12 Princes, 12 Roses - The Brown Rose | Xi Yoonmi


Xi Yoonmi

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: zelouhan-exoticbaby
Activiness: 8
What Should I call you? Joyce

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Xi Yoonmi
Age: 17
B-Day: November 11, 1996
Birthplace: Beijing, China

HighSchool: Junior
Power: Weather Manipulation
Back-Up Power: Mind Control
Plot: Brown Rose
Back-Up Plot: Gray Rose

Hometown -Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity - Chinese-Korean
Bloodtype - O
Height - 165cm
Weight - 45kg
Languages - Fluent in Korean and Chinese, english-conversational


Background - Xi Yoonmi comes from a wealthy family. She live most of her childhood life at China  ‘till her father got promoted in Korea, that means they have to fly back to Seoul and lived there. From then on, their status from good it becomes better. And now, they own a big Oil Company. She’s the only child so she’s the one and only heiress of their company which she hates. She is the Top 1 in her school that's why her father expect more something from her. She always spends her time at the library or on top of a peaceful hill. She always holds a book. Since her mother died, she and some maids are the one living in their mansion. Her father rarely visited their home. When she's at home, she just stay alone in her bedroom. Her daily routine in their house is to wake up, eat, go to school and sleep. She doesn't want to be home, she's always bored of the same things she do. She prefers staying outdoors, feeling the fresh air and remembering her past when her mother is still alive.

She was 15 when she discovered her powers. She was reading her history book when suddenly one of her classmate graabbed it and ripped its pages. Yoonmi cooled herself down because she doen't want a fight. Her classmate got pissed because of her boring reaction. She said hurtful words to Yoonmi, but still her facial expression is the same but inside her, she's burning in flame, she is really hurt with those words but she never show any emotions of it. The thing that made Yoonmi growled in anger is when her classmate mentioned the name of her beloved deceased mother causing their classroom surround with fire. That incident was reported to the principal and they just thought that it was just a common accident, the fire came from a burnt electric wire.


Personality - She's not  sociable, she's not really use to meeting different types of persons because her father are strict and choosy when it comes in picking her friends.  She got used to ways her father treat her and that's why she's a girl with a few words. When she speaks or talks, she's frank. She is always straight to the point and she never thinks if she could hurt someone's feeling when she's in very bad mood

Yoonmi treats a person on how they treat her so basically if your good to her then she’s good to you and if you’re bad to her, she’ll be a devil to you. She appears to be an emotionless person but it’s just a façade.

She’s really a bubbly, nice and down to earth type of girl but she can be outgoing and crazy when she’s comfortable to those she knows well.

But sometimes, Since she's the top 1 pf their school, she thinks she's always right. She also don't accept others opinion. She mostly thinks that only her ideas are needed and right. When she's proven wrong, it's like the world is crashing. 

Likes -

  • chocolates (ice creams, cakes, beverages, anything that is flavored chocolate)
  • colors black, Pink, White, Blue
  • dogs
  • reading
  • amusement parks
  • winter
  • Night

Dislikes - 

  • Crowded and Noisy Areas
  • Sea foods
  • Very Hot weather
  • Annoying Brat
  • Lies
  • Vegetables
  • raisins
  • coffee
  • Bullies

Hobbies - 

  • Reading
  • Playing with her gadgets
  • Playing a guitar and piano
  • Listening to music until she falls asleep


  • Darkness
  • Bugs
  • Anthing related to the word SCARY

Habits -

  • She speaks very fast when nervous
  • Day Dreaming
  • her lips

Trivia - 

  • Mumbling curses in 3 different languages
  • Doesn't want her hair to be cut short
  • she Sleep talks
  • Loves Travelling
  • Totally awkward with boys
  • She has a pet dog
  • She can't cook; She tried once and their kitchen almost burnt down
  • No one can touch her stuffs without her permission

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- Kim Shinyeong
Gallery: gallery

Back-up Ulzzang Name- Park Hyojin
Gallery- gallery

Style - She wears anything that looks comfortable

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
School: 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
Extra Things: none


More People to Know :P


What is to you| Name | Age | Ocupation |Dead, Alive | Relationship with each other
Father | Xi Honghui | 50 | CEO of an oil Company | Alive | strict, perfectionist

Mother | Kim Hyemi | 47 | Manager in their family company | Died | caring and understanding                


Choi Danbi(OC) | 20 | Student | supportive and cheerful, she acts more like a "mother" than just a friend. She always give good advices. 

Best Friend: 
The Blue Rose - when they're both bored to death, they always explore different part of seoul and they also daydream together. They only share their deepest secret with each other. When Yoonmi's down, the blue rose always cheers her up and when the blue rose is sad, Yoonmi always treats her with her favorite food. They both love doing crazy and impossible task. They always seeks for adventure.


You Love Me, I Love You!


Prince- Lu Han
Power- Telekinesis
How you meet - I was walking down the hallway of the school drinking my favorite chocolate flavored pearl shake when Luhan suddenly snatched it from then he made a run lefting me shocked and jaw dropped. Then I meet him once again at the top of the hill. While I was peacefully reading my book, he plopped himself down beside me. He introduce himself as a new student then he started asking annoying questions nonstop.
Personality - For Yoonmi, Luhan is a cocky erted annoying selfish jerk who always wants to be the center of attention but the truth is Luhan is a nice, childish, cute manly sweet deer. He is also very easy-going and a bit mischievous. He loves to play pranks. His sociable nature makes him more popular in school and gain more friends. Everyone view him as a lively, handsome, talented, hardworking, smart,  sweet boy. His feelings are always unexplainable and he cannot let it out well. The number one personality that everyone loves about Luhan is that he's persistent; He'll do everything to achieve his goals. He don't give up easily especially for love.
How you act around each other - Yoonmi’s day would never be complete without Luhan insulting her. They always fight even in a very small thing. When they fight, they’re like two kids fighting for one candy.
Relationship- Hate each other

Back-up Prince - Oh Sehun
Power- Wind

How you meet - He was a transfer student and was assigned to seat beside me. At first, I ignored him and thought that he was like all the boastful popular boys in our school but then I found him interesting. I keep glancing on him while he's jotting down notes while listening intently to the professor. He just ignored all his squealing, trying-hard-to-be-notice fangirls. He just wears his poker face and never shows off like the common guys around. At the library, I was trying to solve our assignment in math alone when he suddenly sat down in front of me and answers that exercise in the textbook suddenly he blurted from his mouth emotionless, “Stop stealing glances at me in the classroom. It’s so obvious and if you want a photo of me. Just ask for it” then he left leaving me frozen in my seat. 

Personality - He was also cold at first but when you get to know him well, he’s just an innocent yet childish guy. 
How you act around each other - There's always a maximum of 20 words when we talk to each other. Both of us have always few words to say. We always act like we never met nor know each other.
Relationship- Strangers


If You want...

Scence Requests: 
I really like your concept.. ^-^  


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