♕ Mystique ♕ Yoon Sae Ra ♕ Sera


"We are more than meets the eyes, making the impossible possible,

we are Mystique!"

♕ Mystique ♕ SM's Newest Girl Group ♕ applyopen! - apply fantasy girlgroup sment supernatural exo applyfic - main story image



Hello, Hello

Username: LimSooMie

Your name: JR

Activeness: 7-8


This is Real This is Me

Character Name: Yoon Sae Ra

Other Name: 

  • English Name: Sarah Yoon
  • Japanese Name: Sakiko Yuna
  • Chinese Name: Mei-Lien Hwan


  • Sera: Almost everybody calls her that
  • Doll Ghost Sera: Her past classmates calls her that because of her doll-ish features but her ghostly expressions
  • Doll#1: Because she's the first twin, she's the first doll
  • Ice Doll: Because of her cold personality
  • Two-Faced Doll: Because of her spilt personality, the cold one & the kind one
  • Baby Doll: Lover calls her that
  • Era Noona: Most of the younger boys (especially EXO) calls her that
  • Zombie Doll: What her friends calls her when she's mad

Date Of Birth: December 4th 1992

Age: 22

Ethnicity: Korean - Canadian

Birth Place: Vancouver, Canada

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean (Native), English (Native), Mandarin (Fluent), Japanese (Fluent) & French (Semi-Fluent)

Power: Armory (If you know Fairy Tail anime, it's more like Erza's power) & Necromancer

Blood Type: AB

Tell Me Telll Me

Dere Personality: Tsundere (but partly Dandere too)

PersonalitySera is a fierce, cold, sly & cunning girl. She basically is the most coldest girl that you will ever met. Imagine when you're killing people. You will feel guilty when you kill someone. But Sera doesn't feel, she just does it. No expression, no emotion. She doesn't like to be in other peoples business or be in trouble or be the trouble. She keeps everything to herself except to her twin sister & the persons she loves. She smiles but it's rare, she almost never laugh, her words are icy, her critics will stab your heart & she's definetly not the person you want to mess up with. But at the same time, she's a good listener, wise, warm, polite, caring & loving girl, although it doesn't look like it, she's also a social butterfly. She's willing to hear her friends problem & if they ask for her advice, she will gladly give them. She's very dependable & sweet if you know her well. She maybe still be sarcastic & cold, but she really is a good person, she just need to adjust her new environtment around people

  • Off-Stage: Off-Stage she’s a hardworking person who keeps on working. She cheers on people by shouting ‘HWAITING!’ (with a blank expression) all the time & helps people when they needed their help. She’s not the most fun person, but she know how to make people feel pumped up
  • Off-Cam: Off-Cam she’s a quiet, cold & calm girl. She almost never talks except when people ask her something or an interesting conversation succeeds to capture her attention. She’s never the type to start a conversation but she’s quite a talkative person if you get to know her. She’s never awkward when talking to a stranger & manages to get a situation in hand. She’s like a Co-Co-Leader (a leader after the co-leader), when the leader & co-leader are busy, she takes over the spot
  • On-Stage: On-Stage, she’s a different person. She’s Sera, the y & charismatic dancer. Well, it depends on the song, but mostly she’s charismatic & y. When it’s a sad song, she will look very sad & her moves are very soft so when people look at her, it’s like she’s very fragile & about to break any second, causing the audience to have their own emotional feelings looking at her. When it’s a powerful & fun song, she will dance it with a lot of passion & a lot of jumping around, going with the flow of the music & having fun. The audience will jump around with her, like go to a fun hip-hop club. Although she’s usually awkward with cute songs, if she keep on practicing she will be used to it
  • On-Cam: On-Cam, she's very calm & collected. She still fierce & cold, only with more politeness & softness. She can handle every single situation she has got into (even though she doesn't want to be part of it) & could answer everyones answer without any awkwardness

