~♔ Q I S S ♔~ || Application



Contact Information


AFF username:kpopaddictus95


AFF Wall Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533




Characters Information



Name: Kim Seorin (a.k.a Angeline Kim)

Nickname(s): Angel, Seo, Rin, Ray

Date of Birth:03/05/1991

Birthplace:Hoenseong, Gangwon, South Korea

Hometown:Hoenseong, Gangwon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Half Filipino, Half Korean


·          http://wallpaperscrunch.com/thumbs/14/alodia-gosiengfiao-t3.jpg

·         http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/257/f/0/into_the_woods_by_blackmage9-d2ypg7h.jpg


·         http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/28133_386131816746_152138396746_4377655_2308619_n.jpg

·         http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/8829_152141156746_152138396746_3142299_6789430_n.jpg


Ulzzang Used: Alodia Gosiengfiao

Blood Type:AB


 Seorin is a little bit eccentric, Childish and loud most of the time, she’s the type of girl that you want to hang out with because of her out of this world sense of Humor and cheerful disposition in life. She sees things positively and never judges a book by its cover, she always tells everyone what she is thinking or blurting out things even though it’s totally out of the topic, she can keep secrets so well that she even forgets about that secret. She’s a little bit forgetful but tries her best to remember things, she’s clumsy and trips over her own things and even bite accidentally bite her own tongue.She’s like an open book but has so many secret pages that is still hidden. She always smile even though she’s hurt or sad, angry or just plainly irritated. She does not to offend anybody by her actions but she’s a little bit naïve of what other’s feel. she spaces out at times especially when she remembers a thing about her family and her life. she’s a little bit addicted to her mirror (a pocket sized mirror) that she always brings with her. Seorin values & treasure everything that was given to her. She’s a little bit of a prankster and a dare devil that always leads her to take on new things in her life without hesitation. She’s a little bit persistent, because the more that you will say no, the more she will try to make you say yes.She’s quite a fashion Guru that you would want to consult about your styles because her brother influenced her a lot. She’s Romantic, sweet, bubbly, caring, understanding but sometimes rebellious if she sees something is really wrong. At first glance you would say that she is an unapproachable person due to her sharp eyes, but when you see her smile you can feel a comfortable atmosphere around her, she loves to give Power hugs just to help other people feel that they are appreciated, special & loved.


Likes: Anime, Cosplaying, chocolates, hugs (power hugs), sweet & romantic things, fashion, Music, Movies, Cars, EATING!!!, shopping, Sweet foods, Positivity, cats  <3


Dislikes: liars, cheaters, conceited people, Play boys, Rude and discontented people

Hobbies:  Surfing the internet, talking to friends, Playing sports(basketball & soccer), Cosplaying, Shopping & window shopping, EATING!..XD, dancing, singing, acting


Stares coldly(like the way Krystal (f(x)) would stare) if she’s not interested at something

·         Looks at the mirror at least 5 times a day

·         Fixes and organizes things (I like tidy things)

·         Smirks when she’s too annoyed

·         Bites lower lip when she’s thinking so hard

·         Blinks faster if she’s about to do some pranks or if she’s nervous

·         Shows a mischievous grin if she’s up to something


Trivia/Facts :

·         I’m Kim Heechul’s Younger sister

·         I’m an avid Cosplayer

·         I appeared in Trax’s MV “OH MY GODDESS”

·         Has four pet cats named : Berry, Choco, Cream,& Milky

·         Loves to eat but never gains weight

·         A Fashion Guru


Kim Han ni – 45 years old (mother) –DECEASED due to Cancer--

Kim Jae Choon- 50 years old (father) (Business Tycoon)



Kim Chae Hoon – 19 years old (younger Brother)

Kim Heechul- 28 (older brother, SUJU member)

Family Background:

