`hearts and hands: watanabe, hatsumi.





Nicknames : Mimi 

Date of Birth + Age + Grade : December 24, 1996 + 17 + Senior 

Ethnicity : Korean/Japanese

Birthplace + Hometown : Fukuoka, Japan

Height + Weight : 166cm, 47kg.

Languages : Japanese (her first language), Korean (fluent), English (fluent)



Ulzzang : Kang Jiwon

Links :  ✿  ✿    

Backup Ulzzang : Baek Sumin

Links : ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿  

Appearance/Style :

( ♧ ) beauty beyond looks | Although far from a beauty elite, Hatsumi is notorious for her ashy brown lockes. Her (not to mention very healthy) hair is one of her treasures and she makes sure she takes good care of it. She also takes good care of her milky white skin, mindful of the benefits the sun gives but careful enough not to stay too long under it. However, she does tan easily and that's one of the reasons why she always carries sunblock and an umbrella with her. She has round eyes and a mango shaped face; unlike her twin sister however, she is more on the petite side only standing 5'4 ft.

( ♧ ) country bumpkin | Hatsumi was never the type to care about clothes. She's always been more of a casual dresser than her twin sister who likes to decorate herself with all sorts of fabric and ornaments. Her clothes are often simple, varying from pretty prints and patterns. She prefers them to be light colored, always buying shades of pastel such as baby pink, baby blue, peach, and teal. Hatsumi also has a love-love relationship with anything knitted thus always carrying with her a knitted sweater or cardigan. She loves usamimi hair tyes, hats, and earth colored makeup. 



Family :

Father || Hiro Watanabe || 53 || Pediatrician || Alive
( ♧ )  Personality: Strong willed, opinionated, humorous, witty. Someone who loves to talk and talk and talk. Loves to debate and has an odd fascination with ukeleles.
( ♧ )  How they act: If Hatsumi had to choose between her parents, it'd be her father Hiro. She's always been daddy's little girl and this she won't deny. Although they have somewhat a contrasting personality, it's usually Hiro that listens to his daughter during times when all the limelight is on Kimi. He gives his children equal and undivided attention, making sure there is no jealousy between the three of them.

Mother || Ahn Jiyeon || 47 || Wedding Dress Designer || Alive
( ♧ ) Personality: Charming, submissive, ethical, supportive. She has a very strong personality, a huge heart for the less fortunate, and a dedication to weddings. 
( ♧ ) How they act: Hatsumi has never considered herself a replica of her mother; It was more of Kimi that was like their mother with the strong leader streak and an affinity to fashion. Her charm is her power, always looking out for the good of her husband and her three children. Hatsumi has secretly kept a grudge against her mother due to the fact that Jiyeon had somewhat always prefered Kimi over her. 

Older Brother || Taecyeon Watanabe || 23 || Photographer student || Alive
( ♧ ) Personality: Hilarious, conniving, whimsical, generous
( ♧ ) How they act: Whimpsical; this is the only word that would be best suited for Taecyeon. He's the epitome of hilarious, bursting out with just pure awesomeness. He is the crowd clown and he doesn't mind being one. He's usually cracking jokes and mocking people, always seen laughing and almost always never angry. He's very caring towards his younger sisters and is usually picking on the both of them, scaring them, and always looking after them. 

Twin Sister || Kimi Watanabe || 17 || Student || Alive
( ♧ ) Personality: Chic, clever, daring, spontaneous. She's the very opposite of Hatsumi, despite them being twins. 
( ♧ ) How they actKimi is very friendly towards everyone, always seen smiling and talking to new people. However, she's vert hot headed and is quick to become annoyed. She does everything on instinct, almost always never thinking about the consequences. Although always arguing about little things, Kimi is Hatsumi's best friend and she's willing to give everything to her sister without hesitance. 

Friends/Enemies/Rivals : 

Best Friend || Nicole Jung || 17 || Reserved, quiet, playful || Nicole is Hatsumi's childhood best friend. The two grew up with one another but when they entered high school, Nicole moved back to Korea. However, since Hatsumi is in town for the day care, she gets to see her best friend and gets to hang out with her. 

Rival /Sister || Kimi Watanabe || 17 || Strong minded, opinionated || Although Hatsumi will never admit it, she secretly views Kimi as her only competition. Deep down, she wants to be better than her twin sister although this she'll never say outloud. 

Children Under Your Care


Jeong Haneul || 7 
( ♧ ) Personality: Shy, charming, reserved, obedient
( ♧ ) How they act: Shy and quiet, this child often stays away from the others thus making Hatsumi want to cuddle and take care of her. She is often seen trailing Hatsumi's tail, and listens to her at all times. Usually not hard to please, she is happy so long as you keep her company or if you allow her to follow you all through out the day. She's very polite, charming and unexpectedly cute.  

