✺Alien Invasion Application - Keiko Jung


Username: InnocentMemories

Appearance: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 (Her name is Dewada Sunata if you wanted to know)

Style: 01 02 03 04 05

✺Human Weakling

Name: Keiko Jung (Jung is her Aunt last name)

Nicknames: KeKe, Kei, Koko (like cocoa)

Birthday: July 14

Sign: Cancer

Age & HS Year: 16 & Sophmore (10th grade)

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Strengths: Quick Learner || Humorous || Responsive || Honest

  • Quick Learner: It doesn't take her long to learn something new. You can show her somethine two three times and she'll learn whatever it is right off the bat.
  • Humorous: She's really funny. Always find something to joke about and likes to tease others too. Even somtimes the thing she does she it funny.
  • Responsive: If you need someone to talk to you can talk to her she always listening even though she doesn't seem like it but when you pause and ask her for something she'll answer you.
  • Honest: Always exspect an honest answer from her. She can't ever lie. Trust me, she can't

Weaknesses: Possesive || Moody || Demanding || Melodramatic || Lying

  • Poessesive: When she likes something or something belongs to her she'll never give that up and is always keeping it in her eyes sight making sure no one touches it or takes it away from her.
  • Moody: She's really moody. The smallest thing you may say may set her off and she's either crying or upset and angry.
  • Demanding: She can be very demanding and not know it. That she picked up from her Aunt. She tries to control and doesn't know when she's demanding or not so she tells people to tell her when she's being demanding and she'll try and stop it. She always wants to make the decesions and if she doesn't then she becomes a diva.
  • Melodramatic: When it comes to very bad situations she starts to panic and say she'll die or something.  Either she becames too happy, too upset, too angry, or too moody. Who knows.
  • Lying: She can't lie. When she's lying she'll stare straight into your eyes likes she's forcing you to believe her and she'll never keep her eyes off of you. Even when you say ok she'll be like "I'm serious, I'm not telling a lie. You believe me right, right?"


  • Likes : peanut butter and apples || strawberry flavor sweets || reading || anime || soving puzzels || tall guys
  • Dislikes: shrimp || not doing anything || being told what to do || the color pink (but she'll wear it, lol)
  • Hobbies: skateboarding || drawing  || humming || listening to music
  • Habits: Talking to herself || bitting her bottom lip when thinking || bitting her upper lip when nervous or confused || talking in her sleep
  • Fears: Bugs || Dying || Bad Nightmares || Sometimes the dark
  • Family: Aunt Jazmine || Dad || Mom || Older sister (Surmine) || Little brother (Kachiro)
  • Important: The mark on the Mercilessa people is usually what helps them become stronger.

✺Invasions Are Fun

Pre-Weapon: Baseball bat somsome time thin steel wire (to cut through skin like a sword)

Choose one of the following: Elemental Sword

Elemental Sword:  Elemental Lighting Sword

Into The Fray: She just goes along with it. But she's on the girls side, she also find the situation excited she just wished that she was more trained then she wouldn't feel like a useless bag of power. He anger is what usually helps her.

✺Alien Partner In Battle



Love Interest 1: Zelo

Strengths: Playful || Smart || Talented || Cute

  • Playful: When being around the others or Keiko he can be a little playful from time to time.
  • Smart: Too smart for his age, it becomes really helpful to the others on the mission he even has a habit of solving Keiko puzzel when not being asked to by her slightly upsetting Keiko that she wanted to kick him in the face.
  • Talented: He has a lot of skills and training so he is really talented in the way he fights or the way he uses his mind.
  • Cute: He acts cute towards girls and become really quiet or does um.. (i forgot how to spell it aegyo, agyeo, I'm usually spelling it all the time)

Weaknesses: Shy || Trusting Others 

  • Shy: Being shy towards girls is what usually gets in the way of his mission.. sometimes.
  • Trusting Others: He hates trusting other because when he do he's afraid he might end up hurt or heartbroken in the end.

Showdown:  When she first saw Zelo she had to go up to him and ask him how old he was and how tall he was. She awed at his eyes and how old he was but he only stared at her smiling a little before she walked away. She met him a few times on her way to school and saw him one time at the park when she was eating two ice cream and gave him one when she didn't eat the other saying it was melting because of her tempeture or something.

Tag-Team: At first Keiko didn't like him because she thought that he was after taking over her planet earth but after a while she started loosing up and things changed. Zelo stated being really shy around her but Keiko is sweet towards him. Overtime their realtionship turned into a somewhat friendship. He would talk to her from time to time but always went to talk to someone and complain about not completly being comfortable around her because he's afraid he might do something stupid. Keiko would become confused from time to time being around hime because she knows that something is wrong but she likes when he's being playful because it's like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Action:  I would like you to come up with it. But! But, I want to snow to be in the scene or maybe fall leaves. Whatever something beautiful but sweet, something heart felt but.. yeah.