My mom died when I was 15 years old, my father & older brother left us but it was against their will when I was just 8 years old. I forced myself to grow up and be responsible enough for my brother, But before all those things happened I was living a simple & happy life, since our family is in the middle class, we are not poor but we are not that rich too, *well that’s what I thought*, after my mom died, my Selfish aunt sold our house and kicked us out of her life, so Chae Hoon & I traveled to Seoul to see our father, but to our dismay our Grandmother rejected us in their home she pushed us out but Heechul saw everything and helped us up, he pleaded & persuaded our grandmother to at least accept us. Yes she did accept us in her house but after a week she left for England and our dad went back from his job in Japan, during that time I discovered that we are Rich beyond my imagination, but even though right now we a living quiet a luxurious life I still want to earn my own money.Heechul then entered SMent and became an Idol. Chae Hoon & I went to back to school thanks to the help of our father. Heechul usually brings me to SMent, but because some people does not know about me being his younger sister, they formed a gossip that I’m Heechul’s girlfriend.




Other Information



Other Jobs:

·         Model

·         MC

·         cosplayer

How Did You Become a Trainee?:

I was strolling inside XXX mall(don’t know any malls) while eating ice cream and waiting for Heechul & Chae Hoon, 2 hours passed and they still did not arrive, my ice cream is already gone (yes, I ate ice cream all by myself), well due to my never ending craving for Chocolate I rushed straight to a Chocolate shop and bought a chocolate bar. I was so happy that time (I was happy because of chocolates) so I randomly sang “~don’t you know that we both belong, baby, don’t you know that we will last forever?~” (I was singing for my chocolate..XD) when I realized that I sang so loud that people started looking at me, I was about to leave the spot when someone held my hand and asked me if I want to be a trainee I was shocked at first but I regained my senses when I felt that my chocolate was about to fall from my hand. The man reached out his calling card which says “XXXXX CEO & President of Cube Ent” I bowed my head down and left. I was biting my lower lip so hard because of thinking and making my decision. After a few days I tried to audition in cube ent, I sang We Belong (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR4z0KJPoAY) the judges was impressed because of my vocals so they accepted me right away.

Length of Trainee Years: 4

Any song suggestions for the group?:


·         Why Are you Being like this

·         For the first time

·         Yayaya




Stage Information



Stage Name:Ray

Persona: Power house Angel / Energetic Angel

Individual Fanclub Name: RAYSTERZ

Fanclub Color: Purple

Position: Main Vocal, Lead Dancer



Relationship Information



Love Interest: Lee Gi-Kwang (이기광) , Son Dong Woon (손동운)

His Personality:
* On Cam Personality: he smile and gives off a warm vibe, he is both charismatic & playful when he is on stage, he appreciates everything and gives his very best, he sometimes acts cool & cute, and sometimes he acts funny. He is very professional when it comes to work.He acts Kind and caring like a prince

·         Off Cam: he’s still funny, but he does not smile when he sees me, he loves to annoy me and loves to tease me. He is sometimes quiet but most of the time full of energy, he is also a little bit responsible & caring. He does not show what he truly feels and keeps it all to himself, but right after we met and started to fight like cats & dogs he began to open up. He acts a little bit, no not only a little bit.. He acts So Rude & sometimes uncaring

·         On & Off Cam with me:
he loves to tease me and make me feel annoyed but if he sees that he’s going over board he then acts sweet and romantic so that I’ll just talk to him. When we became close or must I say when we had a Friend/ rival relationship & due to the Pretend act, he treats me quite well and takes good care of me.

·         Info:

Ø  Name: Lee Gi-Kwang (AJ)

Ø  Group: B2st

Ø  Position: Vocalist & Main Dancer

Ø  Name that he calls me: Seeyoo

Ø  Name that I call him: Kwangiie

Ø  Name: Son Dong-Woon (Dongwoon)

Ø  Group: B2st

Ø  Position:Vocalist

Ø  Name that he calls me: Saori

Ø  Name that I call him: Woo

How Did You Met?:

I was in the middle of a photoshoot for a Magazine in Japan (I was 18 back then) when B2st arrived, I did not know that I will be in the same magazine as them, so due to my fangirl attitude I texted my brother Chae Hoon who was also their fan. He begged me through text that he wants their autographs. I just can’t say no to my brother so I swallowed all my shyness and asked for their sign, but due to my clumsiness I tripped over a wire and pushed him (either Gi-kwang/ Dong Woon) accidentally causing him to spill his coffee. He then turned around and glared at me. Well I don’t want to be glared at so I glared back, let’s just say for the other people that was there they are all thinking if we are playing a Death Stare game. I said sorry in the end because I know that I was really my fault for being clumsy, but he won’t accept my apology because I Glared at him like I wanna kill him. We then started to fight and compete during the photoshoot and I caused laughter & Chaos around the set.

