【☆ 완벽 ▶ ▷ pixel perfect ↺JoJo ↺ Bassist


JangSul High School
Application Form for School Year 2013-14


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Username: beautyNcupcakes          Nickname: SAIA          Activity: 8ish

Physical Information

Ulzzang:  Park Min Ju 
        ♦ ♦ ♦ + Gallery1 Gallery2
Backup Ulzzang: Sinbi

        + Gallery

Height: 167cm + 5.5ft
Weight: 59kg + 132lbs

Style: Sweaters, jackets, long sleeves, hard to find this girl in anything short sleeved. She loves leggings, pants, shorts, if she's forced into a skirt she will find a way around it (put on leggings, shorts, stockings). Heels and sneaker heels for this gal! You will hardly ever find her in running shoes even in PE she's wearing her wedge sneaker heels! 
Extra: Piercings: 4 in her right ear, 3 in her left

Do you have any medical concerns?     [  ] Yes     [ x ] No
        If yes, please explain:

General Information

Name: Woo Jin Joo 우 진주

Age: 18
Birthday: September 10, 1995
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Bloodtype: O
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean-fluent, Mandarin-mostly-fluent (spent that year abrod so can get buy really well for the most part), Japanese (enough to not be sold off) 

Grade Level: 12
Is this your first year here?     [  ] Yes     [ x ] No

Personal Information

Personality: reasonable, reliable, creative 
        Jojo here! I might seem like your everyday average run of the mill girl and on some levels I am. I'm studying hard to graduate, trying to not kill my ex, wanting to spend endless days with my friends and lost in music. So I guess I can be. However once past that I'm actually a different kind of girl. Loyal to no end, once you've earned my loyalty I got your back no matter what. My friends are my world and I will stick up for and around them no matter what horrors life throws me. I'm not cute and spunky like most girls, because honestly you need you head about you if you want to be in the music business. So I come off as indifferent and a bit cold. Though once you get me talking I never shut up!
       I believe that life is here for us to make the best of it, so why sweat the small stuff. I'm pretty easy going and laid back, until you push my buttons then I'm hell to the one I'm targeting. My world is small I know this and everyday it expand just a little bit, I ignore things that bother me most of the time I'm not one to strike out because someone upset me, normally. Honestly I can be quite resourceful, I know just about everyone in school and I'm pretty easy to be around it's what happens when your rep is killed before you can start it. Once my mind is set to it I will stop at no end to see my goal through.

        ♦ Pictures, because it's great to capture memories! 
        ♦ Music, it's my life! 
        ♦ The color yellow...I don't know it's amazing!
        ♦ Spicy foods, they make the world go round. 

        ♦ HELLO KITTY -- Stupid brother!
        ♦ Laziness. This is the flaw with the world! 
        ♦ Unorganized places. 
        ♦ Video games, they are evil and out to get me. 

        ♦ OCD to organize anything and everything. 
        ♦ Clicking her tongue when she's annoyed. 
        ♦ Chewing on pens, it's a really bad habbit.

        ♦ Listing to my mp3/ipod, all my music is on there I like to hear it where ever I go. 
        ♦ Mixing music! Creating something is just amazing! 
        ♦ People watching, you never know what you will see. 

        ♦ To write music, yes I know I need a real goal but it's what I dream of. 
        ♦ Can talk to anyone, they will open up really it's strange people come up to me and just start talking like I know them. 
        ♦ Can normal tell when people are being untrue or lying. 

Biggest Flaws:
        ♦ Little bit over weight, mom likes to bring it up all the time...so I'm not dying of hunger...
        ♦ Daydreams all the time. I wish I wouldn't, that head in the clouds girl that's me. 
Biggest Secret: (Optional)

        ♦ That I'm not in Band but in A BAND! | Not sure how mom finds out but if she does its all over and hell has opened up and swallowed poor JoJo. 

        ♦ Spent Junior year in Shanghai on an abroad study. 
        ♦ I go by JoJo, Joo, or even JJ please don't call me by JinJoo it's really not cool. 
        ♦ I HATE CATS! Don't get me near them I will freak out. 
        ♦ My bass is my life, mess with it I mess with you. 
        ♦ Externally loyal to my family and friends to no end. 

Family Background

       On the outside the family looks like every average normal family. Mom and dad married late and had us kids later. Reason being is dad had a dream to be a musician, he loved music with all his life and honestly mom loved that about him. Until they ended up in the poor house and starving and what normally follows a musician. So mom hates music, or musicians, she hates it even more that all three of her children are like her husband. It's bad enough that I begged her to join band, I play the flute (aka Sunhwa my BFF plays the flute). It's crazy really it is. Dad has spent all of our lives as a salary man and he looks miserable, he's the whole reason I'm into music now!
      When I was younger he taught me how to play bass, unlike my brothers I picked it up really fast. This is my favorite memory of childhood and being at home. Until mom ruined it and told me all the horrible things about music. To this day she doesn't know I'm still into music and my life is my band. And I'm afraid she will find out, when my oldest brother Taewoon was a Junior mom found his guitar and freaked out. He swore up and down he wasn't going to quit, she kicked him out. Big brother (Jiho) talks to Taewoon (a name we can't say in the house) all the time and says he's going good but I fear that will be me some day.
       Mom has the run of the house, she doesn't know that Jiho's (sorry Zico) job isn't computer programming(sleeps on the couch all day) but composing music (goes to clubs and bars all night!). We are all waiting for that the blow up in his face. She also had no clue that I'm in a band, just that I love my friends and hang out ALL THE TIME! I'm close with my family as close as we can be, we are normal as any other family.

