`✖ のは戦うましょう // Let's Fight! : Aoyama Megumi



NAME : Aoyama Megumi
AOYAMA: She likes it when others call her last name instead
GUMI-MI: Shinji calls her that and it seems her friends start to picking up the name too
AGE : 15
BIRTHDAY : 110897 (mm/dd/yy)
ETHNICITY : Korean-Japanese
BIRTH PLACE : Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Kyoto, Japan
HEIGHT : 152 cm
BUILD : skinny and petite


PICTURES : [x] [x] [x]
BACKUP VISUAL : Jang Hae Byeol
PICTURES: [x] [x] [x]
APPEARANCE : Her clothes usually made for her own comfortable and rather not too flashy (earthy colors, pastel colors, black-white). Megumi doesn't really mind what she wears at least it's not under dressed. Simple jeans and t-shirt with a jacket or blazer is more than enough for her. Not only once she has an idea to have tattoo but she sticks with something more temprary. She can't have her wrist empty thus she has a lot of bracelets and few watches. One thing about Megumi is that even if she's not exactly tomboy, she finds men's acessories more appealing. Thus even if it's tad bit bigger, even her watches supposed to be guy's. Her only piercing is on ears. Her collection of earrings (also mostly for men) is quite plenty.
BRACELETS : [x] [x] [x]
WATCHES : [x] [x]
PIERCINGS : [x] [x] [x]


QUOTE : "A rock is just a rock. The shape, the size, the beauty however depends on the resolution in each drop of the rain"
LAST POSITION : The Errand-'Boy'
FIGHTING TERRAIN : Katana, daggers
PICTURES : [x] [x] [x]
PERSONALITY : Misaki for all people knows, is either androgynous or just a pretty boy. But perhaps because Megumi dresses as boy when becoming Misaki and act neutral (not too girlish not too boyish), people tends to get confused. When Megumi potrays Misaki, she refers herself as a boy. Misaki is more cheerful and friendly than Megumi. Do varieties of errands, from easy to hardcore - but put the same effort each. As Misaki, Megumi expresess her irritation far more easily. In free time Misaki looks an opurtunity to play-train. 















