Girls, Girls!

These days I like to write female idol + OC. I guess because it's a fun break from writing about kpop guys and I get to express my admiration towards my favorite kpop girls. Also, I like to pair them up with OC guys because I'm totally free to shape their characteristics. When you write about kpop guys, there's at least a little bit of restriction on how they look/act. Not that we're not as free to develop their characteristics compared to OCs, it's just that sometimes you can't help writing them based on how you perceive them from their tv appearance/on-screen characters.


Plus, when you pair up idols and idols, they have to have some sort of chemistry together (in real life) in order for readers to fully enjoy the story. I do have some favorite crack pairings under my sleeves though, I might write about them someday.


I feel bad (though this is not necessary lol) that I'm going to take a hiatus from writing my favorite kpop guys (2pm, Dalmatian, Exo, Wonder Boyz) for the moment and write more about my girls. You guys should try too hehe.


P/s: Wow what is English. I feel like a breathless fish who jumped out of an aquarium trying to express myself in English right here. Ha...


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