Family Members: 
        ♦ Father | Woo Sunghyun | 50| salary man | suborn, hardheaded, family man  | closeness 3
        ♦ Mother | Woo Namlee | 48 | House wife | strict, controlling, opinionated | closeness 1 on a good day
        ♦ Older Brother | Woo Taewoon | 23 | perusing singing apparently | caring, distant, suborn | closeness 3
        ♦ Big Brother pain in the | Woo Ji Ho (aka Zico) | 21 | Composer (lazy bum on the couch!) | wild, crazy, full of life | closeness 5

Financial Status: Lower middle class, we aren't poor we aren't rich.
Lifestyle: Everyday average three bed room apartment. Brothers shared a room, sister got her own small room, parents live together. It's clean and tidy, mom is found in the kitchen, dad in his 'study' (brothers old room), brother lazing out on the couch. 


Best Friend: (only if gatarist is not in the same year other wise move her to friend) 
         Sunhwa | 17 | student | perky, reliable, intuitive | First day of kindergarten, we sat at the same table and both wanted to use the same blue crayon, we fought then got over it. | She's really quite most days, she dosen't like to draw attention to herself. She's half the reason I've not killed half the school. She's actually in band, she's my excuse. 

        ♦ Krystal | 17 | student | diva, head girl, spunky | Freshman year they where stuck in Math together I helped her out. She's not my cup of tea and I'm not hers but we chat it up now and again.   | She's one of the Queenbee's at school. She's not a total and she keeps the bad mouthing off of me the best she can. 

Rivals: none, that she knows of. But any that her band mates have she will stick on her band's side and behave accordingly. 

Former Love Interest 

Former Love: Park Chanyeol
Age: 18
Birthday: November 27

Timespan: November of 2010 to March of 12
      That infuriating! No good, low down...calm down. Alright breath. Now...Honestly I don't know how he can walk around as he does. Like he's so good. He acts all amazing in his awesomeness. I admit I was swept away like all the other girls. Yeah we might have been really close and gone a little to far (don't tell my brother!) But he just...AKH! Sorry. Life was good with him even if it was long distance for half of the relationship...until he started texting me weird things, like: where are you? Why haven't you texted? Can you call me? Something up! Why didn't you hang out today!? Really a girls got a life. Then in started the following. I can admit this isn't much to get mad a break up over. But he started to hit on and flirt with other girls to make me jealous, then send me pictures! It worked, so when I asked him he looked dead at me and said...you where just an experiment, a bet between my friends and I, I won, I slept with you. WE DIDN'T I'M NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL! So now the whole school...AHH!

How you act now: I hate him. Really how can you go from sweet boyfriend to this!? I don't mind stalking just this...I avoid him best I can and ignore him on better days. But when he gets to smug or around my friends I explode! Everyone still thinks I'm not over him. God I hate stupid people.

Love Interest

Love Interest: Choi Junhong AKA Zelo 

Age: 17
Birthday: October 15
Birthplace: Mokpo, South Korea
Hometown: Mokpo (until this summer) 

Languages: Korean- fluent, Japanese-semi-fluent(watches a lot of Japanese Anime so you can guess the phrases he knows best), English-basic 

Grade Level: 11
Clubs: Yearbook, Broadcasting.
Sports: Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee

Personality: Nutcase, loose cannon, unpredictable. 
        At first it's hard to get a grasp on this guy. He seems mean and uncaring, then helpful and full of love the next. Zelo likes to live life in the moment and that is how he reacts to the moment. He's not cold and unforgiving he's just indifferent, he's not loving and caring he just hates to see people suffer. He's well liked and seen as a class clown or goofball, many like to be around him and he has loads of friends even for being a new student. Though he doesn't talk much about himself or talk much sense about anything it's easy to see he'd be a great friend.

Biography: Zelo spent most of his life in Mokpo with his single mother. He doesn't like to talk about his past much but when he does its simple. Always been me and mom, always will be. He's always been top of his class and doesn't even try. His move was simple mom got a new job so he moved. )

How you met/will meet: First meeting of yearbook. Senor year I'm the head of Yearbook and vamped up about this! He wonders in looking for someone doesn't even want to join but I make him because of the lack of turn out and he's new so it's a great way to learn who is who!
Current Relationship: As of right now, just fellow students. I feel it's my duty to make sure he adjusts well. Given I made him join the team. He simply sits back and has a fun ride of it.

How you want it to unfold: How ever you want your story. I don't mind unhappy endings.

Extra: Jojo is very concerned that he's younger than her. So if they get together it's only after she gets over that she's with a younger guy.

The Band

Position: Bassist
Experience: Most of my life, dad played bass it was our bonding thing yah know. 

Contributions: get the gigs, make sure everyone shows up, writes some music ig bass lines, rifts, drum beats, makes sure everyone actually practices
Dedication: It's my life, not ashamed to say it either. 

Power: A LOT though I'm not in charge...right...everyone has a say I just make sure all of our views are seen to. 

Student Questionnaire

GPA: 3.5
How often you study: Average amount, depending on the class. 

Clubs: Photography, Yearbook 
Sports: Avoids it best I can. 

School Life: Early because of 'band' I just spend my time lazing about or in the yearbook room. Breaks and lunch with the band and friends, avoiding trouble. After school yearbook and photography clubs.
Reputation: Before the horrible mess...I was invisible and loved it. Just that girl in class. Now everyone thinks I'm an easy lay and I get approached a lot. You would think it would get old.

Additional Information

Password: Says there is none I might be missing it...
Comments: This application is the best I've seen so far...you got skill girl! 

Can I change aspects of your OC: Yep Yep she's yours now. 
Anything else I should know: Nope nope. 

Scene/Plot Requests: *shakes head* 



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