Background: At the date of December 4th 1992, Yoon Sae Ra / Sarah Yoon & Yoon Sae Mi / Sammy Yoon was borned to the world. Saera being the older twin is 4 miuntes early than her sister. Both of them shared a different personality, Saera the cold & Saemi the nice, but they're family & all of them loved each other. At the age of 10, both of them are interested in dancing when they saw their own cousin dancing at her school event. They start taking proper dance course at a dance school. Both of them majored at every single dance class & genres, they're able to master all of them by the age of 13. At the age of 15, Saera decided to join into a dance crew for fun, with her sister following behind her. They join them & start their career as a dancer. One day, she was attending an event at Seoul with her dance crew. After they finished their job, Saera & her twin was approached by an SM scouting staff & being offered to do an audition. At first, Saera was about to reject it because she thinks it will be a bother but seeing her twin sister's eyes twinkle when they were offered by it, she accepts itThey asked for permission from their parents first & then they go for an audition. Fortunately, both of them pass through the audition. They have to go through school & training at the same time. At first, they were very tired & uncomfortable about the schedule, but after time passes, both of them can handle it just fine

When they're reaching the age of 17, things are gettin out of hands. They have to transfer to a new school because their parents wants to move them to Seoul School of Peforming Arts. The twins (especially herself) at first disagreed about their decision because they're very happy with their current school & have so many friends. But after a little talk & persuasion, they finally agreed. At their new school, there are so many cocky & arrogant students who look down on them but there are some of the students who also very friendly & befriended them (EXAMPLE: Kim Jongin & Oh Sehun). They ignored the bad ones & keep their business with the good one & does nothing to bother them. Until one of the students mocked her & caused her twin to fight back & released the anger that she has put for a long time. After that event, the cocky students are scared of both of them. They don't even dare to look her twin in the eyes. While her friends still accepts them as their friend & never change the way they treat her twin & herself. Everything went smooth, even after graduation. They focus on their training & music so that they can achieve what they hoped for, so they know that their blood, sweat & tears for 5 years are not a waste for them....

You know what? Lemme give you another story (since I saw depressing ones, I think i should make one too, though it's not really depressing)

Saera powers, armory, comes from a new level of bio-hazard chemical that her father injects to hide his 'sinful' work. She's able to summon different weapons & armor at will, with the side effect of the ability of controlling of whats dead (it's not really that pleasant). What's more of it that her father injects the chemical at her right eye, making her right eye to be the color of blood red (she uses contacts to cover it) & makes her immune to illusions & eye-based attacks also decrease the effects if it's used on both eyes (It's like Erza, seriously). Saera's twin, Saemi also has a power. But she already has it since she was born. A dual-personality. Sure it sounds kind of lame, but it will be bad if the other personality is a insane, brutal & violent psycopath with her creepy memorable laugh. Saera's job is to suprass Saemi's personality called Alice & to prevent her to see the outside world...forever...


  • ​The Silence
  • Her family
  • Kids
  • Dogs
  • Dancing
  • Hoodies
  • Hello Kitty
  • Music
  • Strawberries
  • Ramen
  • Coffee
  • Guitar
  • Games (especially fighting, horror, RPG & scary ones)
  • Mystery Novels
  • Horror Movies
  • Roses


  • Loud People
  •  Thunderstorm
  • Heavy Rain
  • Nosy People
  • People who disturb her peace or her family
  • Raspberry
  • A very weird or bad game
  • Human Cuteness (exception for her sisters)
  • Sour Things (except Strawberries)
  • No coffee
  • Plastic Flowers
  • People who ACT cute & innocent
  • Fail Aegyo
  • Fake people
  • Hot pink
  • Alcohol
  • Back stabbers


  • Dancing
  • Playing games
  • Writing
  • Drawing
  • Knitting


  • Bites her nails
  • Strech when bored
  • Dance when bored
  • Smirks when planning someting really smart...or evil
  • Turns into a zombie when she's upset
  • covers herself with blanket & puts on a music with a very loud volume when there's a heavy rain


