12 Princes, 12 Roses - Rainbow Rose | Choi Lina



Choi Lina

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: inamorata
Activiness: 8/10
What Should I call you? Mi

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Choi Lina
Age: 18
B-Day: 06/06/1995
Birthplace: London, England

HighSchool: Junior
Power: Mind Control
Back-Up Power: Visual Manipulation
Plot: Rainbow Rose
Back-Up Plot: Orange Rose

Hometown -Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity -  Korean
Bloodtype - B
Height - 167 kg
Weight - 47 kg
Languages - Korean {fluent}; English {fluent}; Mandarin {conversational}


Background - A hospital in rainy-day london was where Choi Lina was born, and a small, 2-story, house in downtown Seoul was where she grew up.  Due to her mother's parents tragic death by a car accident, the Choi family relocated to Seoul, South Korea in order to be closer to Lina's mother's hometown and to be closer to their Korean roots when Lina was 6. Although she was born in London, Lina considers Seoul to be her hometown because Seoul is where most of her memories of her childhood are. Choi Lina led a relatively normal life, with normal friends and family. That was until her parents got divorced when she was 13 due to her mother cheating on her father. The divorce was a complete mess with her parents continuously going to court in order to try and win custody over Lina and her 3 younger siblings. Being only 13, it was only natural that she had a lot of anger and sadness but she would always bottle up those negative feelings because she had to be strong for her younger siblings. That is also when she discovered her powers.

One day when her parents were fighting, Lina's youngest sibling began to cry due to the loud screaming which caused the rest of her siblings to begin crying. Hating to see her siblings cry, Lina somehow made them see visions of hapiniess and laughter and paradise. Fortunately, the next day, her siblings all thought it was a dream. But ever since she discovered her power, she began to practice it. Whenever her her parents fought, she made her siblings see happy things such as the beach.  She would also make people see small things such as a bug climbing up their arm in order to practice her power. She has never told anyone about her powers, because she knows that there's a strong chance people won't be accepting. Once her father won custody when Lina was 15, her mother left for the States and completely cut herself out of her children's lives.  So, Lina does have some resentment toward her.


Personality - Ditzy and loud-mouthed with outlandish yet witty comments, people perceive Choi Lina as humorous and a bit crazy. When asked, she expresses her thoughts and opinions vocally with plenty of blutness and honesty. Those who have never met Lina or do not know her, may find her comments a bit rude because she does tend to speak without thinking. But, don't misunderstand. Lina means well and her intentions are always good. Confident, flexible, accepting, easy-going and understanding, she is comfortable everywhere she goes and rarely gets embarassed so she doesn't care about how others view her. She's a bright girl who is easily amused, hates to see people upset, and rarely complains about anything. Because of this, she can make friends easily. Lina also isn't the type to get angered or annoyed easily. Things happen and life happens so she builds a bridge and gets over it. If she is mad though, it's unnoticeable. In order to sense her anger, you'd have to read between the lines. 

However, there is a quite serious, independent and sedate side of Lina that most people do not get to see. Behind the kooky jokes and comments, lies a wise and realistic girl who enjoys peace and quiet. She knows her place and where she stands, but because of her humourous quips and pratical jokes, many think that she's ridiculous when it's actually the complete opposite. With Lina, the gears in her mind are constantly turning. She's very analytical in that way, and is constantly observing. For that, it's very easy for her to connect the dots and figure out people's secrets. No need to worry though, because she isn't a snitch nor the type of person to expose without a proper reason because she's fair.

If you get to know Lina well and have her trust, she is an extremely loyal friend. Although she may be teasing around you, she'll have your back 150% of the time and won't be afraid to stand up for you. She's very protective over the people she loves, so if you hurt them you hurt her. On the other hand, Lina's trust is hard to gain but easy to lose. She's realistic, she knows that not everybody is completely good. So although she makes crazy jokes and comments, don't expect her to reveal her true self so easily.

Likes - 

  • corny jokes
  • overly sweet foods
  • adreneline
  • bananas
  • scary movies
  • bugs
  • books
  • natural smells

Dislikes - 

  • birds
  • strong perfume
  • being underestimated/overestimated
  • broken promises
  • when her loved ones are hurt
  • cheaters

Hobbies - 

  • reading
  • run-dancing {dancing while running}
  • practicing her powers
  • trying to put her foot over her head


  • birds {especially black crows}
  • her loved ones dying
  • death

Habits -

  • puffing her cheeks
  • speaking gibberish when frustrated
  • talking really fast when anxious/excited
  • touching her lip when nervous
  • singing in her sleep

Trivia - 

  • is a deepsleeper
  • can imitate the sound of a donkey
  • lollipops are her favorite type of candy and is often seen eating them
  • can't do any type of sport although she tries
  • has a birtish accent when she speaks english
  • surprisingly can cook but she's clumsy
  • worst subject: math

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- Park Seul
Gallery: h e r e 

Back-up Ulzzang Name- Soyou
Gallery-  h e r e

Style - Usually Lina's style is very casual. An oversized shirt with the front tucked in, jeans shorts, her favorite pair of converse and a baseball cap is something that she might wear. On other days, when she feels like trying, she'll wear something girly. Such as a skirt with a cute top or a cute top with skinny jeans.

