WSS to me? Part four: MinWanSik Edition plus other stuff about the I've forgot about Jun Young and Kevin

MinWoo: I love that he's close to Kwanghee and that he dances well, he seems so friendly, he's just so adorable.

Siwan: very handsome. His looks really stand out! I appreciate his voice and I think he is talented. I like that he seems friendly. And oddly, a little aloof. But I think that can also be attributed to that he is brainy, and seriousish. He really does seem like Heo Yeom. Although I've only seen bits of the first episodes of the show. From what I've seen, I like Siwan's acting, too. I can't find the clip-- was it in their introductory ze:a tv series? where he goes shopping in a girls' store. I love that he's a fashionista. My favorite color is pink, so I'm glad he likes pink the way he does, too. I hope he keeps shining through the kpopisphere and have a happy, enjoyable life!

Shikie: He is so sweet, cute. I like that he's tall, affectionate, loves his parents, that he likes food, that he's funny, that he wanted to be in Real Men, that he's in it, and how cute he is when dancing. I love him with his hyungs and also his innocent face.  I enjoyed watching him in Romantic and Idol and his personality played a huge part in me loving ZE:A where I am today. I like how he sings in GOW and that he does musicals. I'm proud of his success with acting.

I forgot about Junyoung: he seems like he's really talented with music

Kevin: I like that he plays the piano and that he's Aussie. His voice is perfection. And when I mentioned him earlier, check out his braids! HAHAHA!




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hopelesswriter #1
something random...Siwan's association with pink may be widely known n acknowledged but in one of their old interviews....Siwan actually chose a different favourite colour...n Kevin chose pink instead...xD