
Hey yo wassup?


Anywhoo, have any of you heard of NaNoWriMo? Yes? No?

If yes, my username is immortalisedlove. :D Add me~ ^^

If no, well let me explain then~ ;) Hahaha.


What does NaNoWriMo stand for?

Well, basically it's National Noverl Writing Month

What is it?

It happens in November from the 1st to the 30th, where you, the writer/participant, compose a 50,000 word or more novel (novella as I like to call it~) It's an event that challenges all sorts of people to try and write a novel within 30 days - those who are experience, beginners or have always just wanted to try. As for me, since I'm a fanfic writer etc. I'm gonna try and see if I can do it!

How does it work?

So, write 50,000 words or more story which you upload onto the site. The story doesn't have to be perfect - no need to edit or anything! It's like an uncut diamond! - but has to meet the 50,000 word limit at least. ^^ Which is good I suppose as long as the story has SOME sort of sense and plot. Maybe... haha.

What else do I need to know?

Er... it is run by a team of eight people at the Office of Letters and Light, a nonprofit organisation and is funded by the donations form participants! aka You and I~ Hmm... I think that's that. The rest is on the site so yeah. Go check it out~

So if I motivated you *wink wink* come join me if you like for a 30-day writing challenge~ *dies* There's gonna be a lot of coffee needed!


Well, yeah. Bye bye~

I will be updating my stories this weekend! :D


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i was debating on whether or not to join nano this year ;U ;//
i've never had time to finish anything during november until now
but like - this year, november is completely freeee - otl.
but this year's also the year i have zero muse at all. /foreversob.

good luck on nano though bro ;u ;b////