Conflict:  When he sees her hurt then he doesn't ever want to leave her side anymore because he claims that he will protect her and only him. When another guys is too close to her for him he becomes jealous and a little upet with her and she teases him about liking him liking her but he always denies and when she's in trouble he always sighs shaking his head and saying her name like a parent would do when they hear their toddler or child had gotten in trouble at school for fighting another kid.

✺Where I Really Come From


Reaction: I laughed and asked was I on some prank show or were they joking with me

Planet: Mercilessa

Surface: Mostly it's made of soil, it's like the planet earth but much cleaner and beautiful with a lot of color (ex: greener grass, brighter tree colors in the fall you know)

Race: They look like ordinary people except on there backs are fairy wings that looks like tattoos excpet it looks like someone had carved it there and it healed up as a scar. (Did you get that) when it gets dark they start to glow so bright you can see them through their shirts [ Girls color - Bright Pink or Bright Purple, Kids- color bright yellow or bright green, Boys color- bright blue or orange] They were born with this marking actually they have to go through a painfully three day stage at the age of five.

Home: Keiko planet is made mostly of soil, well that's outside the citry. Outside the city the ground it mostly made of soil with old stone looking pathways.The trees and flowers are very colorful around and vegistable and fruit plants usually grown on their own. The city is located in the middle of the whole planet. It's really large and different from outside of the city. In the city it's mostly hightech stuff like flying skateboards and some other things.

Alien Name: Mercy or Nike011495

Full or Half-Alien:  Her mom is full alien and her father is Half- Alien and half human and for some reason Keiko came out  half alien and half human. But she still has the scare on her back.

Family:  Her family come from a noble family her family was somewhat loving but also strict at the same time. Sometimes they had there moment where the whole family would be upset (as she remember) and sometimes no one came home. But other than that the house was full of laughter and games. Her parents were very strict on the type of people she would hang out the who she would marry. Keiko mother and father were treated like a king and queen. Her father was born on a different planet other than Mercilessa.  Her father was born on the planet Magick (you say it like your saying the word Magic) or as the Aliens there call is Magestic Island. The planet is just like an island and very beautiful too but magic was used there and Keiko father was sent to earth because he didn't know how to use magic when he was six. Instead Keiko father earned his magic when he became fifteen and met/ fell in love with Keiko mother who was from the planet Mercilessa. Keiko mother was called a Pixie back in planet Mercilessa because she acted/ looked like one. When Keiko parents turned ninteen the two decided to travel all over the galaxy becoming stronger and stronger, training and becoming even more skilled before they decided to settle down on planet Merilessa with their two that later became three kids

Life Purpose: When Keiko was young her family use to go to they city and visit the aquirium (note: there cute things are consider dangerious and other things are consider harmless) since her kind can also breath underwater there use to be contest that happened on her planet of finding the three golden jeweled eggs that usually takes a week or two to finish. Keiko life purpose was to travel all over the galaxy like her mother and father did and to train becoming stronger and telling stories back at on her planet about the things that happened during her travels.

Background: Her parents were forced to send her to earth by her father family. Which is why she is staying with her father half sister who is fully human who was the main reason why his parents wanted to send Keiko off to earth because she thought that Keiko was not safe on Mercilessa.

✺After Math

Requests: Erm, I don't think soo..

Suggestions: Nope, do you thing!

Questions: Did I do this right. I did have a plan for this application and wrote it down but I lost it so I could only type down what I remembered.

Extra: Mercilessa is also close to another planet. The planet wasn't made for anyone to live on so it just stays at Mercilessa legendary moon. Every four years the planet would glow different colors at night and the mark on Keiko back and the other would glow whatever color the planet was glowing. Also when Keiko was on earth her mark didn't glow. You have to be on Mercilesssa for that to happen or close to the planet. Even though it doesn't glow she can feel the warmth of the mark like it's heating her up. Sometimes the wings on her back becomes actually wings (but it'll look like it has fairy dust on it) <-------- {you can take that part out if you want too}



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Thank you for applying~
Everything is fine (except maybe writing areas here and there >_>) don't worry though, because I have those a lot too. But other than that you filled it out correctly! What I like a lot is the alien name how one of them includes numbers, that's really cool. And your girl looks very pretty too^^ I also think your alien race is cool how their scar wings glow and whatnot, it's a nice app :)