Fangirl of two fandoms

I've been stanning Suju for over 4 years *almost 5* and started stanning EXO also when i watched thier 1st showcase. As a fangirl in two big fandoms, i hav friends from both elf fandom and EXO fandom. Only a very few of my friends are SJEXO stan like me. To be honest, currently i spend most of my time fangirling over EXO cuz as u know they debuted not long ago and i dun know much about them unlike i know about SJ. And most of my kpop friends are EXO stans. When EXO stans fight with other fandoms, i really dun care. And i'm not the kind of person who would spend my time over meaningless fanwars. But when the fight with ELFs, itreally hurts. Cuz EXO stans bash Suju and ELFs also bash EXO. When intl. fans fight, my elf and exo stan friends also fight. As a fangirl of both fandoms, i hurt a lot What i hurt most is they dun care about me and bash my idols. Sometimes i hate myself falling for EXO. But who could not love such lovely boys, right? But....yeah It really does hurt to see my friends fr both sides bashing my idols. Do u guys also hav such experience??


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