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
School: 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Extra Things: 

  • tattoo along her right shoulder blade that symbolizes truth, flight, lightness, ascention and dreams
  • double piercing on both ears

More People to Know :P


Mother | Kim Nayoung | 50 | Unknown | Alive | Ever since Lina's mother left the family, there is no relationship. 

Father | Choi Minhyung | 53 | Chef/ Restaurant Owner | Alive | Although Choi Minhyung is working most of the day, he is a very loving man who works hard for his family. He loves each and every one of his children, especially Lina because she cares for her younger siblings while he's at work. He sometimes think she's even stronger than him.

Brother | Choi Minsoo | 14 | Student | Alive | Very close to Lina due to the fact the she gives him support. Although Minsoo is the 2nd oldest. he is a bit of a coward. However, Lina is constantly cheering him on and giving him confindence in hopes that he finds strength in himself.

Sister | Choi Namin | 11 | Student | Alive | Namin and Lina a close to each other, of course, but they sort of have a love-hatte relationship. Namin can be whiny and a bit sassy at times, which causes Lina to scold her. On the other hand, Namin looks up to Lina as her rolemodel.

Brother | Choi Minjung | 7 | Student | Alive | Minjung and Lina are probably the closest out of all the siblings. Minjung is still very young and innocent.  Because their mother left, he sees Lina as mother figure because she is always there and caring for him so he'll cling onto her often.                                                                                                        


Lee Byunghun {L.Joe} | 17 | Student | They're very close and have known each other since they were both 3 years old. They joke around with each other and are very sarcastic with each other. Some would think that they're actually a couple, but their not. They see it each other as siblings and that's all.

Best Friend: 
The Brown Rose; People don't normally associate themselves with the Brown Rose and Lina doesn't know why. Together, they're both very bright and cheerful and talkative. Because she knows what others think of the Brown Rose, Lina fearlessly sticks up for her friend and scolds others for judging her friend for just trivial reasons.


You Love Me, I Love You!


Prince- Park Chanyeol
Power- Fire
How you meet - They're desk partners in the same class.
Personality - If you didn't know Park Chanyeol, you'd think he was on crack with his loud laugh and overexaggerated reactions. Chanyeol is talktative, loud-mouthed, playful and a bit crazy, kind of like Lina. He is a giant dork that loves to make people laugh. He's very friendly too. He loves making friends and getting to know people. Chanyeol is also very easy-going, but reckless, stubborn and oblivious to other's feelings. Like Lina, Chanyeol has a serious side when he's alone. Behind the crazily huge smiles, Chanyeol is actually insecure and unsure about himself. He lacks confidence and needs reassurance, therefore he likes attention. That's why he always makes such jokes and antics.
How you act around each other - They're basically the class clowns, always making people laugh with their antics. Chanyeol and Lina get along very well in class. They like to poke fun at each other and joke around. However, outside of class they aren't very close. In the hallways they might greet each other with a small "hello" and that's it; because although they have the same interests, they have different hobbies.
Relationship- Friends

Back-up Prince - Chen

How you meet - Chen accidentally ran into Lina in the morning of the first day of school, knocking all of her books out of her arms. He only muttered a "sorry" before he got up continued to run, leaving Lina to pick up all of her books off the floor by herself. Later, Lina found out that they were in the same class and that he was running because he stole Baekhyun's eye-liner.

Personality - Chen is a loud-mouthed, blunt guy who loves to tease and  troll people. He does get annoyed easily and is stubborn. Although he may come off rude, he's very loyal and caring to the people he loves. Chen's trust is hard to gain, and so when he jokes around with you it means that he thinks of you as a close friend. He doesn't express his emotions well and that's why he likes to tease and joke around.
How you act around each other - You'd think that after their first meeting, things would be awkward but it's been the opposite. After Chen gave Lina a better apology and explained why he was running, she forgave him and found the whole situation funny. They talk and joke around often in class, but that's about all.
Relationship- Friends


If You want...

Scence Requests: n/a
Questions: n/a
Comments: I hope it's not too long. >.< Thank you and good luck!
I ship them so hard.


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