12 Princes, 12 Roses - Blue Rose | Cassandra Cho




Cassandra Cho

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: ScarletRose31
Activiness: 9/10
What Should I call you? 

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Cho Nayoung
Age: 19
B-Day: 31/10/1993
London, England
HighSchool: Senior
Power: Vision Manipulation
Back-Up Power: Mind Control
Plot: Blue Rose
Back-Up Plot: Red Rose

Hometown - Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity - Pure Korean
Bloodtype - B
Height - 165 cm
Weight - 50 kg
Languages - Korean [fluent] | English [fluent] | Japanese [Conversational]


Background -

Her parents met in London, England and so their children were born and lived there most of their childhood. Her parents are called Jason and Miranda and they love each other with all their heart. She has an older sister who she looks up to called Claire and an twin brother who is older than her by ten minutes and she's very close to him because they're twins. She has a younger brother called Austin and a younger sister called Amelia.

It wasn't exactly easy to find out that Cassandra had powers because it wasn't something noticeable and it was something Cassandra thought was normal. She can see far ahead than others and can see from the distance quite well. She has perfect vision but according to her doctors, it was something advanced than a human and the doctors wanted to see why but her parents never let them experiment on Cassandra's eyes in case something happened since working with the eye is a delicate job.

Her vision manipulation developed more without her knowing because she used her power more without her knowing. She doesn't even have to squint to see the distance and she was good at spotting all the small things. She developed more ways to use her power like making them see things. Being a young girl, she loved to dream that unicorns were real as well as her imaginary friends. Her parents thought it was something normal since she was a young but then Cassandra said to her mother, "Hey, mum, this is my imaginary friend, Nina!" And then her mother started to see the imaginary friend as Cassandra started explaining to her. Her mother was wide eyed and when she touched Nina, the girl smiled at her and her mother was incredibly scared. Her father came in the room but when he was asked if he saw Nina, he said no until Cassandra started introducing him to Nina.

Her parents looked at each other and noticed that it sounded like something that happened before. It was her mother's brother and Cassandra's uncle and apparently he saw things before. They were unsure of showing Cassandra to the uncle because they thought he was crazy. Cassandra then officially found her powers because her uncle, Cho Hyunwoo or James. James was a librarian but the reason that he wanted to be one was because he had the access to all books and even some more books that weren't shown to other people and he learned his power that way and he decided to teach Cassandra how to control it.

Her parents thought it was weird but James had talked to them about their daughter and yes, they were surprised. The two parents never actually believed anythng that James said because they thought he was crazy. They thought the crazy gene had somehow gotten down to Cassandra and even though what James told them was a lot to take in, they managed to get through it.

Cassandra's life was fine and she was content with it. She wanted her power to be somehow be useful to someone and she used it for the sake of others and to help others. She learned to develop it and learned how to also see through someone's else eyes and is able to see from them but then she had to manage two heads at a time but with time and practice, she managed to.

When Cassandra was ten, she had to part from her uncle who lived in London but they decided to keep in contact. They moved because of money issues and even though they were supposed to stay in Seoul for a short amount of time, but they ended liking it there so they stayed there.


Personality -

She's somewhat mysterious. She doesn't like talking about herself and would rather talk about others which makes her a little mysterious because people don't know much about her. She just likes to hear more about other people and what their lives are things they like and dislikes. Also, she day dreams a lot and when her mind is in another world, she tends to be quiet and tends to stare right ahead for a long time. Sometimes, she doesn't even blink at all which she scares other people but she's just day dreaming.

She's a girl full of hopes and dreams. She's a dreamer who wishes for the best in the world. Her imagination is big and creative and sometimes she likes it better in her own world because it's better and everything seems to go better than reality but when she's opened her eyes and left the world of dreaming, she's slapped with cold hand of reality. She knows what dreaming and reality is but she prefers to dream, even though she knows that it might not come true but she's hopeful but sometimes, when expectations are too high, she does get depressed at the result.

Cassandra's curiousity is boundless. She loves the mystery, things she doesn't know about. She likes surprises and all and the unexpected or the unnatural, something beyond human understanding. Her mind is open to a lot of things. If she wanted to find out about something, she would search a lot about it and find out more about it in either the web or the books. The mystery to her is intruiging and its something she wants to find out. She wants something mind-blowing and she tends to search up facts and is quite smart.

Cassandra is an overly emotional girl. Her sensitivity is incredibly high. One small fight with her and she'll probably cry. She'll cry over sad songs and movies and she will cry hard. She's like a fragile glass but she hates being called weak and vulnerable. She doesn't like it and she will try hard to stop herself from crying like biting her lip and running away to a place where no one can see her. She wants to be strong and hide everything weak about her She tries really hard to hide it and hates the fact that she's emotionally weak.

