Which Member of Teen Top Are You?

Stolen from an awesome friend ~thetwins


[  ] Acts like a leader when you're with your friends.

[ X ] Loves to sleep. (Yes!)

[  ] Doesn't want to get married.

[  ] Born in November.

[ X ] Loves to exercise. (sometimes when I'm not lazy^^)

[  ] Some people are scared of you. (i wish!)

[ X ] Can draw very well. (i can draw really nice stick figures keke)

[  ] Can rap.

[ X ] Loves to wear caps. (i love to steal my friend's hat)

[  ] Thinks Eminem- When I'm Gone as a memorable song.

Total:  4/10



[  ] Have a power voice.

[  ] Likes to do puzzle.

[ X ] Likes to read books.

[ X ] Loves to imitate people. (it's funny!)

[ X ] A fan of Zac Efron in High School Musical. (when i was younger i thought of him as my future husband :P)

[  ] Straight-forward.

[ X ] Likes Hello Kitty.

[ X ] Has a habit of biting lips. (when i'm nervous)

[  ] Always winks at people. (i not good at winking :P)

[  ] Black and white as favorite colour.

Total:  5/10



[ X ] Shortest among friends. (sooo many people call me short -.-)

[ X ] Likes to do skinships.

[  ] A fanboy/fangirl of G-Dragon.

[  ] Had never dated anyone.

[ X ] Likes to annoy people. (one of my joys in life it's so much fun!)

[ X ] Can speak english. (obviously since i can take this quiz)

[ X ] Can play piano. (not well :P Ljoe you should teach me!)

[ X ]  Acting as a hobby. (hehe school play count?)

[ X ] The bad-luck-dude sometimes. (happens once in a while)

[  ] Known as bad boy/girl.

Total:  7/10



[  ] Has y lips. (gotta look in the mirror...)

[  ] Have an emotional voice.

[  ] The tallest among friends. (i wish... could get revenge on certain friends who love teasing me about being short!)

[ X ] Likes to play soccer. (playing it since i was five)

[ X ] Cheerful and always smile.

[ X ] Has a nice attitude. (most of the time)

[  ] Can't pronounce english very well.

[  ] Born in August.

[ X ] Always thinks positively. (i'm in optimist keke)

[ X ] Have lots of friends.

Total:  5/10



[ X ] Likes to do aegyo. (hehe i'm good at it, i can use it to get things that i want from friends^^)

[ X ] People mistaken you younger than you look. (all the time!)

[ X ] A shy person. (depends on who i'm with)

[ X ] Likes to eat a lot. (i'm a skinny person who loves to eat)

[ X ] A fanboy/fangirl of TOP.

[  ] A lovely person.

[  ] Can act very well.

[  ] Born in February.

[ X ] Give a bright atmosphere. (i'm the mood maker among friends)

[ X ] Acts cute naturally.

Total:  7/10



[  ] A mature person. (hehe i wish i'm totally immature, which explains why people think i'm younger then i actually am)

[ X ] Sometimes shy.

[ X ] Has a bad temper. (if people wake me up from my lovely sleep, i will kick them)

[  ] Can self defense. (again i wish...Changjo you could protect me right?)

[  ] Dancing machine.

[  ] Choreographic composition as hobbies.

[  ] The quiet one.

[  ] The maknae between friends. (i act like the maknae)

[ X ] Likes to exercise.

[ X ] Doesn't have sharp jawlines. (i think?)

Total:  4/10

Yayyyyy I got my bias LJoe and cutie Ricky!!! :D Thanks to thetwins for an awesome quiz! ^o^


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I'm gonna do this one later, Kay? Lol, I like stealing quizzes from you ^^