Heenim is back!

'WHAT WHAT HEECHUL IS BACK?! ( ・◇・)?(・◇・ )'

oh mang. that's me when I first logged in my twitter. I was like O_O

you know, I haven't online for like a month, so--

ignore that juseyoong~ ^_~ /slapped for acting cute.




HE'S BACK. Heenim is back. /is dying here.


oppa. heenim oppa. you know what? you're an amazing person. I love your attitude, tbh. my idol. omona. I love your craziness, weirdness, omg you're like one in a million. I love your diva-like attitude, tbvh. /flips hair like a diva; clears throat. so, I'm waiting for SJ call!!!! weeps. I really anticipate SJ comeback with Heechul in it. omona. you nam sayin'?

okay so that's it. I have nothing to say. mehehehe. I sarang you, Heechul. muahsx



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