Ok Myulki || 4 
( ♧ ) Personality: Affectionate, innocent, bright, playful 
( ♧ ) How they act: With his doe eyes and trademark pout, this child is the epitome of innocence and cuteness. He is oblivious to thr world around him, only averting all of his attention to himself. He's quiet and generous with his toys but once there is food in his sight, he will no longer focus on anything else but food.   

Background : Compared to her siblings, Hatsumi grew up as soft spoken and reserved. She was always the one listening and observing on the dining table whenever it was time for a family dinner. She always covered up for both of her siblings whenever they sneaked out or disobeyed her parents' wishes. If she was so good, then how come she ended up in Hearts and Hands?

The day she decides to disobey her parents would have to be a day she'd never forget. It was the last day of spring break and there was that party that the popular Sato Kai was throwing out. "It's the last Friday of spring break and you haven't done a thing!", her twin sister had began to roll her eyes, a hand pasted firmly on her waist. Kimi was wearing a mint two piece underneath her crop top and shorts and despite her mom telling her she couldn't go to the evening pool party the school quarterback was throwing, she insisted and pushed into going as soon as her mother slapped on her night cream. Taecyeon had been gone that week to Tokyo for some photography convention and he wouldn't have been back for another 3 days. 

"No." she firmly told her. However, Kimi was persevered and defiant. She began to mock Hatsumi, telling her how much of a hypocrite she is and that she should stop depriving herself from the fun perks of their teenage lives. After finally convincing Hatsumi that it would be the first and last time Kimi would persuade her, Hatsumi finally gave in. She couldn't, afterall, resist her younger other half. After the clock striked 10, Kimi led her to the garage, silently starting the car and sneaking away succesfully. However, after their mother discovers their empty skin past midnight, misfortune began.

Hatsumi had already began to feel her insticts; she did have strong ones. After feeling anxious and nervous, she began to tug on Yumi's shirt, begging her that maybe it was already time to go. Instead of listening to her, Kimi shook her head and assured her everything was fine and that they'd be back before 3 in the morning. She pushed Hatsumi off her tail by forcing her to dance with one of the football players. Tracking their phones, their mom discovered the location of the party and shortly followed them there. Upon arriving, it wasn't the fact that the two of them snuck out to go to the party that made Jiyeon decide maybe it was time to send them to the camp. It was seeing Kimi's lips locked with an older boy's and a strange guy's hands planted on Hatsumi's waist. 

Disappointed and angry at Kimi, she decides it's time to teach the girl a lesson the hard way: to send her to camp. However, Kimi refused to go unless Hatsuwi went. What choice did the poor girl had but to go and accompany her twin sister?



( ♧ ) always the good one | Maybe it's the middle child crisis but Hatsumi has never ever thought of failing her parents in any sort of way. She's a simple minded, goal oriented person who finds happiness in the little things. Whether it was their family dog her face or the new book her dad gave her, she's never asked for much and she's usually satisfied with what people have to offer. Shallow and superficial, Hatsumi sees only the good in the world. For most of the time, she denies anything bad about a person, making her a bit easy to take advantage of. She never questions and accepts anything that's presented to her, let alone accepts it with a smile hinted with glitters and sparkles. She does what she's told and she's always the one doing errands for others rather than the other way around. Lying is something she's not too good at, often stuttering and sweater whenever she's asked to fabricate a story. Often times, she's scolded by her twin sister Kimi for not being able to cover up for her properly and is often blamed at times when she's caught sneaking out. She was always the good child, especially compared to her twin sister but somehow, this was a drawback. She was too simple, too plain, too small compared to the beautiful Kimi. Although she would never admit to her parents or her older brother, she's always been a tad jealous of the attention and praise they give to her sister. 

( ♧ ) nothing but a wallflower  | Something that Hatsumi hates about herself is the fact that she's nothing but a wallflower. She envies those who can make friends so easily without any effort. Unlike her peers, Hatsumi finds it hard to get close to someone so quickly. Many people can be interested in being friends with her but unconsciously, she chooses those who she wants to be closer to and is rather quick to judge a person. However, Hatsumi is nothing but a wallflower in most scenes and this she's never learned how to acknowledge. She's the type of person to observe in the room, saying nothing when you're with her but once asked for observations, saying everything you never knew about yourself until you actually hear it come out from . She's naive and gullible, believing anything people tell her. This leads to her being teased and bullied (playfully of course) by Kimi and their older brother Taecyeon, who loves nothing more but to prank and to have a good laugh. However, once you get to know Hatsumi, you'll discover that she's more than just a wallflower in the room but more of a vitamin, an energy pill, someone that will give you the strength you need. She's very encouraging and positive, always looking at the bright side of situations.  

