Floating Around in a Sea of Uncertainties

Anything can happen. ANYTHING. You just have to trust on God. If it's His will, He'll make a way. And if not He'll provide us with something else. I've always dreamed of being a singer, ever since I was a little girl. Performing makes me happy. Sure I get all the nerves and stuff before I sing in front of people but while I'm doing it I feel...good. It fills me up. Knowing that my talents is making someone smile. Cuz I have to give back. Give back to the singers/artists whose music made me smile at my weakest points. Now I know that my dream is a typical teenager's dream but I feel like music runs deeper in me. It's more than just a hobby. More than just something to pass the time. It's like a part of me. I feel like God put this love and enthusiasm for music in me for something special. Something good, strong, and beautiful. Something powerful. But how do I harness it? How do I know what to do? I have to decide sometime. I'm already in high school. The decisions I make now will last my lifetime. So what exactly do I want to do? I have this feeling in my gut and I honestly don't know what it is. Is it good? Bad? I don't know. I feel lost. Like I'm just floating around in a sea of endless uncertainties. Being tossed around and not being able to decide. Though I've kinda always been like this. Indecisive. But I feel it might be different this time. That I'll be able to choose something on my own (with God of course). 



Sorry I'm just ranting a little here... Hehe... So lost...


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Yeah Jess u go rant ur rant and preach the sermon! x)