ADJECTIVES : shy, hardworker, closet-pessimist, friendly
“BEING AVARAGE HAS ITS OWN PERKS, YOU CAN’T SEEM TO LOVE IT EITHER TO HATE IT” : At fighting, studying, playing, debating, Megumi is everything that explains average. However even though sometimes she wants more – or sometimes she want less – Megumi never found this fact annoying (okay, maybe just a little). In despite hundred and thousand futile attempt to push her ability, it was hard for her to just throw her arms in the air and just leave. She’s either too hardworking or far too stubborn on dismissing the ‘average’ title.
“I TOLD YOU, YOU’LL REGRET IT IF YOU ANGERED ME!” : Megumi is always reserved on everything. However she’s proven to have very limited patience. Once she snapped, hell broke loose. But sometimes there are individuals those truly enraged her (mostly about her friends’ well-beings), and for one all her doubts even at herself would disappear in instant. She’ll fight with everything she got – even better but after it she would never able to reach the same point unless the whole thing repeated.
“ONE THING AT TIME – OTHERS CAN WAIT” : Until now, Megumi has one trait she cannot classified as a good thing or not. Having finds it difficult for her to have a lot of objectives at the same time. If this happened in the end she’ll find herself do one thing far better than another. Thus she put one mindset to finish one thing then another. But sometimes it makes Megumi become obsessed and stubborn about that one single thing.
“CAN I GIVE UP JUST FOR ONE MINUTE? I’LL BE BACK SOON” : She’s not born as a natural fighter, all her abilities came from hard work. There were times when she feels down and doubts coming to her. All these years she had pushed herself but then Megumi is only a normal girl after all. She could be found moping around before she found her strength return to her. Sometimes it took quite a long period, at that times she most likely push anyone’s aid aside and prefers to be alone.
“MY HOME? I DON’T THINK IT’S EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE” : Although born in South Korea with a Korean father, Megumi doesn’t have a Korean name. Her parents divorced just when she’s born. Coming along with her mother back to her mother’s hometown, Kyoto, Japan. Megumi never met her father thus she believe he never exist. When she’s six, her mother dies because of giving birth to Megumi’s little sister – which the father is rather questionable. Her mother left healthy amount of inheritance for her and her sister. In age of ten her grandma asked her to live with her, but Megumi declined, saying about she rather has no place to return.
“I STILL KEEP THAT FRAIL WOODEN SWORD... SOMEHOW” : She never really interested in self-defense or anything violence in any matter. But when her young sister is bullied, something spark inside of Megumi, thus she started taking kendo classes. She excelled in her class but it’s just an ordinary class with ordinary elementary students. So when she’s saved by a high school student stranger with a wooden katana sword, Megumi started to take everything seriously and her will flared by the act she received that day. That kind of explain why she started bringing wooden katana with her almost every day and the school bullies are under her feet.
“… YOU KIND OF OPEN MY EYES THAT DAY. NOW I CAN SEE HOW SMALL I AM IN THIS WORLD” : She knows it was a mistake. When she accidently helped a boss of a gang in her first year of high school, she knows hell will happen. Starting that day, more ferocious fighters came over her way, overwhelmed her greatly. But one time, when she thought she was done for, she’s saved by the boss she rescued before. Megumi doesn’t really have any choice when he asked him to join his gang – Nami High. Although hesitant, Megumi agrees which she was grateful afterwards, being under Kurokawa Ren had opened her eyes that world is more than just ordinary. That she’s just a flea in the huge world. That she has to work harder to protect more people.
“I KNOW IT’S A QUESTIONABLE FAVOR, BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?” :Ren is like someone she looked up to, and Megumi is someone he look after. One day there’s an operation she, Ren and other has to do. The day before a stranger came to her. He told her that the operation would be something she’ll regret for sure. The words start to haunt her mind. However in the end, Megumi just brush off the stranger’s words.
“AFTER THIS, CAN I HATE YOU?” :The operation ended failure. When all of them should just flee, one man had to stay behind. Megumi never truly understand why she’s chosen. She obliged Ren nonetheless. But before Ren and other leaves, Megumi says she will never see Ren the same way she does before. In the end the police caught her. For Megumi it was nothing, but her grandma interference and managed to bail her out. In exchange she and her sister have to live with her in Osaka and attended new school. For Megumi who knows this beforehand, the whole change is the reason she ‘hates’ Ren.
“IT’S LIKE LIVING UNDER AN UMBRELLA THAT HIDES YOU FROM EVERYTHING… IT’S FRUSTRATING” : In Osaka she live with her grandmother and little sister and started attending Midori High. Megumi is still like her previous self although more introvert to strangers. This time she still can do what she always been doing but her grandma seems to put an eye at her – as discreet as it can be. Albeit thinking it as annoying, for Megumi everything is downright average – at least for her, right?
READING: In boredom, a bit of fantasy could help
COFFEE-LATTE: Doesn't affected by the caffeine but the sugar is different story
CATS: Simply because they're cute
MUSIC: Instead of playing, she likes listening almost 24/7
GHOSTS: She'll freak out and cling on the nearest person she knows
SMALL AND SECLUDED PLACES: Megumi even avoids elevators
LAUGH WITHOUT REASON: She can't help when something trivial funny even in a fight
BAD FACIAL RECOGNITION: Not only once she pissed her opponent for not recognizing them


