

on stage, he will throw off this image, and becomes charismatic and confident. he'll do anything the company wants him to do, be it y, badass, cute and etc.

Background: as a boy who was lonely and doesn't make friends easily, his childhood was spent mostly with silence, with both his parents working and not paying attention to him, of course he felt ignored until one day, after seeing him like this, it made them pity their lonely child, so they had sent him to a jazz dance class. at first, he didn't like it, and gradually, he fell in love with jazz music. when he turned nine, he had already tried a few dance genres. but, his love for dancing faltered, and he fell in love with rap music through Tiger JK and his wife, Yoon Mirae. he quit school, and joined an arts schools for all ages instead. he self taught himself how to rap, and always experimented with different rhythms. at the age of eleven, he had already composed his own raps, and won a few rap competitions. he was still dancing occasionally, and while dancing, he had attracted the attention of aleyna, a ballet dancer who was an orphan. she had begged him to teach them how to dance. he agreed, and he became really close with the kids in the orpahnage, especially aleyna and her close 'brother', miyun. when the orphanage lacked money, jaehan organized a concert to raise funds for it. he was fourteen at that time. with miyun, he had raised about a thousand dollars with their one hour performance. through the performance, he was scouted, and joined sm entertainment. while training, he will still make little time to visit aleyna and the orphanage.


Likes: one // food - he can't live without it. he doesn't really have a favourite food, because he likes all of it.( literally )
two // girls with bright smiles. - girls that smile well look awesome!
three // fruit juices - he likes them better because of the sort of naturish taste. 
four // bekah, miryo, tiger jk, yoon mirae and g-dragon - seniors who he respects because of their raps.
five // beanies - especially the dark coloured ones.
six // kids - they're fun to be around, even when they're violent.
seven // horror - he watches a horror movie, every friday night when he's free.


Dislikes: one // cute, immature girls - he can't stand that attitude.
two // sasaengs - they scare the out of him, when he heard about exo sasaengs. 
three // arrogant people. - they annoy him. 
four // blood tests - he doesn't really like needles ...
five // people who judge by face - you shouldn't judge a book by a cover, really. 
six // crayon pop - its a group that makes him facepalm. their faces just scream, ' EXCESSIVELY CUTE'


Habits: bobbing his head to the beat of a music // lip-syncing with exaggeration when imitating people // clapping really loudly when he finds a joke funny. // hitting a lamppost or pole while he is walking and talking to someone on the street. // adjusting his hair every few minutes.


Hobbies: freestyle rap, composing raps, listening to instrumentals, watching horror stuff.


Talents: rapping, beatboxing ( he learnt it through miyun ), dancing.


Fears: disappointing people, not being able to perform, having no/little fans, needles, sharp objects.


- he has abs, because he started working out when he joined sm to look good.
- he is blood type A+
- he envies tiger jk and yoon mirae's relationship.
- he wants to learn an instrument. 
- he can operate a synthesizer.
- he still attends his private art school, but is not attending it regularly.
- he has an elder sister, but they're not really close.



The beautiful you

tumblr_lykrxi3qGs1r0yfa8o1_500.png tumblr_lyktgmBNxA1r0yfa8o1_500.png


Faceclaim: dae hwan

1 Gallery or 3 photos: here.

Backup faceclaim: na hyunchul

1 Gallery or 2 photos: here.




Style: he likes his style simple and comfortable. he also likes to top it off with beanies.

Casual: one // two

Formal: a shirt and jeans with a jacket - one // two

Sports: his favourite hoodie/any dark coloured hoodie with black training pants.

Dorm: a pullover with wordings, and these kind of loose pants.

Pj (Special sleeping clothes (yess i call them that, don't judge)): he'd just wear the animal pajamas. he prefers the pikachu pajamas though


OMG that /



Put a picture of your rival above

Rival: daniel hyunoo lachapelle

Personality: he's an introvert, someone who doesn't even talk and likes no attention, and because of this, aleyna sticks to him to keep him company.

Why are you rivals: since jaehan grew close to aleyna, he is a little bit overprotective of her and doesn't really like any boys around her age that she talks to.

Backup rival: jung yoogeun


My biggest fans


| kang hweju  | 30 | mother | 6 | bakery owner |

| yoon daejun  | 29  | father | 6 | businessman |

| yoon jisul | 19 | elder sister | 5 | student, model |


Friends: (2 best friends and 4 friends at the most)

| aleyna jung | 10 | orphan, student |  9 - he considers her a sister | she saw him dancing and rapping, so she requested to teach her how to dance.
| song miyun aka smy  | 15 | dancer, orphan |  9 - he considers him a brother | aleyna had dragged her to meet miyun, and together, the three hung out together, and became very close.
| hong jisoo | 18 | trainee in pledis | 6; friend | he had helped jisoo find his way back to pledis entertainment when he got lost, so for a treat, jisoo, who was a korean that lived in america, treated him to learning english.
| luna 
| 20 | idol - f(x)'s main vocal | 6; friend | she was the first to greet him when he entered the company.


Put a picture of your love interest above

Love interest: light's member


How you met:

Relationship: (You CAN be dating if the character is not from lights,)

Backup love interest:


Its MY time to shine

Persona: charisma prince

Position: leader, main rapper, dancer. 

Backup position: lead rapper, sub vocal

How long have you trained: 3 years.

Trainee life: because his arts school gave him the permission to come to school only when he's not on training, he had a lot of time to focus on his trainings. even without the trainers, he would train hard by himself. because of his training to be the perfect idol, he has hurt himself a lot, especially when he tries to improve his singing, he usually strains his voice but because of his hard work, he became a better singer and he also lost a lot of weight, which was around 5kgs. he still makes time to visit aleyna and miyun though.

How did you enter the company?: talent scout discovered him through the concert he organised.

Singing twin: jin.

Rapping twin: suga.

Dancing twin: jungkook.

Personal Fanclub name: j-hearts.



Time to say that unwanted goodbye

Scene suggestions: hello baby ;p 
a visit to the orphanage with the whole group! 

Any comments?: nope.

Good Luck to you too :) 


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