↷ ✩ seventeen cafe | Kwon Yura | Waitress

username :  KpopForever171

activeness : 9

nickname :


the basics.
name : [ Kwon Yura]

other names :

nicknames :

age :  17

birthdate : June 15, 1996

ethnicity : Korean

languages : Korean, English

birthplace : Korea

hometown : Korea


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what makes you beautiful.
face claim : Lee Eun Ji

pictures :

back-up face claim : Lee Chin Hwa



all about me.

personality : She is a bubbly person. Everyone loves to be around her beacause she gives off a very happy and friendly atmosphere. At one point in her life she was depressed beacuse she recieved a very painful heartbreak. Got over the depression from the help of her twin brother Soonyoung. Likes to take advantage of life because she knows once its gone, you can never get it back. Is always open to listen to anything anyone has to say to her. Likes to have the attenion whenever she can get it. Is never a selfish person and always puts others in front of her. She spends all the time she can with her brother because he always knows how to make her smile and laugh. Is clumsy at times.

background : Raised by a loving family. Has 1 sibling which is her twin brother Soonyoung. She always loved spending time with her brother but ever since he became a trainee and worked at the Seventeen Cafe, they never got to spend any time together. She always found some time in her very busy days to go visit her brother and his friends at the cafe. About 3 years ago recieved a very painful heartbreak on their 2 year anniversary because she realized that he was cheating on her with another girl. After that she recieved a very deep depression that took her until now to get over with the help of her brother.

likes : -helping others

-being responsible

-having attention

-spending time with her brother

-working at the cafe with Seventeen

dislikes : - people that ignore her

-akward situations

-having bad hair days

-having to wake up too early in the morning

-long car trips

hobbies : -singing


habits :  Bites Nails

trivia : -has the 5th highest score in her grade



one big family.

family members :  Kwon Soonyoung

Siblings, Twins |Kwon Soonyoung| 17 | waiter | everyday + 8

friends :




somebody to love.

love interest : Lee Jihoon

personality : He would be shy but when he needed to talk to her he uses his cutest aegyo. He would always make sure you're okay.Since you're clumsy, he always wants to make sure to be there to catch you. If you ever get hurt, he's always the first one there shortly followed by Soonyoung. (this is all I really think I might need you can make up the rest if you want but if not just tell me)

interaction : Their interactions are usually quiet but they can be rather friendly with each other.

back-up love interest : Lee Chan



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someone worth fighting for.
love rival : Hong Jisoo

occupation :

personality : (can make up this part but if you want me to do it just tell me)

interaction : (same as above)

back-up love rival : Hwang Minhyun of NU'EST



sugar and spice.

position :

waitress | barista | entertainer | baker | janitor



all that jazz.

comments :  sorry if I did something wrong or left something out that was needed I'm new to this^^

scene requests :

password :  http://www.google.com/search?q=seventeen+kpop&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GpcjUqj_N6rqyQHokYCoCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=623#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=_6pjMjwPR9XmQM%3A%3BLh2HyUgh4pcCYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.officiallykmusic.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F06%252Fseventeenn1.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.officiallykmusic.com%252Fwho-is-seventeen-like-seventeen%252F%3B620%3B413



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