No more tests = more updates hopefully!

Hello there~!

So, like the title says, I finished my last test of my preliminary year (legal studies) which means that I will hopefully have a lot more time to type up chapters and upload them. :D Yay~ Therefore, this weekend will have updates from me! ^^ I'm hoping to finish off typing the chapters soon and you guys might even get the updates earlier depending on the time I have. School seriously the fun out of everything... And yeah.

As for my life, (if anyone actually reads this) I have been busy with my crazy siblings being noisy around the house and with the amount of school work I get each day. I mean, there isn't so much that I might drown but knowing me - the undisciplined-last-minute-late-night study girl - I tend to leave things a little late. xD I'm sure you guys understand right? >< haha. That's basically it. If only there wasn't such a thing as school (but then I wouldn't be typing now would I?) Yeah. I'm weird. These longer blog posts truly reveal my thoughts... I should just stop. LOL

Well, there isn't much else - I passed all my yearly exams, which is great! With Chemistry probably being the lowest but I passed, so that's okay I guess. I'm hoping to finish off "Model for Me" asap, then "First Love" and "IGMtaI" will continue on for a while (30+ chappies?).

Bye then I guess.

Love you all, P.


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