The Haunting in Seoul Application

Application form :-

Username: LookAtMe123

Name: Ae-Cha Garcia-Lee

Nickname: Cha-Cha

Age: 17

Ethinicity: Half Filipino/ Half Korean

Birthplace: Cebu, Philippines

Birthday: March 21, 1994


Rian Garcia|| Father|| Rian is a hard working man, doesn't like wasting anything and reusing everything that can be reused. Loves drinking with his friends when he doesn't have work. Never really has time for their family, since he ran away with tha maid|| Stays in the Philippines, mechanic|| Not so close, since he ran away with the maid|| 40

Lee Re-Mi|| Mother|| Re-mi is a fun loving woman who loves her children very much. She is a woman who has alot of hobbies and mingles with the neighbors, making good friends. She is easy to get along with and what other children might call a 'cool' mom.|| Receptionist in a hotel|| Very close; Ae-Cha tells her everything|| 35

Personality: Ae-Cha is a very shy girl. Rarely talks in class and is almost invinsible in the hallway. She would be the type of person who you would associate with social outcasts and emo persons. But actually, Ae-Cha is just scared of trusting people. It is hard to gain her trust, but once you have gained it, you will be having a hard time to break it. Ae-Cha may be quiet and reserved on the outside, but once she feels comfortable enough to laugh and joke with you she will change into a whole new different person. She would joke the most and laugh the loudest.

Another thing is, though quiet, Ae-Cha is highly opinionated and defends herself quiet well. She is smart and sharped-tongue. In school, she uses her voice sometimes when teachers ask her but mostly she uses it to defend herself against bullies. Ae-Cha loves people with a laid-back personality and would always hang around someone like her.

Ae-Cha is secretive to the point even her mom, who she is very close with, doesn't know all of her dark secrets. Ae-Cha also feels uncomfortable when she knows people are talking behind her back, which she usually finds out about. Ae-Cha is also a good story teller, but her favorite stories to tell is the ghost stories she has collected when she lived in the Philippines. Her soft-sounding voice adding to the creepy effect.


Ae-Cha was born to a middle class family in Cebu City in the country of Philippines. She lived a happy life surrounded by books and family, her father, though strict about money, would always remember to kiss her good night. Well, that was until she was 12. On her 13th birthday an unknown woman walked into their lives as a maid. For the first few months of the woman's stay, nothing was wrong and life was the same. But suddenly, her father started to act weird. He now forgets to give her good night kisses, always awkward around her mom and always teasing the maid. Then after five months spent wondering why, the truth came out. Her father was having an affair with the maid! Horrified, Ae-Cha's mother left with her to the province outside Cebu City where they spent living with her aunts.

Ae-Cha believes that monsters exist because of one faithful night. She was playing outside the house at night, her flashligh and moonlight was the only thing illuminating the place. When she suddenly spot a dark dot in the middle of the moon, and that dark dot grew bigger and bigger until she finally recognized the thing growing bigger. It was a mananangal, a half bodied woman who at night, departs from her lower body and sprouts wings to hunt). Ae-Cha ran to her house in fear and never again came out at night.

Since they were living with their father's siblings, the father was outraged and almost drove them out of town. Scared, Lee Re-Mi took Ae-Cha and booked a flight back to Seoul, Korea where her grandparents were living.

Height: 155cm

Weight: 46kg

Your look (Four links ,please.If you want,you can put it whoever you want,even if not Korean.But no idols):




*Reading Ghost Stories

*Watching Movies

*Playing with her pet cat named Mo-Mo

*Listening to her Ipod

*Surfing the net


*Ghost Stories

*Laid-back people



*Music (especially undeground)

*Vampire Novels

*Changing her profile pic on her phone



*Loud People in the restoraunt


*Knowing People Are Talking About Her

*Bieng the center of attention

*Being Called by the teachers to recite


*Bites her nails when under stress

*Stares at you when she finds you interesting

*Stares blankly at anything when bored

*Clamps on to anything or anybody beside her when she's scared


*Losing People Near to her (Her mother and her friends)

*Getting her heart broken

*Seeing a ghost or seeing another mananangal

*Large Crowds


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LookAtMe123 #1
@LOes_JY_ Welcome ^_^
LOrd_JY_ #2
Thankz 8)