ugh. just no.

So what's up everyone? As you may know, I'm a somewhat awkward IRL college student that has serious problems talking to cute boys #thestruggle.

Well today I started my Critical Race Theory class (for the second time, cuz the teacher hated me last semester and never responded to my emails so I got an incomplete.) And oh my goodness gracious everyone, there is an Asian guy in the class! No big deal, right? Well according to my "friend" (who secretly gets on my freaking nerves) spazzed out and basically out loud said "Look, isn't he your type? Ask him out!"

Let me educate your - Just because A person feels attraction to some Kpop stars doesn't mean I'm only interested in Asians, and it certainly doesn't mean I like all Asian boys. Second of all, I'm a boy and therefore I can't just waltz up to everyone and ask them out. I know that she's white and female and comes from money and isn't uncomfortable at all with flirting, but there are a lot of bad things that come from just moseying my pretty boy up to some guy and saying "Hey lets bone sometime."

Seriously, for one I'm really offended by her acting like I just love all Asians. For two, baby girl I could get freaking murdered if I picked up on the wrong person. Life isn't that easy for me when it comes to that- I have to scope out my possibilities. And bish we are not in seventh grade, I don't need you to walk up to a boy and tell him I think he's cute. UGH. Stupidity mang.

In his defense, the guy isn't ugly. I'm just mad she shoved all that heteronormativity in my face like that. If you don't know what heteronormativity is- its assuming a homoual has the same freedoms as you do, IE I could just walk up to someone without fear and ask them out. 


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I'm an Asian and that is just wow! (˘̶▼ƪ˘̶)
I don't know if...I don't know what to say, eerr... White people? Like..I've never been live outside my country and I'm so awkward with this racism thing (ˊ•_•ˋ)
Then about this hetero (damn! What a hard name! XD) thing... I've never heard or seen it but already hate it.
Okay, I just wanna say that I'm sorry for her..because I think she left her brain at home when she talked to you (˘̶_˘̶٥)
That's all...I don't know what I'm writing this, I just feel like I've to write this because I live in Bali, Indonesia and there's a bunch of White people (I don't like to use this term, tbh) here and I'm just surprise they have that kind of thought..
Okay, I'm done here...seriously, I don't know what got into me...I don't know why I write this (‾ε‾'!l)
I see exactly where your coming from. My friends only think I like asians too. It gets seriously frustrating when they assume that I'm always looking up 'gay asian ' or 'gay asian guys' note these are the exact words coming out of . It really pisses me off when she sees a asian (any asian for that matter, nor does she care for gender) and says "oh look, theres your boyfriend/girlfriend.

I know she doesn't listen nor even cares for kpop (even though she liked Shinee for a short time) but she really needs to check herself. Ugh.

Anyway, I totally get where your coming from, and I give you a virtual pat on the back. Sometimes people say stuff before thinking.
Wahhh dude this is so true.
Like...I always want to be friends with an Asian kid cuz there aren't many where I live...but I don't want to date every guy I see I mean come on.

But...don't sweat it too much. I mean...maybe it was just...being painfully ignorant? Err anyway, I have like a cyber crush on you for realz cuz you are the best thing since squirtable cheese.

And said moseying. Dude my friend and I love that word and we use it all the time XD

Sooooo...I'm done making an awkward comment. >.<
preach bb boy uwu
like idk why people don't get that not everyone has the privilege to go up and start flirting with people????

and oh my lord i think everyone on his website has been asked, "oh, so do you have like an asian ???" like omg no it's one thing to like idols and stars from a different country than you, but it doesn't mean your ualizing them or only want to date them. like, it happened to me pretty much from 3rd grade to 8th grade and everyone's like, "hey look an asian! is he your ideal type???"
I have to deal with that too, except im a girl. But all my friends turn to me when they see asian guys or girls. I mean, I do spazz out in my head cuz im like I want to say hi but then my friends get all in my face and try to be as loud as they can be to get their attention and oh it gets on my nerves. Especially since I have a boyfriend ( whose not asian but likes kpop men tho ) and its like as much as I will joke around, if a cute asian guy asked me out. I would decline because I love my boyfriend.