Have you ever? (Short Rant)

Have you ever just stop to think of the position I'm in?

Have you ever just stop to think of the hurt you caused me?

Have you ever just stop to think that I hate it too?

Have you ever just stop to think that I've never ever done those things?

Have you ever just stop to think of the times where I helped you?

I really can't believe how much I lacked compared to them. Just because of my status and some ing competition, we're over. Wow, just wow. 

I kept this inside for long enough, and I'm tired of just allowing me to be the one hurt. 

Cause I'm freaking hurt too. 

How fake were we, to have you break my heart in such a shallow way. 

Simply because of my




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Are you alright, unni? As much as I wnat tp barge in, I won't. ^^ Let it out - that would be better. But don't think of it too much. It's just another obstacle to pass. Move on but live on the learning. It will seriously help for future purposes. ^^

Also, whatever you are talking about, lovelife, friendship or whatsoever (coz I seriously don't know), just because of a shallow reason thy break up with you, then that means they're not right to be with you.

You are such a wonderful person, unni. And when it comes to relationships, being true, and trusting, status doesn't count. Whp cares about that anyway? (whatever. If your popularity decreases, who cares? You're still you - nothing changes.)

Good luck, unni! Fighting! :D
Are you ok?
Hope you feel better soon.
This may sound cliché but everything happens for a reason. Something better will come along soon! HWAITING!
Are you ok?
Problem dear?
Want some help?
Unnie, what happened?
You know you can talk to me, right?
Saranghaeyo! <3
I have a feeling it's about me. Probably it's not, but I still feel a pang of guilt in me. Sorry unnie. I'm dying to talk with you but, yeah~ Love you<3