After a year (let’s just say it’s as if you picked me) we saw each other again (well even though I see him at the company he does not even know that I’m there) in an interview about B2st & QISS we looked at each other intently while whispering words to ourselves, the host asked us if what is our relationship with each other without thinking, I accidentally said that he is someone that broke my heart, I suddenly realized that I said something wrong during that time so I tried to defend it, everyone in the studio laughed because of the reasons that I’m giving but they did not believe that We (Gi-Kwang & Me)/(Dong Woon & Me) did not have any past relationship. I was defending myself while he was just sitting there and laughing so hard. I went near him and asked him to help me even though it was me who got both of us into this mess, but to my surprise he hugged me and then he shouted “I’m sorry if I broke your heart, but this time please give me a chance to fix it”

The crowd went wild and even the members of B2st & QISS started to tease us, I looked up at him with my glare but he just said “Let’s play this game even just for a while, and oh, Smile” I really can’t believe it, he wants us to pretend as a fake couple. When we were given a 30 minute break we talked seriously talked without fighting for the first time we did not fight. he told me that he needs my help that time that he needs me to pretend as his fake Girlfriend so that his mom will not make him go on a blind date anymore, it was the first time that I saw him like that, and I saw his weakness, and due to my Good Samaritan Heart I helped him, during the process of pretending I really fell for him, as in I Really Fell in love…

Friends: Yuri (SNSD), Jessica (SNSD), Amber(F(x)), G.na, Eunhyuk, donghae, Jo Twins

Best Friends:Seohyun, Krystal, Sulli,Key

Rivals and Reason of Rivalry:

Well after our first encounter at the photoshoot, my thoughts about them changed, they are not the group that I once fell for, they are selfish at times & basically Rude, they always love to compete and does not want to loose. They also hide their true selves behind a mask. And that’s what I hate about them, they act as if they are everything, as if they are the best as if they are perfect.


(Gi-Kwang / Dong Woon)
reason: it was during our first encounter, i really hate it when people would glare at me and talk to me in a not so good manner. during the photoshoot, he was trying to make me create some mistakes, he would trip me, or push me at the side. he did not succeed at first but when he accidentally tripped over a cloth, he then blamed me for putting it there, he acted as if he was badly hurt and it annoyed me the most, how can he be so childish? that's what i asked to myself. the Photographer was mad at me, even my manager, they all ignored me and did not even bothered to listen to my side. after a short while they all lectured me about Respecting HIM, i was really pissed off when they Blamed me for everything. when i got out of the set, i over heard him talking to his group:
"Did you see her face when she was blamed? it was so Epic! Really! hahaha" he Said (i know his voice) "she's dumb don't you think? she did not even try to protect herself. and just stood there.!, i really think she was only accepted as a model because she bribed the modelling agency that she is working for! she doesn't even have a real talent!"
after i heard him say that i rushed in and started to argue with him. i shouted at the top of my lungs.
"Urgh! do you think you are that perfect?! for your additional info i'm not dumb! and i know what you did back there! you are a two faced back stabbing lying Jerk! i have all it requires to be here! to be a model! and for your additional info i do have a talent! I'm not like you who trick people! what might your fans say when they will know that you are a two faced..."
he suddenly stepped near me, our faces were close to each other, he then pulled my chin up and acted as if he was going to kiss me.. i was frozen that time due to shock he then giggled and said "Are you expecting me to kiss you? hahaha, that will never happen!"
obviously i blushed and shouted back " You and your group! are all JERKS!!!! You!! Urgh! just wait and see! next time you'll be the one who will be embarassed!"



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kyaaaahhh~ i love the RIVAL STORY ^^