  • Masters almost all dancing genres (including pole dancing, tap dancing, shuffling, jump style & others)
  • Other than dancing, she loves playing games. Especially a game that has a story plot & fighting game
  • Has an XBOX, XBOX Kinect, Wii, PS3, PSP, DS3D & DS(seriously, she's addicted to games)
  • Has an IPadSamsung Note 2, Samsung S4 IPhone & Macbook
  • If you look at her IPad, Samsung Note & S4, IPhone & Macbook, it’s full of games
  • Somehow gets along well with children & elders
  • Can do gymnastic, wushu, kickboxing & boxing
  • Can play guitar, piano & violin
  • Loves to collect hoodies & hello kitty (the cute side of her)
  • No matter in what mood she's in (except when it's with her family or with Kris or when she's planing something or when she's at stage), she's always have a dead expression & stares at people with blank eyes
  • Has a birth mark on her left waist
  • She always wear the couple necklace that Kris gave to her
  • Has 2 dogs, named Shiroko & Yonggam
  • Very good at cooking
  • Smiles but rarely laugh
  • She promise to herself that she will never touch alcohol…but if it’s urgent, she will re-consider it
  • She hates when people says that woman is weak but also hates it when people says she’s doesn’t have any fear
  • Her scary looks & cold personality is actually the reason why she has many fans
  • Predebut: Has worked as a back-up dancer for 2NE1, 2NE1 CL, BIG BANG, G-Dragon, Taeyang, U-Kiss, Lee Hi, Shinhwa, 4Minute, BTOB, BEAST, Super Junior, TVXQ, SNSD, Baek A Yeon, Secret, Sistar, Roh Ji Hoon, BoA & Wonder Girls
  • Actually not that aggressive, but if you really annoyed her or if you bother her firends & families, she will give you hell
  • Hates to be stared
  • Always smiles when she sees a little kid or a very cute dog
  • Likes big dogs more than a little dog
  • Has an S-Line & abs, which shows how much she worked out but her skin are strangely pale

Black Pearl


Idol faceclaim: Ladies' Code Sojung

Links / Gallery: Link


Backup idol faceclaim: Ham Eun Jung

Links / Gallery: Link

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Fashion Style:

Casual & Dorm: 123456

Formal: 123456

Practice & PJ: 12345

Airport: 123456



Normal Fights

Heaven's Wheel

Black Wing

Flame Empress

Giant's Armor

Adamantine Armor

Purgatory Armor

Lightning Empress

Robe of Yūen

Morning Star

Armadura Fairy

Sea Empress

Nakagami Armor

You're a Mother Father Gentleman

Family members: 

♛ Father - Yoon Joon Hyun / Christopher Yoon | Doctor & Scientist | 45


♛ Mother - Yoon Sae Rin / Serena Yoon | Lecturer | 37


♛ Sister - Yoon Sae Li / Sally Yoon | Teacher | 23

♛ Twin Sister - Yoon Sae Mi / Sammy Yoon | Trainee at SM (Powers: Dual-Personality & Necromancer)

Best Friends: 


♛ Kwon Ji Yong | 21 | Idol (BIG BANG)



♛ Kim Ah Ri | Café Owner


♛ Eleanor Lee | Dance Instructor


♛ Lee Taemin | Idol (SHINee)


♛ Amber J. Liu | Idol [f(x)]


♛ Choi Seung Hyun | Idol (BIG BANG)

♕Hate You


Rival name: Lee Soon Kyu / Sunny

Age: 24

Group: SNSD

Personality: Act innocent around the people she likes, Thinks highly of herself, use her aegyo to boss people around, believes in 'Law of The Jungle', two-faced, coquettish, flirty, whiny, attention , clingy, nags & complains a lot

How did you two became rival?: They met at a trainee & artist meeting. She showed her dancing skills (B-Boy & stuff) & Sunny only scoffs at her. But the other members disagreed with her & ending up liking Sera, making Sunny furious. She confronts to her, telling Sera that she's just a mere trainee & nothing more. But Sera just ignore her & mind her own business. The reasons why Sunny hates her are; First, it's because Sera could pass through the audition without cheating & purely because she has great talents. Second, it's because Sera is Kris' bff & Sunny has a crush on Kris. She kept trying to flirt with him & seduce him but always ends up embarrassed cause he only look at her as his sunbae. Third, because Sera is famous even before she debuted. And lastly...it's because she's basically more better than her. 2nd Reason (for Sera): The reason why Sera hates her it's because she tried too hard, I mean WAY TOO HARD, on every single thing. She tries to act cute & innocent when it's obvious it failed miserably. She's very flirty at every single man that she sees until it seems that she's very desperate for attention. Her aegyo maybe worked on other people who easily falls for cute things but not Sera. Sera is not exactly the type for fall to human cuteness (except her sisters), another reason why Sunny hates her. Sera doesn't really HATE her, she only dislike her a little bit but Sunny really makes it worse

