12 Princes, 12 Roses - PurpleRose | Shin Rin Yeon




Shin Rin Yeon

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: kpoploveerxoxo 
Activiness: 9/10
What Should I call you? Kristii or Rian c;

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Shin,Rin Yeon // Krystal Alli Shin (English name)
Age: 16
B-Day:  16 December 1996
Birthplace: Seoul,South Korea

HighSchool: Sophmore
Power: telepathy
Back-Up Power:
Plot: Purple Rose

Back-Up Plot: 

Hometown - Seoul,South Korea 
Ethnicity - Korean-American 
Bloodtype - A
Height - 168cm
Weight - 47kg
Languages -


Background - Rin Yeon was Born in Seoul and still currently lives there,her mother is a famous fashion designer there and her father  is currently a CEO for Shin Enterprise.Rin Yeon has a little sister 2 years younger then her,they were born in a rich family since their parent's became very successful.One day on a family trip to the beach along with the Jung's Minah and Rin Yeon were told to stay in their cabin and wait for their mother to come back but Rin Yeon didn't listen and went near the water of the beach with Minah following her soon other kids went near the water and started playing, Rin Yeon was only 8 that time while Minah was only 6 Jessica had secretly been watching Rin Yeon and Minah making sure that Nothing happens to them but when Rin Yeon was invited to play along with the other kids along with Krystal,Jessica stopped watching Minah for a while making sure that Krystal and Rin Yeon was okay.But when she turned to look at Minah she was shocked and ran straight to the Beach and started looking for her,When rin yeon went to go back too her sister Minah she started breaking down in tears because Minah was gone;ever since then she always blamed herself for the loss of her sister and would always cry because of that incident.

5 days after Rin Yeon came back from the beach she had always been crying and Jessica,Krystal and her father was the only ones comforting her, repeatedly saying that its not her fault but she knows that it is..She felt so broken and that's when she discovered her power Jessica & Krystal were Right Behind her saying all these stuff in their head feeling sorry for her,Rin Yeon had read it all,she didn't know how but she was able to read their minds and speak to them.Rin Yeon's Father was the first one to know Rin Yeon's power and was shocked but when her Mother knew of her power she just showed no emotion and just became distant with her and Rin Yeon just broke into tears because she felt like her mother doesn't care at all but the truth is SooHyun is Hurt and she just doesn't want Rin Yeon to read her thoughts right now because she knew that it just might hurt her daughter even more. At the age of 14 Rin Yeon fell inlove but got broken finding out that the guy was only playing with her heart it hurt her too much and she knows that she will get her revenge but the truth is the guy was being blackmailed by a girl that likes him very much saying that she'll hurt his precious Rin yeon if he doesn't make it look like he was just playing with her heart;since then Rin Yeon swore that she'll Become stronger and she goes to stay with Krystal and Jessica from time to time to make herself feel okay away from the pain but everyday she feels like crying and consistantly blames herself for everything..

Personality -

Rin Yeon has two sides to herself,the Masked her and the True Rin Yeon.

Rin Yeon tends to wear a mask and only shows her True self to those close to her, She can be arrogant,cold but still caring,sweet and playful.She Can be  a sweet bubbly girl who can be a trouble maker sometimes. she is really charismatic and is really playful and a bit childish  but she never fails to try and cheer others up;specially her friends.she is very shy around those she doesnt know that well specially if she hasn't met them yet, she may look innocent but do not underestimate her for she is a troublemaker and can be evil when she wants,but doesn't really harm others. She is a very kind and sweet girl! Rin Yeon is like a happy virus,she is very bubbly,playful and sometimes childish.She never likes seeing one of her friends get hurt or see them sad..it upsets her so she does her best to cheer them up. she is very sweet and always gives words of encouragement for others so they can continue to go on with the things they like despite the bad things..Whenever she practices or studies she is really serious but still has the playful attitude,she can become lazy sometimes and if someone tries to fight with her she will talk back to them not caring what she says but only does it privately, she can be bossy sometimes and ignores those around her when she's in a bad mood,she can be a bit sensitive but does her best to try not to be too sensitive.She can also be self centered sometimes but thinks of other's too.