Likes -

  • Bunnies
  • Dogs
  • Suprises
  • Anything cute
  • Anything about romance and love
  • Action movies
  • The colour blue
  • Bubble Tea- her favourite is the strawberry flavoured one with tapioca pearls
  • Music
  • Sushi
  • Sweet and sour sauce
  • Sweet food
  • Little kids and babies
  • People playing with her hair
  • Playing with other people's hair
  • Iced Tea
  • Skinship like hugs
  • Anime/Manga

Dislikes -

  • Mayonnaise
  • Bugs and insects
  • Seeing too much blood
  • Dishonest people
  • Coffee
  • Really hot weather- it can make her hot tempered
  • Boredom
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Theme parks

Hobbies -

  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Drawing
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Writing stories


  • Spiders
  • Porcelain dolls
  • Clowns
  • Heights
  • Failure

Habits -

  • Pulling off the skin off her chapped lips.
  • She hums and prances around when she's happy.
  • When she's ill, she will rather sleep on a sofa and not the bed. Even if she wakes up on a bed,  she will transfer to the sofa because she feels more comfortable there.
  • When she feels the need to cry, she takes a shower.
  • Zones out when bored and day dreams.
  • Instead of swearing, she says fudge.
  • Making derpy faces and weird sounds for fun to her close friends.
  • Nods her head and taps her foot to the beat of the music.
  • Doesn't blink for a long time when she day dreams which scares other people.
  • Using a word from a different language when she forgets to say a word.

Trivia -

  • She can't swim but she likes going to swimming pools and beaches.
  • She has a cute bunny attached on her phone.
  • She doesn't like throwing away things.
  • She doesn't have a furry pet because her mother is allergic to it.
  • She likes telling other people that she has sixteen pets but in reality, she has sixteen fishes.
  • She's ticklish in every part of her body but she claims herself to be the Tickling Queen because once she starts to tickle other people, they never win back.
  • She is thinking about growing up to become a psychologist.
  • She has a journal in which she writes in her free time.
  • She can't write in Japanese but can understand and say it because she has watched them since she was young.
  • She has an iPhone with a Blue Rose as a cover for the phone.
  • She lost her voice on a rollercoaster before and couldn't speak for two days.


It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- Park Hyemin/Pony
Gallery: Linkeu

Back-up Ulzzang Name- Do Hweji
Gallery- Linkeu

Style - The first thing she looks at clothes for is to be comfortable in them. Her fashion taste are clothes that are quite dark. The clothes she wear for the lower part of the body are something dark which means that light pink skirts are a no. She likes to wear black, maroon or navy colours. She likes to wear jeans and shorts and only wears a skirt or a dress in formal events but other than that, she wears skirts occasionally. Her style is rather cool and casual and likes to wear converse and sneakers.

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
School: 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Combat Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Extra Things: She has an earlobe piercing on both ears and she likes to wear earrings shaped like wings.

More People to Know :P


Father | Cho Jaeun/Jason | 51 | Nurse | Alive | Cassandra and her father have a friendly relationship like the other siblings. He's more loose and fun and he's packed with a lot of knowledge and Cassandra does like to learn from him and her father does like to do jokes and Cassandra just laughs along.

Mother | Cho Minah/Miranda | 51 | Mid-wife | Alive | Cassandra respects and loves her mother. They are not that close although they do talk sometimes and Cassandra obediently follows without saying a word and her mother does depend on her because out of her siblings, Cassandra's the most obedient.

Older sister | Cho Nara/Claire | 22 | Lawyer | Alive | Since Claire was the older sister, Cassandra looked up to her as a role model because Claire is an intelligent yet friendly girl and the two get along quite well. Cassandra and Claire are really close but not as close as Cassandra's and Samuel's relationship. They talk about a lot of things and Cassandra tells her a lot and Claire does as well.

Older twin brother | Hyungshik/Samuel | 19 | Student | Alive | Being twins, they are really close with each other that they can sometimes communicate without even talking. Hyungshik wasn't even scared of her when he found out that she had powers and went along with it and supported her.

Younger brother | Hyunwoo/Austin | 17 | Student | Alive | Austin thinks Cassandra more of an interesting sister with a big imagination. The two are aloof in a way and Austin doesn't talk much and prefers to play instead and to get along with him, Cassandra plays with him although she does do it horribly at first but she's pretty decent at games.

Younger sister | Cho Najin/Amelia | 16 | Student | Alive | Their relationship is somewhat weird because they both like and hate each other. They do get into fights because sometimes Amelia can be quite rude at times and Cassandra doesn't liek that but, without even saying sorry, they make up. It's an unspoken communication between the two.

Uncle | Cho Hyunwoo | 53 | Librarian | Alive | He treats Cassandra as if she was his daughter. Because they both have the same powers, they were close and could ask each other about it.


Lee Dasom | 20 | Student | They have a good relationship with each other. Dasom is like the opposite of Cassandra but they get along well with each other. Dasom has the saracastiness that makes Cassandra laugh and Dasom is a strong and brave girl and Dasom is like a big sister to Cassandra since they are so close to the fact that thye put each other down but they know it's for fun.