How you treat each other?: Sera acts natural arounds her & never initiates the fight first. But when Sunny initiates the fight first, she will fight back with her heart-stabbing & icy words. And Sunny somehow always loses to her

I Am Your Superstar


  • Ghost Doll
  • Ice Charisma Dancing Lady

Stagename: Sera

Fanclub Name and Color: Ice Doll

Training years: 5 Years 

Anything happened before debut?: Explained at Trivia

Position: Choreographer, Main Dancer, Rapper

Back-Up Position: Co-Leader, Main Vocalist, Dancer

Singing Twin and Link: Lizzy (Back-Up: Sohyang)

Dancing Twin and Link: Kim Sori (Back-Up: WG Sohee)

Rapping Twin and Link: Kahi (Back-Up....I don't know...)

Speaking Twin and Link: Sojung

 Stepping It Up!


Love interest: Li Jiaeheng / Wu Yi Fan / Kevin Li / Kris Wu (Sera calls him Wu Fan or Kevin)

Personality: Warm, Loving, Caring, Cocky (only towards Abby), Childish (only towards Bojun), a leader figure, Possesive (Only towards Abby), Control-Freak, Stubborn, Clingy, Skinship Monster (Only towards Abby) & Over-Protective (Only towards Abby)

How you met: It was when she's still at Canada, on her school days. It was raining & she forgot her umbrella, making her wait until the rain stops while grumbling & trembling. She kept on waiting & the rain never stops. She was about to storm into the rain when there's a (freakin' tall) boy approachs her. He seemed to realize that she doesn't bring her umbrella with her, he offered to walk her home with his umbrella. She hesitated at first but then took his offer. That's when she realize that he's the captain of basketball team & one of the most popular boys on the school. She, of course feel terrified because he's one of the kingkas & she promised herself not to distrub the kingkas. So, the ride home was awkward. But he soon break the ice by asking her day. They talked & talked until both of them got comfortable with each other. When they reached her home, he asks for her phone number & she gave hers. After that, they got close

Relationship: Unseperable, glued to the hip, never leaves each other side...besties....

How you treat each other: Even though both of them are not a couple, Wu Fan wants to believe that they're a couple. He has a dead-end, troubling & frustating big crush for Abby. He always teases her, bothers her, skinships with her & he always smiles & pinch her cheeks when she's having that dead expression on her face. But Sera doesn't feel annoyed, she's pretty comfortable with him. She allows him to kiss her forehead, hugs her tightly, calls her 'Baby Doll~' , sleeps on her lap & cuddle with her because she's already used to him, she only let the people that really know her to do these things to her. But sometimes when he over-do it, she will smack his head. They do bicker a lot but it always ends up with a laugh because they can't really got mad with each other. Wu Fan still tries to give her hints of his feelings but Sera seems to not notice...yet...

Back-Up Love Interest: Jung Taekwoon


Love rival: Lee Sungyeol

Personality: Almost the same as Wu Fan, only he's more hyper & childish (CHODING!)

