Handwriting Meme

Got Tagged by CyJinliTurtle

1.  Handwrite your name.

2. Handwrite all of your usernames used on AFF.

3. Handwrite where you live.

4. Handwrite your favorite number(s).

5. Handwrite three words that descibe yourself 

6. Handwrite the song that is stuck in your head right this second.

7. Handwrite the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word 'bananas'.

8. Handwrite the first 10 words that comes to your mind right this second.

9. Handwrite your name with the hand you don't normally use.

10. Handwrite 'hello' in three languages 

11. Handwrite or hand-draw the first emoticon/smiley that comes to your mind right this second.

12. Handwrite a short message to 5 people that you're tagging.

13. Did you do the homework Hanbyul assigned to you?


So here goes my handwriting...

Imagine those bunnies on the pad as me~ hahaha!

I took the pictures with my phone, so I directly uploaded them on my instagram. Haha!

So... how is my handwriting? ^^;

Oh my... you could see my fingernail too.. hahaha! 

I guess it's a good thing I painted my nails before doing this meme~


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hae_ki #1
ahahahaha... lol.. i got tagged d.i... ahahahahha
literally one month after pa nako nabasa. OTL
AFF should work on getting an app nah, at least for updates and stuff kai sooooooo out of aff na kaau ko Y_Y
cge himo.on ko ni... latersssss
Will do this soon ^^
Keke thanks for the tag
On the last question, I was a bit confused XD Hanbyul... He's from Led Apple XD
it's good :) neat..
you are so neat!
It reminds me about being tagged the same game, but I still didn't do it.. I should;-;
Hanbyul? Jang Hanbyul? From LED Apple? kkk~ he's an MC in After School right? hihi.
This looks fun btw. ^^
aah~ it sounds fun! i wanna try it too!
xD i'm so happy when i see my user-name on your note..:,)
your handwriting is nice (compare to mine) lol xD
What's your IG name?