On Being a Global Studies Major...

So, I am a first year in University, and I am absolutely ready to just skip to the part where I study abroad. Being a Global Studies major, part of my requirements is that I spend at least a semester abroad. It has been my dream since I was seven to travel to Japan and live there. I will finally get that chance, though it is still soemways into the future. I would also love to study abroad in S. Korea, but unfortunately, my university doesn't offer it as an option :(

What I really want to be when I grow up is a teacher of English as a second language in either Japan or S. Korea. I am aiming to become fluent in both languages (I am currently studying Japanese and self-teaching Korean). I think that the best thing I could do to make my mark on this world is to spread the English language to different countries because not only is it my mother tongue (there's my nationalism leaking through...) learning English makes it easier to communicate with people form all parts of the world. 

And besides, I really want to teach elementary and middle schoolers. They are just so darn cute.

At this point, I am planning to study abroad in my Junior year, after I have a good solid two years of Japanese under my belt. Hopefully, I will get to spend a year there and become fluent. I really wish to experience a culture so different from my own and just immerse myself in its beauty.

But enough of the sentementalism. I am soo glad that people are reading my story. To be completely honest, I have almost twice as many subscribers on this site than I do at Fanfiction.net, my primary account. Makes me feel good about myself.

Oh, and on a slightly different note, I just found out today that one of my friends from high school is good friends with Kevin and Eli from U-Kiss. What the hell? I am so jealous.

That's it for now! Till next time!



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I have a very similar dream and Im working towards it now too! xD It was nice to hear someone else has similar aspirations! I feel like what I want to do is very farfetched but hearing it from someone else gives me a little encouragement. Thankyou and I hope the best in your studies!