How You Met: They met when they're at their trainee days. It was a pretty rainy day (again) & Sungyeol was at a café where he warms himself up with a cup of hot chocolate. Then a girl with blond hair came in trembling & shivering. Sungyeol felt bad about that girl & immediately helps her. He gave her his jacket & buys her some drink. She refuse politely at first but he insist so she says yes. She orders a hot cappuccino & talks with him. He founds her cute because she keeps an expressionless face. When he tells something funny, she laughs a little bit (A LITTLE BIT) & he fell for her smile. He starts to get an interest towards her & wants to make her smile more. And that girl is Yoon Sae Ra

Relationship: Sunbae-Hoobae

Why is he your love rival: Sungyeol has secretly crushing on Sera from the first time they met, he's very glad that he could be friends with her but he wants more than that. Even though he knows he couldn't stand a chance towards Wu Fan, he's still trying to claim her heart

How you treat each other: They act normally, you know how Sunbae & Hoobae interacts. She rarely meet him while he tried so hard to meet her. But right now, all he could do is to watch her from a far

Back-Up Love Rival: Jang Hyun Seung

Take My Hand

Twitter Account: @MYST_Sera

me2day Account: @YoonSera

Facebook Account: Yoon 'Sera' Sae Ra

KakaoTalk Account: @IceQueenSera

Instagram Account: @PuppetMasterSera

Goodbye Hello

Scene requests:

  • Confession & KISS KISS scene~
  • Sunny flirted with Kris but Kris just ignored her
  • Kris got annoyed when he found out that Sera doesn't get jealous when he's with Sunny
  • Where Kris got all lovey dovey to Sera to tell Sunny that he belongs to Sera
  • At Weekly Idol, the MC's asked her to dance so she started to dance TASTY 2Wins' You Know Me also BTS' We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 dance break & the MC's are amazed. Then  MC Doni asked her for a cute dance but then one of the members (maybe the moodmaker) quickly prevented him & says 'Sunbae, you don't want to get killed do you?' then MC Doni gasped & shouted 'JEOSAHAMNIDA SEOSANGNIM!' he bows & it causes the studio to erupted with laughter while Sera smiles widely
  • At a fanmeeting, she met a little japanese boy who's a big fan of her. He says 'Onee-chan please smile...' then it causes Sera to smile & pecks the little boy cheek. 'Onee-chan will continue to smile if you support me okay?' she said to the little boy & pats his head. One of the members (probably the leader), who saw all of that, smiles & says 'You could never resist a child's aegyo don't you?' to Sera. She only shrugs
  • At the end of SM Town Tour, Kris pretends to propose to Sera with a Angry Bird doll & smiles dorky at her. She smiles a little & smacks his head before hugs him & kiss him on the cheek. All of the idols & fans cheered for them. Except Sunny of course
  • She was reeally sick but force herself to perform then she pass out
  • At Beatles Code when Sera finished her introduction, Shindong looks at her & then gasp 'Omo, this is the girl that I mentored!'. Sera smiles & then bowed to him. Shindong looked shocked because she's more beautiful right now. Then MC Tak Jae Hoon stated 'You mean she's ugly when she was at her trainee?', then Shindong interuppted by denying it. Sera laughs a little & then all of the members gasp in shock 'OMO, SHE LAUGHED!'. The MC's are all confused & then the members explained it. Shindong asked her to laugh again but she just keep a blank (scary) face & politely rejects it. One of the MCs (I forgot) shivered at her scary face & exaggerated it
  • At a show (I dunno, All The K-Pop I guess...) she was asked to do a y dance. She danced to After School's Flashback & Kris was caught drooling at her
  • At another show (I still dunno), Kai said that Sera is his favourite noona & that he's close with her then, Kris said 'Really?' with a sarcasm. Kai looks like he's having a mental breakdown when Kris said that but then Sera confirmed it...which cause Kai to brighten up again & Kris to have the mental breakdown
  • Still on the same show, when Kris has a mental breakdown, he looked at Sera & pouted. She looks at him blankly then comes over to him to hug him. And Sunny was fueled with anger
  • Where Sunny pushed Sera off the stairs & Sera banged her head really hard until it bleed & she falls into a coma, makes the group to postpone her activities (angsty, angsty)

Scandal requests: Well, about Wu Fan & Sera dating but then they clear it up by dating openly

Comments: Annyeong Haseyo! Thank you for reviewing & considering this character. I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes because English is not my native language, if there's any mistakes please notify me. I hope you like her, Gamsahamnida!

Suggestions: Ummm...Sub-Units & solo career for each of the member



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