❝ » SYKotic ↷╎Jenny Yoo↷╎Jenny↷

                Jenny Yoo 


Character name : Jenny Yoo

Nicknames : Her Korean name is Jihyun, if that helps. Yoo Jihyun.

Stage Name : Jenny

Birthdate : 1992 October 15th

Hometown : Detroit, Michigan

Ethnicity : Korean

Blood Type : B

Languages : Korean & Engilsh (fluent), Japanese & Chinese (conversational), Latin (she took it up in high school but never got too far.) 

Personality : 

Jenny's the type of person that's friendly to everyone, no matter what. Doesn't matter who you are or what you do; as long as you don't hurt her or her friends, she'll put up with you at the very least. Jenny is also friendly to animals and babies; she's very motherly, and they instinctively like her. When she's out of SYKotic, she'd love to be a mother someday. Jenny is music-obsessed. She listens to bands nobody's heard of because their music is so beautiful; she doesn't care if other people don't like the things she likes, because otherwise they'll go all mainstream. She's a hipster, and her worst nightmare would be for that! Jenny also really loves books, especially touching ones like The Fault in Our Stars. She's a philosophiser, and questions before she acts. She's careful so she doesn't get hurt.

Jenny is a very weird girl, though. She's the 4D member of the group without question; half of what she says makes no sense to anybody at all. Whatsoever. Also, because Jenny likes things that not a lot of other people like, she often sees herself as better than everyone else. She's a bit of a selfish person. Jenny can also be pretty childish; she has the mindset of a little kid, not a 20-year-old idol-to-be. Jenny gets homesick very easily. She misses her friends from boarding school and she misses her home very, very much. When she's feeling especially upset or homesick, she'll get all pouty and whiny. If you insult her on television, she'll be a little bit better, and hold it in, but all that holding in will really get to you.

Background : 

Jenny Yoo was born and raised by a single father in Detroit, Michigan. Things were often hard for the two - Jenny's mom died just after Jenny was born, and her father still missed her when Jenny was growing up - but they managed to survive. Jenny learned how to play guitar & piano at a very young age, thanks to her father being friends with a music teacher. Her talent for music got her far as a little kid.

Jenny enrolled in an arts boarding school, Interlochen, when she was 14. She'd been going there for summer camp since she was 10, but she started living there when she turned 14. Jenny was finally around other musicians, as opposed to the boring masses around her school. She loved it, and she took it in stride, constantly moving to perfect her rapping, guitar and piano.

Almost as soon as Jenny graduated, she was scouted for SM Entertainment. Her father was looking for an excuse to move out of Korea in any case, so the two went there. The rest? History. For the most part, Jenny's life has been drama-free. Now that she's debuting, though, that could all change very, very fast...



♦ Behind the Mask ♦

Face Claim : Lee Yamor

Links/Tumblr : Okay.

Back-Up Face Claim : Kite

Links/Tumblr : Doop. 

Height : 172 cm

Weight : 55 kg

Style : Jenny's a tomboyish hipster. She keeps her hair short, often wears hipster glasses, and has a few signature pieces: button-up plaid shirts, bowties, skinny jeans and Converse sneakers. Her headphones act as the focal point for her style. She orders them ultra-customized and has at least 5 pairs.



♦ My Everything ♦

Family :

Yoo Jihwan | 43 | Father

Bestfriend : 

Amber Liu | 21 | f(x) | As soon as Jenny met Amber, the two just kid of...clicked together. They've never been apart since.

Friends  :

Sarah-Jane Hensley | 20 | College student

Rose Lee | 20 | College Student

Mickey Leal | 21 | Baker

Rivals : 

Krystal Jung | 19 | f(x) | Krystal might be Amber's best friend within f(x), but she's also constantly trying to turn Jenny from tomboy to girly-girl. To Jenny, it's just annoying, and it never works anyways.

Shin Se Kyung| 23 | Actress | Jonghyun's ex-girlfriend. Need I say more?


Scandals :

  • Interlochen graduate to debut in a group?!
  • Amber's new best friend!
  • Krystal & Jenny awkward between each other?


♦ He's My Baby ♦




Lovers Name : Kim Jonghyun

Age : 23

Personality : On the outside, Jonghyun seems like a stupidly flirtatious playboy, which he is. On the inside, though, he's this adorable puppy you just can't really say no to.

Relationship : Friends; mentor (Jonghyun) & Student (Jenny)

How you treat eachother? : Jenny doesn't know how to love! The only male friend she had at boarding school was gay, anyways. She has no experience with guys whatsoever...so Jonghyun's trying to teach her the ropes.

Request? : Sekyung wanting Jonghyun back.




Back-Up Lovers Name : Amber Liu

Age : 21

Personality : Amber is literally everything you want in a best friend. She's funny, caring, talented - what more do you need?

Relationship : Best friends.

How you treat eachother?: They don't even have to try it's always a good time. When Jenny and Amber are together, they joke around instinctively.

Request?: Jenny going to the leader of SYKotic (unless it ends up being her...) for advice about Amber.



♦ I Hate That! 


  • Amanda Palmer
  • Croissants
  • Urban Outfitters
  • Cats, and animals in general.
  • Panic! At the Disco


  • Being yelled at or insulted.
  • Her friends being yelled at or insulted.
  • Homophobes. 
  • Makeup.
  • Zombie movies.

Hobbies :  She loves playing piano when she gets bored.

Habits : Flipping her hair. All. The. Time.

Trivia : 

  • Her favorite song is Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco. It's her ringtone.
  • Watches lots of Doctor Who.
  • Has a cat living in the dorm named Leanne.
  • Doesn't know how to swim.
  • She works hardest to improve her singing, since she's already pretty good at rapping. 
  • Pretty clumsy.
  • She loses her phone at least twice a week.
  • Because of her tomboyishness, she's sometimes known as Baby Amber.



♦ This Is Me ♦

Persona : The Beautiful Stranger

Position : Lead rapper, vocalist

Back-Up Position : Main rapper, vocalist

Personal Fanclub color & name : Strangers in Purple

Twitter/Facebook/Instagram : Twitter: @jenny_92; Instagram: @jenny_at_The_disco


Trainee Life : Since Jenny came into SM Entertainment after being part of an arts boarding school, she was used to working hard on her performances all the time. She never gave up and tried to call her dad once a day at least.

Trainee Years : 3


♦ Hello & Goodbye ♦

Comments : I hope it's okay I used Amber for my backup love interest. I was gonna make her first choice, but then again...I dunno. Also, why do I keep using Jonghyun? I'm Key-biased, god...

Request/Suggestions : Nah~

Song Suggestions & Show Suggestions : After school club !

Anything Esle? : Nah~

Thank's For Applying! Love kpoploving!


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