School Started... yay! (note the sarcasm)

So school yesterday. And it already .... -_-" 

I know you guys aren't interested in my , but I have to went out somewhere... Sorreh ♥ 

A lot of things happened in only two days.. I was late; twice. And the first one was at the worst teacher in school. He teaches philosophy and dude is like a wacko.. Literally.

We can't use notebooks - no sir!! It has to be papers who can be separated.. I paied fortune for the book and everyone says that he is a real jerk and you can't get more than a C.. 

I want an A..

Kay I didn't tell this a lot of my friends.. but I'm not going to uni.. They in here, and I'm practically with it.. If you don't have connections it's rarely you get the job instantly. It .. I'm only left with this school year and then it's adios biatcachos.. I don't know you anymore, but now philosophy had to get in my way.. When will my misery end.. 

On top of that I started watching "Teen Wolf" and I only watched first six episodes and I'm hooked already... ^_^ 

You guys totally need to check it out.. 

This is the cast.. (from left to right): Lydia, Jackson, Scott, Stales, Derek and Alison (dunno if I spelled the names right and don't care personally XD) 

And also I got the most beautiful gift ever.. from my teachers.. TT TT I am so spazzing and so overwhelmed whenever I start thinking of it.. 

I'll post more about it tomorrow,  because it's 1 AM and I have philosophy tomorrow so.... whoop whoop my life is ruined. T_T

Sorreh for ranting out like this, but this actually felt a lot better!! 

Lub you all and thanks for reading ♥ 


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LeeJuLian #1
Aww...I hope it will get better for you ;-;
School starts this afternoon for me TT_TT
Vlad me navukao na tu seriju, dobra je. xD