just some random rant ;_;

I just want to talk about this "guy" in our school. I should tell you first that I really despise him so much since we were in our sophomore year and now that we are in our senior year, that perspective didn't change. I still hate him and I think my hatred went to the next level because of what he did last week.

So, to be fair to all of you, I'm going to tell you first what happened on our sophomore year.

I have my friend "A", she was my friend since freshmen year so you can tell that we are pretty close. "A" started to be friendly towards this guy. Friendly to the extent that they started texting, talking and laughing at the back of the room, etc. My first impression of him was not very good. He was cocky, annoying (well, for me), and all the things I think I hate for a guy. LOL. Not really but, yeah I don't like him. Then this guy courted "A". I can't omfg LOL I do not like him for my friend omfg she's too pretty and nice for him like holy sht LOL ..... then the reason why I really don't like this guy was because he made some story about me being felt up and I liked it? FCK I CANNOT WITH THAT GUY. HOW CAN YOU MAKE UP A STORY ABOUT ME THAT HORRID? ARE YOU FCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND? I was really worked up by that and since then, I started being the I am towards him and towards him only. I'm a demon when I see his face. The profanities that I kept building up inside and don't want to spill out comes running down my mouth when I see him. I wanted to cry that day when I heard about the story he made about me. But I didn't because he wasn't worth of my tears. He's not worth of anything. That's what I always think. Even when Christmas and New Year passed by or even when the feeling of summer started, I didn't hear any words of apology from him. So, I thought he didn't want any apology and I sure will not apologize for any stupid thing I did to him. No, I won't. That's how prideful I am when it comes to him. 

Then this hatred even rose when we stopped having C.A.T classes because of him. Why? He fcking told his mother that we were experiencing corporal punishments in our classes if we did something wrong. WE DO NOT/DID NOT EXPERIENCE SUCH THING. The most difficult thing we experienced was the squatting for 10 seconds. WE DIDN'T EVEN BREAK A SWEAT. That wasn't so hard. Why would he even lie to his mother about such horrible thing? That was not necessary because all our C.A.T officers were affected and even our school's name. His mother freaking complaint in the main office. WHY. I won't be able to experience those things I wanted to experience during C.A.T classes because of him.

I'm just sad because those classes, exercises that I'm looking forward to when in C.A.T are not going to come true because of a freaking liar. I cannot get over this thing, sorry. My friends are affected. All their trainings last year were wasted because of that lie. 


I'm so done with this guy.

Okay, thank you guys ;w;


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Ohh~ You also do CAT? Coooool~ is CAT connected to COCC?