Lee Hyunwoo | 20 | Student | Their relationship is rather friendly and he likes to flirt with Cassandra as an example to see if it works with other girls in which Cassandra doesn't like because he uses her but they get along quite well but only because of Hyunwoo's confidence to hang out with the two girls and the two learned to enjoy his presence and knew that he wasn't ever going to leave.

Best Friend: 
Black Rose because Cassandra is intrigued by her. She wonders why she doesn't talk much to other people and why she is always cold to others and it makes Cassandra wonder and tries to get close to her. She doesn't really believe in rumours until she sees it in reality and from watching a bit from the distance, Cassandra can get the feeling that she's not actually a bad person.


You Love Me, I Love You!



Prince- Kim Jongdae/Chen
Power- Lightning
How you meet - Chen and Cassandra met in school. Cassandra saw Chen prank another student and even though the student laughed it off, Cassandra thought it was kind of rude. Usually, she was the type of person to laugh it off but today, she was feeling a bit angry about forgetting her lunch and not having money to buy something and the way he pranked the student really ticked her off. So, she looked right in his eyes and started to use her vision manipulation on him and made him see the student turning into two people and Cassandra had to hold her laugh when she saw his face change into a terrified look. The student couldn't see what was wrong and looked curiously at Chen. Cassandra continued and in his mind turned the student into a dog that growled and was about to chase him. Chen was about to use his power when Cassandra laughed too hard and fell on the floor. Chen looked at her and saw her get up and dusting her skirt. He looked back at the student and he looked normal, no dogs and not two people but the student looked normal. He turned to her and it was like what Kris said and  Chen knew she was his Rose and Cassandra looked in his eyes and felt the same.

"That was your power?" He asked and she nodded. " Cool!" he answered and smiled at her and Cassandra couldn't help but smile back before the feeling of being hungry engulfed her again.
Personality - Chen has a fun and outgoing personality. He can get along with other people well and is the pranking type. He likes to play pranks on other people for fun and is pretty much like a troll. He's very energetic and hyper and is really positive. He can brighten up your day, unless you're a serious person who doesn't take jokes lightly, you may not be able to get along with him.

Even if he is a class clown, he can be at times, unexpectedly, gentle and kind. He will be willing to help those in need. He's very polite and respectful to adults and people he doesn't know well and he's like a considerate and helpful kind of guy.

He's very forgetful and has to write things down to remember it. He's stubborn and he has to get what he wants and he will work hard to get what he wants. He is quite critical of himself when it comes to improving himself and knows that he can be better. He's also a little erted and likes going to clubs to dance and mingle.
How you act around each other - They get along very well because Cassandra isn't all that serious and loves the jokes Chen makes and Chen likes to make her laugh. They are like best friends who get along really well. He's also quite unexpected at times that he surprises Cassandra and Cassandra likes the unexpected. Also, Cassandra learns to open up more easily because Chen is forcing her to talk. Cassandra doesn't like to talk about herself and as much as Chen is pretty much like a troll and a talkative kind of guy, he can kind of tell that Cassandra is a fragile girl, being emotionally unstable, and always talks to her so she doesn't go through things by herself. He's a little soft about her but he would never show that and would rather show it subtly. Around Cassandra, he learns to be much nicer than he usually is but sometimes, when Cassandra is feeling kind of prank-y, they join together to form the ultimate troll duo. With his pranking skills and her vision manipulation, they may create the worst duo yet. But when Cassandra comes back to normal, she apologises and Chen teases her for that.
Relationship- Best Friends

Back-up Prince - Byun Baekhyun
Power- Light
How you meet - They met each other in a music store near the school. Baekhyun was intested in the music that humans do and Cassandra was looking around for piano books. Cassandra was also holding her school books as well because she recently came from school and doesn't have enough space in her bag. She kept on walking while keeping her gaze at the books and accidentally bumped to Baekhyun making everythign fall out of her arm and being the nice person he is, he helped her.
Personality - Baekhyun has a cheeful and bright personality. He will be able to light your with a smile. He's a kind and helpful person who is willing to help others when they are in need and he even looks like an angel. He likes to socialise and make lots of friends. He's a hard working person who will get determined if he wanted to reach a certain dream.

He's a sensitive guy who can actually be easily hurt by rude words and comments even though he does try not to show his weakness around others. He's can be quite short tempered at times.
How you act around each other - They act like reallty good friends and are in good terms with each other. Baekhyun has a social and bright personality while Cassandra is a bit more aloof and slightly private but he does help more to open up and she likes the fact that he's so open with himself and has a bright personality.
Relationship- Friends


If You want...

Scence Requests: I can't think of anything right now, shall I think of some later on afterwards?
Questions: None really ~
Comments: Sorry I took so long to finsih this app but I done it! I hope you like her ~
Password: Taoris



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