( ♧ ) dont you worry child | Hatsumi has always been passionate in her hobbies. She loves reading more than anything and you'll find her in the corner, her nose pointed right in the middle of books and journals. She's a bit motherly and its always been her instinct to secretly and unconsciously look out for those close to her. She's the referee, the one always interfering whenever things were getting out of hand. Like a dog, she's always at your side whenever you need her and she's one of those people where you can always depend on due to her accuracy and loyalty. She doesn't know how to be angry (has she ever been actually angry anyways?) and she's very patient when it comes to waiting. Never the one to turn people down, she's a vitamin and an energy booster, always making people happier with that infectious smile of hers. 


peach flavored tea | she especially likes to drink this before sleeping

knitted sweaters | she always carries one with her whenever the weather is on the gloomy side
spring | her favorite season
dogs | shes a big animal lover
scented candles | she could never sleep without lighting some aroma
dweji bar | upon going to korea, her most favorite treat so far is this strawberry flavoured ice cream
soothing music | she especially has a thing for indie music that gets played on coffee shops
books & novels | one of her favorite things to do is to read and to write 


✿  hot weather | she always carries an umbrella whenever the sun is dangerously out
✿  smelly garbage | imagine her horror whenever she has to take it out the house
✿  dirt | she always carries alcohol and tissue with her, just in case of a disinfection emergency
✿  being compared | especially to her twin sister
✿  scoldings | often times, she feels as if she's done so much wrong whenever she's scolded



Love Interest  : Kim Jongin (EXO)

Personality Jongin is someone who stands in that fine line between delinquent and unique. Not much of a rebel but always going against the expectations. This quality of Jongin is what makes people so attracted to him (and he has no clue at all!). He doesn't blend in with the crowd, rather, stands out in it for his vast leadership skills. You can usually pick out Jongin from the crowd - he's the one with the loudest laugh, the most good looking hair, and the most confident strut of them all. Ruled by the confidence and poise, the center of the universe, this feline boy adores attention and usually gets it. He is passionate, playful, and very lively. Occasionally hot-tempered, Jongin isn't afraid to fight back when he feels the need to defend himself. Since he is often misunderstood by his (somewhat) picky personality, people often get the impression that he is spoiled and not deserving of what he has. However, he's proved countless times that he is also intelligent, witty, strong and creative; he's the type to speak his mind out and is not afraid to say what he feels. He isn't used to not getting what she wants either. When he wants it, he gets it and he won't be taking any no for an answer. Whenever he's in a hard time, he does not say much. However, his eyes will say it all.

Relationship  : As usual, confidence is one of Jongin's forte. He's no shy guy around Hatsumi and tells her exactly what she wants to know. He's very straightforward whenever he's around her and most of the times, Hatsumi is caught off guard by his spontainety. He's straight about his affinity towards her, always telling her how much he likes her and finds her 'interesting'. Although the two have different interests and hobies, the two shares a love for children and this is something that connects the two of them.  From the beginning, Hatsumi has never denied how good looking and charming Jongin is. In fact, she's even surrpised that a popular guy like him would be interested in a wallflower like her. She finds him most attractive whenever he is with the kids from the day care, fascinated how his aura quickly changes whenever he's around. However, what really attracted Hatsumi to Jongin was the fact that he volunteered to work at Hearts & Hands. Hatsumi also finds Jongin very charming whenever he's with the Cha brothers  Jongin is seen always looking out after Hatsumi, knowing that she was shy and reserved. He sees the other girls who likes him give Hatsumi dirty looks and he defends her everytime. 

Back Up Love Interest  : Oh Sehun (EXO), Kim Jonghyun (Shinee)

Personality :  Same as above

Relationship  : Same as above 


Children Under Their Care 

Cha Byunghun || 5 || Handsome, charming, playful, popular || Byunghun is a minimi of Jongin and follows everything Jongin does. He even claims his girl classmates as his 'girlfriends'. 

Cha Byungsoo || 7 || Bright, smart, sporty, reserved || Byungsoo is Byunghun's older brother. He's into sports and is interested to learn as much as possible. 



Comments/Questions/Concerns : this portion is basically the same as the other one since i found no point in repeating what im about to say so hey hum pigs bum lets change it l0l. but anywhoo, i made their names japanese just because i thought i should since both the girls grew up in japan but if you want me to change it then thats totally fine with me i can change both of their names to korean in an instant tbh. also, i really hope you dont mind that i decorated the app a little (okay, not a little, maybe alot), i just wanted to make it pretty for you *O* but is it too much? omgosh i should have asked first right? should i delete it? just say the word and im one click away from pressing delete ;-; 

Scene Suggestions 
〉Jongin liking Hatsumi without her knowing anything
〉She speculates that her sister likes Jongin but wonders why she wont share anything with her
〉Kimi telling Hatsumi to stay away from him and finally admits that she likes him
〉Hatsumi finding Jongin attractive but feels guilty afterwards for thinking that way about the guy her sister likes

Username : lovesiick

What Should I Call You : Lyn

Activity Level : 8

Password : baby im so crushed. 




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