Our Love Are Genuine application

Username: justify321

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/50753

Character name: Dol ZhangHyun

Age (22-25):  24

Date of birth: 24-Feb-87

Hometown (in korea like seoul, busan, daegu etc) :

language: Korean and Fluent Chinese


Family history:

He is brought up in a simplistic environment, where he is taught to treasure his friends and family. He stays with both his parents, and his grandmother. He is an only child. His friends are always around him, loving and caring for him. Because of his personality and looks, he is very well known in the neighbourhood, and also very protected by the neighbours when trouble ever comes knocking. His family is a musically inclined family and encourages his singing activities. His parents were once part of a neighbourhood band when he was young, and was inspired by them ever since. The only problem is that, if his parents finds out he is gay, they will kick him out of the house and disown him.


He can be a very stubborn person at times, and always helping others and never taking care of himself. He is very picky with food, and likes to keep fit most of the time, with the occasional sinful indulgence of ice cream. He is very outgoing and likes to mix with friends, but he can also be very over protective about them as well. He is always cheerful and brightens up the place with his eye smile.

Whenever he feels depressed, he starts eating ice cream. He is always meeting new friends and hanging out with them, never sticking to the same clique. He and the gym cannot be apart, whenever he has free time, he will hit the gym. He also loves to show off his body and is very narcissistic.

Any siblings:


Top/Bottom (3 top & 2 bottom needed):






likes (+5):

1) Ice Cream

2) Music

3) Movies

4) Gym

5) Feeling loved

6) Animals

7) Cold Environment

8) Tight Clothings

dislikes (+5):

1) Oily Food

2) The Dark

3) Being Lonely

4) Heights and Depths

5) Being Rejected

6) Melted Ice Cream

7) Snobbish People

Habits (write as ert as you can):

1) Tends to Unconsciously Take off Shirt

2) Talking very Loudly

3) Picky with Food

4) Likes Tight Shirts

5) Looks in the mirror whenever he passes by one.

6) Whenever he sees someone he likes, he will always think of something ertic

7) he loves touching himself and being touched

bestfriend: No Minwoo because he also has a for tight clothings

How do you want do fall in love with your partner: When we were still in practise, he made me mesmerized by his looks and he wore such tight jeans that so much.

where do you want your first kiss/ night to be: I want it to be in the practise room just after practise when everyone is all hot and sweaty

/ not :

what position in bed scene do you want: The dominant top whose body is forever touching the bottom

Stage name: DC

Talent: Is able to lift something two times his weight and Singing

Position in group (Leader, maknae, appa, sensitive): Leader

(main singer, main dancer, lead dancer, main rapper, lead rapper): Main Singer

rival (can be boys or girls): none.


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gamdum #1
thanks for your application