MOTHER : Aoyama Natsume// 28// deceased // independent, rash, kind
Not much known about her real personality in despite her lack of luck in romance department. However as long she’s been with Megumi, the girl could easily remember the tall dependable figure. Megumi sees her as a role model – someone who strong but with a big heart and cares about her surroundings.
LIL' SISTER : Aoyama Asako // 10// alive // funny, naive, outgoing
The first reason Megumi ever want to touch a sword. Megumi never want her sister know anything about what she does. So in Asako’s eyes, Megumi is just one ordinary big sister who loves her sister very much. However the girl can sometimes ask questions that makes Megumi cringed before finding the right way to answer.
GRANDMOTHER : Aoyama Reiko // 60// alive // strict, serious, caring
Megumi hates the fact she now has to live with her Grandmother, and Reiko is also fully aware for this. Megumi never finds it neat that she’s being bailed out thanks to his Grandma. Megumi promised that she will never walk in the same path again (what a pathetic lie), but Reiko knows better. Because of her scarily wide connection, she always up to date to what the hell her Grandchild is doing.
GANG : Nami High
TATSUKI AMI: 16 // alive // bubbly, loyal, understanding// part of previous gang
Ami is Megumi’s friend from Ren’s gang. And probably the only person from her past she’s been talking too. Ami shares the latest – but not the secret – things happened around and vice versa. Aside of all that, they share the same preference towards songs, foods, and anything ordinary.
YAMAMOTO SHINJI: 14 // alive // nosy, mishievous, friendly // neighborhood kid
Megumi’s neighbor that gradually becomes her friend. She cares deeply about the boy, but sometimes Shinji’s curiosity annoys the heck of her. Until now she still manage to keep the truth away from the nosy kid, but who knows? Maybe when Megumi is not aware enough, the cat will be out the bag.
RIVAL: Kurokawa Ren // 17// charismatic, kind (sometimes), stubborn
After the entire ‘incident’ that makes her lost her so-called freedom,  Megumi start to see Ren not only as an object of her hatred, but unknown to her, Ren still sees her as someone he looks after. Megumi started to thinking about their one-sided rivalry as a reason to work and practice harder to finally overcome the boy. However she heard Ren is now a stronger boss from a stronger gang. It seems she has a lot of things to catch up…


LOVE INTEREST : Byun Baekhyun
BACK UP : Park Chanyeol
APPEARANCE : Baekhyun wears  ear piercings. He's really fond of the set of piercings he currently has , and even sometimes intersted on buying something else, he didn't in the end. He doesn't has any tattoo though although seems to have mild interest in it.
PIERCINGS : [x] [x]
PERSONALITY : Always relaxed over most of things and break the ice with his small jokes. Baekhyun enjoys fight here and there, never finding peace is a great thing. What's life without a bit of spice? He might say with a slight wrigle of his eyebrow. Even though he’s actually a very jumpy person. He’ll get paranoid over small things. He relied on his hunch very much, and too much for his amusement, his hunch is narrowly always right. But because of this, Baekhyun could become easily and extremely worry over things. But mostly to someone he truly cares about. Maybe the first stage would be asking you continuously. But when he started stalking you, following you, asking-demanding-insisted to stand by your side 24/7, then it means you’re very special for him. 
HOW YOU GUYS MET : Actually they have met before albeit not exchanging names. Baekhyun is the guy who 'ultimately' warns her about the outcome of the incident with Nami High. When Megumi enrolls Midori High, Baekhyun apparently remembers her. By noting their previous encounter, Baekhyun tried to greet her. Megumi found it weird – since she’s cannot remember him anyway. Baekhyun however insists they met before and started persuading her. Both of them start to get close. Baekhyun realized how stubborn Megumi is with her tasks, and Megumi noticed that Baekhyun is anything but average.
LOVE IS IN THE AIR : When one want to buy something, the other follows. When one want to stop the other will do the same thing. Megumi is clearly worried over the jumpy but fighting-seeker Baekhyun, while the other is just worrying about anything regarding Megumi. Both of them can be found disagree with each other then fighting and before you know it, they will laugh on some sort of inside joke. But either Baekhyun or Megumi never talk anything regardless their really-really close relationship. Although it’s obvious not only to them, that the tension IS there. They constantly hints each other that they like each other more than friends, but once the subject is close they laughed it off because of embarrassment. Even though they still stuck with each other by the hip (or Baekhyun usually is). They care each other, like each other, love each other even if they’re in silent commitment. Or like what the others tend to say: “Just kiss each other already!”


COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, CONCERNS? : This is actually my first time making an application for apply fic, so it might have some or a lot of errors. I tried not to make this too lenghty but I guess it's too short? I'm not sure. And if I missed something or do something incorrectly, please tell me so I can fix it! And also I think this apply fic's idea is very VERY interesting. I rarely find something like this before :) Anyway I hope you like Megumi~
SCENE REQUESTS : ...For some reason I want Shinji (the neighbor kid) make some sort of sudden appearance



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