I hate how Asian parents expect you to know EVERYTHING.

I hate how they come home with bills & letters and expect me to translate every single word out for them. I'm just staring at them like ...

Mommmmm, Daddddddd. Goddammit. You act like I ing know every single word in the ing dictionary. I can't translate it all precisely and to where you can understand it. They get all cocky and everytime I translate the "wrong thing."  If you're so good ... TRANSLATE IT YOURSELF. *FACE PALM*


Don't expect me to know all those high-tech-difficult-college WORDS! I'm learning all the words at my own pace. If you want me to learn those words, I would have to experience it. I hate that moment when they keep telling me to translate the same thing over AND OVER! When will it take you to understand that I can only read that sentence, not interpret it. I'm just sitting there REPEATING that same word over and over like an idiot. And yet ... they still don't understand.

I'm done trying my best to translate, and I'm pleading them for me to go and do my stuff.

And they're just like , COME BACK HERE NOW, and TRANSLATE THIS .

They start talking again and asking me all these questions and I'm like ...



I do no own the GIFS (:  MY RANT on ASIAN PARENTS EXPECTING YOU TO KNOW EVERYTHING [:  Comment if your parents are the same :3


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I feel ur pain