Rin Yeon can be clueless and a bit lost sometimes but comes back to reality when it's explained to her,she is very obidient and very respectful to her sunbaes especially to those older then her.she cares alot for her friends  and always like to make sure that their okay;Rin Yeon has a carefree attitude which others like most about her but never dare to try and make her mad/angry for she will show the other side of her.She is a bit of a trouble maker and becomes evil when she wants just for fun but she never goes too far,people often see the cool,calm bubbly sweet side of Rin Yeon and are curious of what she will be like when she's not like that.She really dislikes being bored but can be a really hard studier.many admire her for her Beuaty,talent and how she can be elegant at times ..she can be a bit of a fashionista sometimes. Rin Yeon is very outgoing and can start a conversation with others easily though she can be shy. if one of her friends need someone she'll be there to comfort them or just listen to them, If someone tells her a secret her lips are sealed. she will not say a word at all, she can become a cold person when she's not in a good mood but tries her best to be her normal self even if she just wears a fake smile to cover it up. she knows she's not perfect and thats what she likes most about herself but she is perfect in her own way ,she can be stubborn and doesn't often pay attention to what people are saying depending on her mood . Rin Yeon is smart and can also be independant,she is always studying hard specially during exams.

Although she tends to wear a mask from those people around her she loves the feeling of love but hides it from others because she is afraid of falling inlove again for she was broken the first time she's scared to get hurt and get broken again..The masked her seems to be arrogant,cold and quiet but many still adore her even if she's like that.She knows that she is popular among them and would read the minds of others to see what their thinking without them knowing.When she is lazy she will not do anything but still does something to get her lazyness away..Her confidence seems to be 50/50 but sometimes higher,if someone talks to her and their conversation starts to get boring she would start showing this expression of boredem and some would think of it as her being rude and cold as ice but all they need to do is break down her thick walls to see the real her that is totally different from the masked her that shows no emotions most of the times making herself become stronger.

Likes -

  • Bubble Teaa
  • Music
  • cotton candy
  • dancing
  • singing
  • K-dramas
  • K-pop
  • Fashion
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Social media

Dislikes -

  • Being the centre of attention all the time
  • snakes
  • Super wild animals
  • Backstabbers
  • Cheaters
  • Liars
  • Playboys
  • Peaches
  • pears

Hobbies -

  • Dancing
  • Photography
  • Singing
  • Cooking
  • Storms
  • Confined spaces
  • Bugs


  • Clowns
  • Dolls
  • Snakes
  • Getting broken again
  • losing someone special to her

Habits -

  • Biting lip
  • Twirling her hair when nervous
  • Poking her tongue just for fun when she wins against someone in something
  • Zoning out from time to time
  • Reads minds or even talk to others just for fun

Trivia -

  • Loves the color pink!she is a pink monster
  • She is afraid of falling inlove again..
  • Is Very good in sports,Music,Dance,Vocals. people say that she is multi-talented
  • She is very flexible
  • She loves reading the minds of other people sometimes just for fun
  • she is a fashionista sometimes
  • she loves bubble tea!
  • behind the mask she wears she is a really sweet and kind girl
  • She doesn't mind adventure sometimes
  • She can be arrogant
  • She studies really well

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- Kim seuk hye
Gallery: clicky~

Back-up Ulzzang Name- 

Style - simple yet fashionable,she doesn't really mind other clothes as long as she's comfortable with it her type of style is something cute and a bit y.she wears short shorts and skinny jeans sometimes,Hipster,girly,sophisticated,indie,casual,sporty etc..she doesnt mind.

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Formal:1,2, 3, 4, 5
School: 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Extra Things: She has a small infinity tatoo on left wrist,She always wears this Infinity ring given to her by a special some one when she was just a child..

More People to Know :P


Mother | Jung SooHyun | 45 | Fashion Designer |Alive | Rin Yeon isn't that close with her mother that much anymore ever since the incident they became distant with each other but SooHyun became a bit strict with Rin Yeon,although their relationship isn't close She noticed that Rin Yeon became stronger.

Father | Kris Simpson/Shin TaeJung(korean name) | 47 | CEO of Shin Enterprise | Alive | Tae Jung and Rin Yeon have a close Father-Daughter realtionship he is always there from her and always protects Rin Yeon from harm or from getting hurt and he knows that his daughter had changed ever since the incident she is never the same anymore and wears a mask and he tries to help her in everyway he can to bring the true rin yeon back,he loves his family alot and Cares very deeply for them. ever since the incident TaeJung became protective of his family.

