
I'm back after what seems like an eternal, semi-unannounced hiatus. Sorry.

Some things happened and I just didn't feel like coming online so much. I went to my enrollment for college on Wednesday, turns out my college has canceled the courses I wanted to do and turned (apparently) 4000 people down. So now I actually have nowhere to go because all the other colleges are full and I'm just totally lost.
I have a week and half left to tell my mom what I want to do, and I'm still totally stuck. Urgh.

Though, I guess I'll have a bit more time on my hands to better my writing. I'm going to try to be more active (physically), because being inside all day will just make my depression more.

I don't know how much I'll come online anymore. I just, I love you all and everything but, I just, there's something that just keeps pushing me away from the internet. 


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Aw I hope you get all of that figured out! :) I hope you can write again :3 Miss you~ ♥