


Hi guys!


As you may, or may not have noticed, I've been on hiatus for over a month now.

Life hasn't exactly been treating me kindly lately, so there simply hasn't been any time to write.

But things are about to (somewhat) calm down, and I'll finally be getting a break.

So I'm pleased to inform you that I will be returning soon!


I have a lot of things in store for you guys, and I really hope you'll be looking forward to that.

To the people that have been supporting me during my absence: I love you <3

To my subscribers that have been patiently waiting for me: I love you <3


I will be back.



Lots of love,

-- Ava  






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Aaaahh, I can't wait till the 14th :o I'm really looking forward to your return! I actually even marked it on my calendar :p <3
Love you too <3 I'm so glad you're coming back! I hope you're doing better though, and life will treat you a hell of a lot kinder in the future :o Fighting for the upcoming two weeks sweetie! I'll be waiting ^^
Yes! Finally back! I'll look forward it! Can I?