Sister | Shin Minah | 13 | Student | Alive? she's missing.. | Rin Yeon and Minah have a very close sisterly relationship but ever since the trip to the beach and Rin Yeon and minah went near the sea when their mother told them to stay in a certain spot,Rin Yeon went to play with the other kids leaving her sister behind but when she came back her sister went missing making her cry and look for her when her father saw her asking Rin Yeon where Minah is saying that she didn't know where,he felt broken too..

Cousin | Jung SooJung(krystal) | 18 | Student | Alive | They basically act like their twins having the same well almost the same type of personality they care very much for each other and treat each other like siblings,Krystal can be very protective of Rin Yeon,But Krystal is always there for Rin Yeon and even goes to the same school as her because of Jessica so that they can be together.

Cousin | Jung SooYeon(jessica) | 24 | Fashion Designer/Model | People Basically Call Rin Yeon the mini Jessica when she wears a mask for the similar personality that rin yeon shows when she wears a mask.jessica knows the real reason behind her masked personality and she really pefers the True Rin Yeon.She hopes that Someone will break her walls,Jessica and Rin Yeon treat each other like sisters and Jessica often worries about Rin Yeon from time to time but she knows that She is an independant too,she just can't help but be protective of her most of the times.                                                                                                      


Choi Jinri(sulli) | 19 | student | like bestfriends and sisters

Jeon Jungkook | 16 | Student | like brother and sister but Jungkook sometime shows affections for Rin Yeon

Park Jiyeon | 19 | Student | like sisters or twins for they can have the same personalty sometimes

Best Friend: 

The Red Rose | they understand each other very well and they can be open with each other,they share some few similar traits and Their personality is slighty different from each other too,they can easily talk and open up with each other,helping each other when they need to.They both have each other's back;The red rose and RinYeon have the same level of confidence and Behind their mask they are their true selves.kind,caring,playful and bubbly self but still carry their strong personality,they treat each other like their sisters.


You Love Me, I Love You!



Prince- Kim Jong in (Kai)
Power- teleportation 

How you meet - Kai met Rin Yeon when she was just a child, he found her Crying near a lake;it was when he was teleporting from time to time to earth visiting when he feels down or upset.He teleported to his favourite Place.The park near the lake,he heard someone crying so he went to check it out and found a girl first he was shocked to see her crying and was suddenly captured in her beauty thinking that she was like an angel she suddenly heard her giggle a bit and heard a voice in his head saying thanks.. he didn't know how but he just replied welcome and asked her why she was crying she didn't want to say but she told him anyways that she felt broken,Kai wanted to know more about her and instantly teleported beside her talking for a while he found out that his favourite spot was owned by the girl's family.they became friends and he told her that one day they will meet again and gave her a infinity ring as a memory,they both know each others power but their background is still unknown a bit..
Personality -
Kai can be a very charismatic person & he can be this playful,fun loving guy who is really caring and sweet. though he can have a bit of a erted mind sometimes he can be very protective and is often shy around others but never fail to show them his charismatic sweet side.he cares a lot for his hyungs and those close to him and would often do his best to cheer them up! he can get jealous easily and doesn't really show what he feels that much. He is very warmhearted and can sometimes have this leader-bossy attitude all the time! he can be a perfectionist from time to time, he treats everyone well but has a awkward time expressing how he feels,he is sweet and charming and cares a lot for his hyungs being the second youngest in EXO.he has a rather cold appearance but is a really nice guy and kind to others although he isn't that open with those who isn't that close with him yet..he never likes it when he's friends get upset and tries to cheer them up. He doesn't show his emotions that much and often likes to tease people about many things but never goes too far. He can also be a bit cold towards those who he isnt that close with yet but once you become close with him he will start treating you right,Though he can be lazy sometimes he still does what he is told and complaints when he doesn't want to. he may seem like a guy who is hard to get along with but people just have to break his walls done to get to know him.
How you act around each other - They can be very playful with each other and easily open up with each other,they both don't mind skinship but they have this love-hate relationship.they can be very competitive with each other in many things but still care for each other,they act like lovers with a forbidden love because they know that it can't happen.but they treat each other like either best friends, brothers and sister or more then friends..
friends,Love hate relationship

Back-up Prince -
Power-                                                                                                                                                                How you meet - 

Personality - 
(Be especific)
How you act around each other -
(Like Above)


If You want...

Scence Requests:none for now~
Comments: Hope you'll like her~^^



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