A Game again


Certificate: Test results

Have you ever wondered if you we're a boring person?

For 70 % you are: Okay maybe you're a little boring but you can work on it you still got time. Try going out of your comfort zone a bit more and you'll have more fun.
56.3350 % of 9266 Quiz participants had this profile!

You could also get this result:
For 20 % you are: Just as I suspected. Can you say B O R I N G? Well, you have a lot of work to do you have the mind of a 90 year old! Try engaging in more activities and get involved in the action every once in a while...

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: You actually aren't that boring at all. Keep Up the good work and continue to have fun like always.

Take this quiz: Have you ever wondered if you we're a boring person?



omg lol i somehow feel offended by the 90 year old thing lol srsly i'm not bored. not as a 90 year old okay and the fact that i get 20% as a 90 year old and 10% person not boring is ... okeiii stahp


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