I can't get over the fact that my friend got featured!

Because I remember reading it when it had only 200 subscribers. I was there thinking, "How can such a good story only have 200 subscribers?!" So I did everything I could to make it more known to people. You know how not many fics have a good story plot nowadays and I wanted people to read good fics too so I advertised it. I knew one day, if this fic had many subscribers, they would upvote it for sure because it's such a good story. And I was right (: Because she finally got featured and I am so darn happy for her! It's like picking up a treasure. Seeing how she came from a author with a good plot but unknown to others to being a popular author. It's like.. a proud mom maybe? I feel like I've picked up an unpolished gem and making it shine, though I did not do much. I just.. really like that story and feel really proud that I was one of the first few to support her. I should probably get use to it because some of my friends are under the 'Popular Authors' section too but it's the first time I've made friends with someone unknown to being famous. It feels like I am the one getting featured. xD That kind of feeling. Just to clarify, I'm not making this post to attract attention or state anything but because I don't know who else I can say this too since she's offline now. I'm glad she remembered me too even though we haven't talked in a long time. You guys might see her comment in my previous blog post, and get shock that she's a featured author now xD

And the person I am talking about in this blog post, AFKLAHJKFKFJSKSNFKJJCKB! Let's spazz together when you get online, shall we?! YOU'RE FEATURED! Okay, I know I said that a lot of times already but... OMFG YOU GOT FEATUREDDDDDDDDD<333333 I told ya didn't I?! DIDN'T I?! Now as a payment for all my tissues spent in the past and yesterday, PLEASE UPDATE THAT FIC WITH ME IN IT! PLEASSSEEEEE ): You left me hanging T.T AKJHKASDFKNSJNKSVNVDSLEIK YOU GOT FEATUREDDDDDD! I wanna scream to the world now, LOL! No, seriously, I'm really happy for you! (Though I wouldn't want to be featured and deal with dramas since my fics are all... sensitive topics xD) BUT YOURS IS JUST TOO GOOD. Maybe I should do the same thing as what I did with WDANBO; advertise your latest fic and wait for a few months before it gets featured again xD You think that it's possible?O: Omg, I'm like a mom crying in joy for my daughter! (Though I think you're older than me) Oh well, I think you've gotten past my mark in the popular section, good for you:D And you probably think I'm a boot er since.. well, we haven't talked in two months and I only talked to you again after you got featured. For an excuse, I was busy xD And.. yep, I just wanted to congratulate you on getting featured when I saw your fic on the front page so.. I posted to you. Okay, now this humble girl will take her leave, BYEEEEEEE~!


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ChiMarie #1
I knew that "The Girl Who Can't be Tamed" was somehow related to you when I saw Dionne as the main character xD
Plus Jaejoong's the lead ~
ohh.. is it the When Night And Day Become One ??
if it is .. I saw it before but I only read a
few chapters .. since I lost my 3G ..
would you like to tell me the title