Reasons why I have been MIA

Right. So some of you guys may have noticed that I haven't been updating anything recently. I'd been hospitalised for five days beacuse of a bad case of food poisoning (NEVER eat anything if you suspect that it's off. The five days were hell, and nobody deserves to go through that. Take care of yourselves), three of which dasy I had no access to the computer. And on the fourth day, for some reason, my computer refused to connect to the internet, and I was only able to update on the fifth. After which, my five-year-old laptop decided to go bottom-up on me, i.e. it crashed. The only good thing that came from that (five chapters of planning, two almost completed updates and other stuff got lost) is that I have a shiny new laptop now.

So...these are excuses reasons for my lack of updating and general inactivity, and I'm here to inform you that I'll be updating real soon.! Thank you for your patience! <3 (P.S. DaeJaetheBestOTP, I feel so terrible... when have I ever updated on time??? And I know how you hate it when people comment to tell us to hurry up.................. *melts in shame and flows down the drain*)


Gif dedicated to DaeJaetheBestOTP, the most patient author ever.

Also, I'm writing this post to tell you guys that I will be gone completely from AFF for a month and two days after I update all my ongoing fics once more, because I have End Of Years in 33 days from now, and I HAVE TO FOCUS if I want to get into the Junior College I'm looking at right now (sheesh. The stress of studying in Singapore... I even signed myself up for night study sessions everyday. I have no life now.)... Is anyone else aiming to get into Hwa Chong??

Anyways. I beg for your patience once more in waiting for this sluggish author and her updates, and I hope you guys continue to support me like you wonderful people have been doing for a while now <3

Cheers, and bye for now!

Hopefulagain xo



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Oh my, well, I'm flattered to be mentioned here.. XD
I know right! food poisioning is the worst. I had it two years ago and the worst part was that i thought it was some random simple ulcer and didn't tell my parents untill too late. Thankfully i didn't go to hospital. I hate hospitals.
I hope you're alright now. Take care of yourself?
And congrats on your new lap top!
Don't worry, your readers will wait patiently for you. After all, your study is more important!
Good luck! ^^
HELENee #3
That sounds horrible! Food poisoning.. wow! Good you're all right now!
I bet all of us will be patient!